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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. I think our kids would do more for Trapper than he would for them. And about that last point - you obviously do care about what others think. Otherwise you would get a blog and disable the comments. Then you can yell at the ocean - and accuse it of groupthink - to your hearts content.
  2. Oh! ye'll take the high road and I'll take the low road, And I'll be in Scotland afore ye! Thanks to HT removing my post from another thread this is out of place and without context. Basically, you cannot accuse someone of taking the low road and tacitly imply you are taking the high road while using 'low road' means. Paradox. Word of the day.
  3. It's subjective though. Many on here would think of me as a [censored], but many would think the opposite. Who decides? One thing that could happen is that there should be a 'credibility meter' tied to your ranking as 'Red and Blue' or master Demon or whatever they are called. As you say things that are petty and rude it affects your credibility. I would also include irrational arguments and statements without a hint of fact or thought.
  4. Can we rastify it by 20 per cent or so? You're not asking for much...
  5. Just as an aside (the argument is really an arument is it?), I am concerned about the idea that reading newspapers is not a good way of forming opinions. This is what people like Sarah Palin are doing to our society - don't read these biased newspapers! Get your info from what? Forums, blogs, and the homeless guy that washes your windscreen even though you said that you didn't want him to but you feel guilty so you give him a coin but you only have gold? If you are informing yourself from these means; then this sentence is an oxymoron. A paradox.
  6. Got a letter said there were over 9000 MCC members signed up already. So well done to all us MCC members!
  7. The guy was dropped multiple times by both. Stick to the 'he's a talent' part because when you slip into the 'his attitude wasn't that bad' argument it's on a sand foundation this idea of yours.
  8. While we point out how great a draft that was it should dawn on us that we felt the exact opposite around the late 2007 - early 2008 mark with a 'destined to be cut' Garland, a 'lost' Frawley, and 'OMFG he nearly died on the field' Petterd. Really makes you think...
  9. Yeah, it's not that persuasive on the face of it but the premise of HO007's argument is that he will be made a vet so we don't have to make more room for him. Actually, it's not that persuasive... I'm a not really 'in' this argument. Recruit back TJ? Just not going to happen.
  10. AoB is right we lose money if TJ is a vet. Green is $225k and Bruce will be around $150k worth os savings under the rules of two vets. If TJ is on the vets list we will have savings of $150k, $100k, and $50k for Green, Bruce, and TJ respectively. $75k worse off if you will.
  11. If Bruce is still playing AFL in 2014 one of these following three things would have to have happened: a) We had a massive exodus of players including Jamar (eligible for the VL in 2013) and Davey (2014) which meant there was no point in moving on Bruce as a vet. bee) We failed to pick our mids well enough in the 07 - 09 drafts and must continue to play a 34 year old flanker. c) GWS or GC are struggling to fill their lists. He could play in 2012 if he is injury free - but that is it. We are trying to win a flag, not ease players into a respectful retirement.
  12. Well, you did bring up the option. So you were the first to tacitly say "look it up yourself, wankas!!" Paraphrasing. We loved TJ but we moved on and we want him to be happy but we didn't like ouselves when we were with him. We're better off without him.
  13. rpfc


    It's pretty straightforward really. But I can understand how you would have some problems 'getting' it.
  14. Fev cannot get onto the VL until he is 38. Probably won't be playing then.
  15. rpfc


    He's 14. What do you like to eat?
  16. Yeah, Daniher had this issue where he wouldn't play people he didn't think were up to it. Just odd.
  17. I have faith but the expectations are high enough. And we are Melbourne supporters...
  18. I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Chris Lamb. I remember a number of people were adamant that Lamb was the future of our backline if only Daniher could be persuaded. He wasn't and he wasn't.
  19. That's ok. Emulation is flattering, really.
  20. My avatar is a paintshop job. The actual one was without the blue IIRC. It didn't look too bad and I am expecting something similar for our next corporate logo.
  21. I know I am one of the more arrogant posters on here but this would have to be up there with some of the 'best' stuff I have written. Wow.
  22. It will not happen. It's a massive risk to a player we paid a high price for. And we didn't draft him to be a part-time ruck.
  23. Well I don't think it is first and foremost. But, secondly, I don't care that the AFL link doesn't look great.
  24. Should we care about how it looks on those things. Or should we care about how it looks when we have a massive crest made for the offices at Olympic Park and Casey. If you can't see it properly small, then I guess people are just going to have to make it big... Too much going on... We ain't selling cereal...
  25. Talent is in the eye of the beholder, E25. It's a good point, crankypants.
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