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Everything posted by Chook

  1. No, because it reflects positively on us. As you should by now be aware, we suck at everything - all the time
  2. Watts and a first round pick for Gumbleton? Are you insane? I wouldn't even swap Watts for Gumbleton and a first round pick.
  3. You need to watch a bit more Star Trek if you think this thread falls under the category of "logical." Good God, Jim.
  4. What if senior coaches have so much on their plate that they can't focus on the midfield as much as they would like? If we picked up Ratten as our midfield coach, could he get some results from our midfield since he has no other things to worry about?
  5. We should target Indian immigrants/international students by bundling a Bushrangers and MFC membership together (or something similar). If we play on one of their interests (cricket), perhaps we'll create another (footy).
  6. There's no such thing as ghosts. Also tanking.
  7. How can you say he has a clean slate when Dean Bailey was given 4 years? If Neeld has a clean slate, then what did Bailey have?
  8. Get with the times. It's a new millennium.
  9. But that was twenty years ago. Things have changed, and what happened to Fitzroy won't happen again.
  10. "Mick, we're looking for someone to take over Range Rover's role as 'most prolific poster,' and we think you've got just what it takes."
  11. It was McKenzie. Eddie McGuire called it as Blease, but it was definitely McKenzie.
  12. I'll go on record and say that barring the complete collapse of civilization, NO FOOTBALL CLUB WILL EVER FOLD, MERGE OR RELOCATE - EVER
  13. The media gives us no respect, so we shouldn't bother giving honest or useful answers until things change.
  14. Bail was in a pretty tough situation. His opponent was right on the edge of the field of play so he had to tackle him forcefully, but the fence at the 'G is close enough to the white line that if you execute a tackle like that in the outermost legal zone, by the time you've finished your tackle, your opponent could be in the third row with a broken tibia.
  15. But you can make a diamond out of it. All it takes is pressure and time.
  16. Well that doesn't make sense. Either you believe him, or you're 98% sure. You can't be both.
  17. It's pretty easy to come up with Nic Nat stats when they're plastered all over the newspapers. We're not full-time statisticians, so don't expect a thesis on why Jack Watts is better than Nick Naitanui. But remember, any Nic Nat stats you use should be from last year since he's a year older than Jack Watts.
  18. I heard that about Jolly, but I thought Thompson was a gun.
  19. So you're saying that won't work? I'm confused.But seriously, forwards kick goals because mids kick the ball to them. Therefore, if our forwards aren't kicking goals and our backs aren't stopping goals, it's really because our midfield sucks. If one student fails, the student is at fault. If every student fails, the teacher is at fault.
  20. We should throw a small fortune at Cameron Ling.
  21. The only way to break the cycle is to recruit people in all areas who have experienced success (nothing short of a Premiership counts as success). Neeld (a product of success at Collingwood) knows this and will be actively trying to pick up mature age players from successful environments this year.
  22. The thing that worries me about Watts is that he actually does have elite physical attributes, but he doesn't use them. He could not gain another ounce of muscle for the rest of his career, but still be a great of the game with the physical tools he has right now. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem like it will happen. "Jack Watts marks strongly out in front on a lead" is a sentence we should hear ten times a week. I've never heard it once in his entire playing days. Great endurance, tall, good hands and super quick. He is all of those things, but doesn't put them to use.
  23. How come he dislikes Daniher?
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