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Everything posted by Chook

  1. My preference is that we play players that are in our best 22 if they're fit enough. End of story.
  2. I wear jeans more often than I listen to this guy. I don't wear jeans...ever. This is the only denham I care about:
  3. I'd put Kent head to head against Brent Harvey. Make him accountable. Jetta goest to Thomas and gives him a bath as he has done to many far better men this year. Grimes plays the third man up, punch-everything-in-sight role that he is so bleedin' good at (and gets bugger all credit for). Rest of the match-ups as you say.
  4. I must have blocked this game out of my mind, because I can't remember a thing about it. To lose by over a hundred points to North bloody Melbourne is embarrassing in the extreme. That I regard North as only slightly less repulsive than Hawthorn does nothing to lessen my desire to see them ground to a pulp by the irrepressible meat-slicer that is Paul Roos footy.
  5. My mum used to be a Richmond supporter but now she couldn't give two tots about football. I consider that a win.
  6. Now there's a man whose thumbs are not a problem for him.
  7. Does this look like the picture of a man who has made up his mind to leave us?
  8. Finally got around to rewatching the game in its entirety, and I could not believe how many goals Jordie McKenzie was involved in. It was like..."There's McKenzie...there's McKenzie...McKenzie again...and again...should've been a free to Frawley there, but it's okay cause there's McKenzie." Destroyed Stanton and provided the quick handball out of the pack that won us about five or 6 massive second half goals. Easily his best game of all time. Also, I vastly underrated James Frawley's game. He was a colossus all match. Should have kicked another goal from dead in front, and sometimes his chasing wasn't very good (but honestly I don't think he could have affected many of those situations anyway); but other than that he was spectacular. Part of me wants to grab the pick so we can on-trade it for a ready-to-go mid, but another part of me just wants Chip to sign so he can become the world's greatest swingman for our club and not for Hawthorn or some other random team I hate. PS that marking contest where Crossy opened himself up and drifted in front of the oncoming Paul Chapman is just about the bravest thing I've ever seen a person do on a footy field. He is very very lucky not to be in hospital right now with half his ribcage lodged in his guts.
  9. Damn, man. That is some SERIOUS ball movement. If we can get even close to that, it won't matter who's in our forward line. We'll carve 'em up every week.
  10. Compare Frawley's body language to Dawes'. They are very different, and you can almost calculate the margin based on just how different they are.
  11. Only because the way we play means we're always in a position to win.
  12. James Frawley is great when he's winning or in a position to win. I just think he has been so scarred by the last eight years that he (consciously or subconsiously) doesn't see the point in putting in 100% effort 100% of the time because he thinks (or knows) that it's very likely not to matter. He'd be a giant in a good team, but I think he's Moloney-like in his perpetuation of poor culture. It probably is no coincidence that we've been so bad all his career.
  13. Perhaps the distinction is "points against" (69) vs "goals against" (10.8). 69 points against could consist of 0 goals 69 behinds per week, while 10.8 goals against may REQUIRE 10 actual goals, but could equally consist of 10 goals 69 behinds (or any number of behinds, for that matter). I'm just guessing though, because it's pretty confusing either way.
  14. Watching 360 for the first time in months. I have to say, it must be very tricky to sit next to Mark Robinson without feeling like you're babysitting your drunk uncle.
  15. I look forward to seeing that little pretended get shown up.
  16. Chook


    Good sentiments, but I'm sure you meant to type "arse." Tradition is important, even if it is a little behind.
  17. Wow! How many husbands would buy their wives a whole flagpole? Oh, and "X0th" to me translates as "100th."
  18. My theory is that it only appears beside OPs with lots of likes, but since most threads (let alone OPs) suck we never get to see it.
  19. Nope. Cam Pederson is. Dunn was a fringe AFL-level defender last year. Pedo was a straight up VFL-level dud. Not any more, and all credit to him for that.
  20. We won the "goals-for" count. That's a pretty important stat.
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