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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Forget about that. Despite winning a massive amount of the ball, almost every single one of his kicks tonight has been long to the forward-line, whereupon it is marked by a St. Kilda player and swept effortlessly back where it came from. If he lowers his eyes a bit, his possessions might be a little more effective.
  2. Perhaps, but he's still not pathetic.
  3. Don't call Melbourne players pathetic.
  4. If Cam was finished then he'd be out of the team. The fact that he isn't means he's not, if you follow me. Strauss wasn't good last week. Should we just go all-youth, do you think? I'm glad you're not on the selection panel. You have no idea.
  5. Couldn't agree more. Have nothing to add except to say how right you are.
  6. There'd probably be a few people here who aren't even old enough to go to the pub. But for those of us who can, it's worth it if you can find a good one to go to.
  7. This. I'm glad they stuck with the guys who got us so close. Not that close enough is good enough, though.
  8. Chook

    Pick Me

    You're right, they aren't. So why deny them the opportunity to do it this once? What's it going to hurt, besides your idealised values of who "deserves" to wear the jumper? I think you're the one on the high horse, doling out edicts as to who does or doesn't deserve this or that.
  9. but you could do that at any time Davey marks the ball, just as O'Brien did on the week-end. I'm not saying that it's a game-changing tactic, but it could give us an easy goal (if only once), and anything that does that is worth considering.
  10. I think it might be a good tactic in the following circumstance: Behind is kicked. Whoever is closest quickly grabs the ball and kicks it in to Aaron Davey in the back pocket. Man shepherds the way O'Brien does, allowing Davey to run his full measure and spot up someone on the wing who turns and kicks to a leading forward. The extra 15 metres a quick guy like Davey could get might make the difference between a fast, smooth entry into the forward line and us breaking down on the wing.
  11. Man, I tried watching that thing last night and fell asleep so fast. It didn't help that it was almost midnight, but man, talk about a lack of personality. I just kept staring at that dude with no hair and wondering, does he shine that every night before he goes out? It was hypnotising.
  12. Wow? KB has guests? I'd have thought his show was just two hours of him mumbling to us all about how great he is and how he's right about everything and "Kevin Sheedy should coach Richmond, you know. It's about time they got Danny Frawley out of there. Where's my mashed pears?"
  13. So obviously every other team gets the plague and the rest of the AFL season just consists of Melbourne playing Richmond once a week, every week until September. The horror . . . the horror.
  14. When Garry mentioned that Matthew Lloyd had been attacked by a lion cub, I half expected him to end it with "be careful, wee Lyons are dangerous," to which Sam would respond "especially the hairy ones."
  15. I'm actually fine with the joke. Just at least follow it up with ". . . because there's no way we'll play well enough to beat that many teams," or something.
  16. I read that. It kind of ties into what I was saying about the way he tackles and that he's not going to stop because it's legal and damn effective. So again, I don't blame him, I blame the AFL.
  17. Don't you just love people who think they're good because they picked the club with the most supporters? Newsflash - it takes guts sticking with a team that not everyone at your school or workplace supports.
  18. Yeah, thanks for that. Have you ever been wrong before, mate? Would you prefer I delete the post where I apologize for being wrong, or the one where I'm actually wrong? Or neither? Why don't you stick to talking about football rather than making snide comments about other people's posts. Why single me out anyway? There are others in this very thread who have talked about how their ins and outs were right.
  19. There better not be cheese on those sandwiches, or else . . .
  20. Chook

    Pick Me

    That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I'd like to know how the hell a girl is supposed to "earn" a melbourne jumper. What about a guy with one leg, or cancer?
  21. Can't make the side. Newton has him covered for forward/ruck replacement, and our backline is set, so he doesn't seem to have a position to play. Newton was serviceable in a side that all but won, so I think the FD are just rewarding a team for their effort, and don't want to make too many changes - which I would agree with.
  22. Looks like that oval is in need of a bit of grass, don't you think?
  23. Nobody owes anyone anything, but it's good to be right once in a while.
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