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Everything posted by Chook

  1. On the upside, Jack Fitzpatrick has looked promising. His intensity is high, and well it should be.
  2. Jack Watts has been pathetically lazy tonight. Unbelievable.
  3. What if Beamer had infected the rest of the team? If you're sick and there are others to replace you, then working is likely to damage the health of your team, as well as reduce its effectiveness. Have you ever tried to do physical exercise when you're sick. You suck at it, plain and simple.Even the 40th player on our list would have outperformed Moloney that day, so he was extremely selfish to not drop out.
  4. But it's not selfish, and that's the key. Putting oneself before the team is very very bad.
  5. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm sick of hearing things I already know. If Range Rover knows everything that's wrong with the club, why doesn't he give us some ways to fix it?
  6. Anyone who doesn't have Rivers in our Round One lineup next year has rocks in their head. He's been in our top three or four players this year (Jones, Howe, Clark, Rivers).
  7. To me, Beamer is like a very specialised animal who thrives in a thin band of favourable circumstances. But the moment those circumstances change, this creature is doomed because it can't adapt. You can cling to past achievements, but it will never bring the dinosaurs back to life.
  8. What consenting adults do in their spare time/as a professions should be their business. Restricting AFL to 21 and over goes against what it means to be an adult.
  9. Moloney won a BnF under BAILEY, not Neeld. As we all know, Dean Bailey's view of what makes a good footballer is more than slightly flawed.
  10. No, we need high work ethic. He fits the bill.
  11. Green said himself that the players were unprofessional. He didn't say he was able to turn them around. Surely if he had been able to do that, he would have talked about it proudly.
  12. Malthouse could never have coached last year. Hell, he can't even coach until October of this year because of his contract with Collingwood. Also, A Bush joke? Aren't those about 10 years out of date?
  13. The ability to increase cardiovascular fitness and muscle mass are not mutually exclusive. You could run 10k, then turn around and bust out a full upper body weights routine back to back if you wanted to. The muscles used for each are totally different.And the best part is, once you're done, you get to eat food and lounge around playing table tennis if you want. It's a win/win/win.
  14. I find it amazing that a former captain would talk about his team-mates' lack of professionalism as though he had no power to change it. If it were me, I'd be saying "When I became captain of the Melbourne Football Club, I took it as a fantastic opportunity to stamp out any hints of unprofessionalism within the playing group. It took time, but I knew it was my job to guide the rest of my team-mates and improve their perfomance as much as I could my own." Brad Green = Not a Leader.
  15. I just got some bad news about my grandfather (pancreatic cancer), who turned me on to the Dees when I moved down to Victoria as a kid. Hopefully my grandpa and your pal Ray can both pull through and watch a Melbourne Premiership one day.
  16. Say what you like about the sport, but one look at a Rugby League player will tell you they sure know how to work a gym.
  17. Would it be a problem to you if I were?
  18. That was the strategy that brought us to the crossroads. It's a bad idea, and the fact that it's your go-to strategy is worrying.
  19. Get a life. It's a bunch of sweaty men kicking a ball around a field.
  20. So if you're not being optimistic, it shocks you? How ominous.
  21. If you understood the point of his post, you would know he couldn't give a toss either way but will support them because they play for Melbourne, rather than create a storm in a teacup and ride their agenda all the way to market (talk about mixed metaphores).
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