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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. "Dunn could be a CHF over time." I suppose that 'could' and 'over time' water down your statement. Perhaps I am missing more forum etiquette about such watering down procedures? And, hey, no need to get emotional... Dunn is a good, ordinary player. He is a role player that needs to conitnue to step up or he will find himself out of the 22. I really struggle to see how he can bring about such high praise when he has played half a season of consistent footy.
  2. Would love to see a fit and firing Moloney as captain. Would understand Green having it for a couple. Would understand Davey getting it. I think it is down to these three and my preference would be down to Moloney, then Green, then Davey.
  3. Well I would have thrown this pick at Sydney or Brisbane to get a FF/ruck so I am in the FCS let's get a FF/ruck camp. But when you are picking 18 year olds - you really should go for the talent. But by all means have a 'tall player affirmative action' plan...
  4. Very early for this thread but... Martin, Warnock, Maric, Strauss, and MacDonald might be superfluous. PJ and/or McNamara could push back their fate a year...
  5. Superstar? Really? He played a good negative role on some HBFs for half a season. It doesn't make him a superstar CHF...
  6. It's a moot point - he was delisted last year and picked up as a rookie.
  7. When you get a patent on something IP Australia have to put it on their website as a matter of course. So democracy was the problem, not Land.
  8. I agree that all is not lost if we don't get a Wellman replacement. But that has little to do with Viney and more to do with the fact that we have 1 forward coach, 2 midfield coaches (if you read it like E25), and zero backline coaches. Williams should be able to slot into defence if that's what they are thinking - or do not want to overspend on the FD.
  9. Unfamiliar with Ology for quite a while; are you referencing R25?
  10. Yes, and it was my understanding that Williams went from being half/half to a full time Dev coach. It certainly intimates as much on the website with his blurb on the website. Although he is given the title 'Assistant Coach.' I guess we will wait and see...
  11. Really good day for the club. Just as an aside - I noticed there was no mention of Mark Williams with O'Donnell in the Development team. Williams was made a dev coach two years ago. I wonder if this appointment has meant a restructure with Williams going to take charge of the backline and, therefore, there will be no need for a coach to be sought for the position vacated by Wellman. He's a good coach in his own right, Williams... That's my guess. Could be wrong.
  12. I'm just saying, if you are unwilling to read beween the lines (or in some cases - the lines themselves) you won't get a true account.
  13. I agree. It reminds of the blownup kefuffle in Cuba in the early 60s. The actual time line reads like this: Cuba had nukes. US saw the nukes. Cuba got rid of nukes not two weeks later. End of story.
  14. At some point we are going to have to bite the bullet and recruit (and maybe trade more than we want to) a big bodied FF/ruck. The reason why you can't build everything you need for a flag through the draft is because talls, especially rucks, take longer to 'come on' than mids. Taller players in our top 25 players were drafted in 2001 - Rivers, 2002 - Jamar, 2004 - Dunn, 2004 - Bate, 2005 - Warnock, 2006 - Garland, and 2006 - Frawley. This is opposed to our rebuild drafts that our flag tilt is made up of: 2007 - 2009. In fact the only taller player that is near our 'best 21+1' at the moment from the 'rebuild' drafts, aside from Jack Watts, is Cale Morton. And I don't know if he will settle into a KPP, in fact I am pretty certain he won't. Moral of this post: You can't build an entire premiership team through the draft. Bailey didn't have to worry about tall defenders and a number one ruckman when he arrived, and built the rest of the team through the draft. Now he needs, and the rest of the FD evidently agrees, that we need a FF/ruck. We only get that in October, and I am ok paying a little too much to get that last piece of the flag tilt puzzle.
  15. It is superiority complex or superior attitude. The first one makes more sense. Yeah?! What of it? Seriously, some of you people need to stop taking yourself so seriously. When you think I am attacking you personally - I'm not. Fact remains that Geelong overpaid for Ottens but got a flag. I wouldn't mind getting a really solid FF/back-up ruck in these two years and being shafted in the deal. I want to win a flag.
  16. I agree that some on here have an unhealthy reverance for draft picks. I am looking at you Deeluded! However, I'm pretty sure that Hale would have been a good option for the price we wanted (or a little bit more), and I am sure White would have been a good option for the price we wanted. But the theme is 'the price we wanted.' Obviously, White was a lot harder to get than you thought and the price on his head was too exorbinant. There is little point getting a FF/backup ruck if you are jettisoning another vital aspect of that flag-winning team. I was disappointed we didn't fill that need but we have a couple of years before we hit our window to find that FF/backup ruck so we time on our side. We will be looking in October 2011 and that's ok. I don't care about finals appearances, I care about flags.
  17. The facts have changed slightly in that we didn't get what we wanted in trade week. PJ's use, however small, was not snuffed out. The problem is, however, that we need spots for Picks 49 and 52 or whatever they will be. Unless the FD rate Johnson and TMac as more value than those picks I am afraid they are gone. It would be a bit of a wasted trade if Pick 52 is not used from the Cheney deal. However, if you look at it from the POV of moving Cheney out so TMac or PJ get a reprieve - then it is a success. Again, it depends on your view of the players mentioned. I really feel dirty talking about players that are in the bottom 4 or 5 on our list. Surely they do not require such attention? Eh, that's football. A bunch of idiots arguing the toss.
  18. The fact that it doesn't look good on paper is meaningless to me. Whatever they do with that pick, it looks good to me. Johnson may get a reprieve here, or McNamara. For varying reasons Cheney was more expendable than either in my view.
  19. I would give Pick 12 for White let alone the non-deals that are 'Maric and Pick 50' and 'Maric and Pick 32.' Sydney wouldn't even go for the Pick 12 deal let alone the package of 'crap and crap = awesome' deals that those latter two are.
  20. I think he's gone. We have upgraded two rookies and are running out people to delist.
  21. Yes, but Hale gave us a forward and some ruck relief for Jamar. I would prefer Johnson to ruck over Westhoff. He's an option but he's a waif.
  22. With McKenzie and Spencer on the list we now have only freed up 1 position so far with Green onto the VL and Miller and Bell delisted. So if we love that pick 32 so much, and a lot of posters think it super-important to our future, we have to release a few more players. Do we want a PSD pick? No? Ok, then. But we still need to release 2 players at least before the ND. So Johnson and ...?
  23. I think by 2012 Watts would be more solid than Westhoff. I am really looking for a more solid type. And a better ruckman.
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