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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Criticism isn't abuse. That's a statement that could be put in a sticky thread i reckon... We are at Casey for a reason. And it ain't about training accessibility or facilities.
  2. I have owned you on many occasions. That isn't really true, but a good comeback never-the-less. Undeserved, yes. Not very good at smack talk.
  3. I cannot believe you are still sticking to this argument. That same article in which you profess as proof of our contempt, there is the mention of Bruce on less money at the Hawks!! So we gave him an unacceptable contract that he was so annoyed with he then promptly signed for less money at a club at which he doesn't have his best friend playing in the team (eyes rolling emoticon). He wants to win a flag. Stop the hand-wringing and realise that he left for his own reasons and not because we pushed him out the door. Imagine that - being offered $300k, rejecting it, and settling at another club for less and still getting people to believe you were pushed. I've said it before - the guy has NPD.
  4. Look, I agree with the ranking you have. Although, Davey I think is catching up to Green (they both have their leadership qualities). But Beamer is a player that this club doesn't usually embrace. And I don't mind his passion. It's white line fever and that spark will win us a few games in the next few years, especially if it rubs off on some of the more timid players.
  5. Second that. I was just half-fooling around. When you are a Victorian living up north you hear 'but' and 'hey' at the end of ever sentence and it grates. Oh boy, does it grate...
  6. That was sensationalism from Ralph, hardly the words of Cameron. And we don't give him a 'trigger' for a second year and that is contempt? If that is true then Cameron has been treated far too well by the club over the last decade...
  7. Not directly. He may have been annoyed we halved his contract. But even then he is getting well paid. He is going for less. He wants a flag. And that is fine, but grow some pine and tell us...
  8. Where did he say that? And we offered him a f@cking contract!! On around $300k! How is that showing him the door?! Bruce is not Harvey or Bradley. Let's just take the glasses off for a second. And he is fit, great. Then he should back himself to play in the 22 in 2011 and get that second year. Ther was a space for him on the VL. It was all there for him. But he wanted a trigger for 2012 or that second year in writing and with our talent being ten years his junior we had other priorities. Cam Bruce could have stayed and had that second year very easily. He wanted a flag so he has [censored] off, and that's fine. I just wish he would come out and say that so some 'keyboard heroes' would stop embarrassing themselves...
  9. Bullsh!t. Macca was. And he can leave. I have said that is fine. But he hasn't said why he has left other than vague 'i have to think about his future' even though he is only on a year long contract albeit with a trigger for 2012. He wants to win a flag, fine. But come out and say that. You do realise that he is probably on less at Hawthorn? They have less space and we had him on the VL. All that adds up to him taking a pay cut to go to the Hawks.
  10. No it's not. I know what you are trying to say but I would hope that Scully, Trengove, and Watts achieve a great deal more than TJ.
  11. I don't understand this post. One vet means a rookie can play from Rd 1. And why do both Jamar and Spencer need to be injured before Campbell can play?
  12. Put those things at the beginning of the sentence and everyone is happy! And no-one gets hurt...
  13. If I have learnt anything from being in Canberra is that I prefer the 'but' to be at the beginning of the sentence. Thank you.
  14. As good a time as any to reflect. Great talent. Really enjoyed watching him when he was on. Talents I have seen: Schwarz, Lyon, Johnstone, Jakovich, Jurrah. In that order. High esteem. Best kick I have ever seen, period. A shame, but an enjoyable one.
  15. Going from the Amateurs to the AFL isn't as easy as it used to be. We need to go in with two ruckmen. Spencer is fighting it out with Campbell at this stage. I say Campbell at this early stage.
  16. No, he decided he wanted a flag, and he is too weak to come out and say that. He keeps on mentioning his 'future' - he didn't get younger moving to Hawthorn... And if you are a 224 game veteran on the coin he was on - you should take the $300k we offered. He didn't because we won't win a flag before 2012 (his last year) and that is that.
  17. When we lose 'Scully or Frawley or ?'? What excitable tripe. Classic MFCSS. And both parties were not happy. We gave an effing contract to our vice captain and he said no.
  18. This 'realist' is anything but. Does it take a relaist to know when White, Yze, Robbo, and Miller should be pushed aside. Does it take a realist to know that the club offered a 31 year old a solid contract and he refused of his own free will. Does it take a realist to know that list management is, especially at the bottom of the ladder, a ruthless game. I guess it doesn't take a realist...
  19. If you are refering to the 'fact' that rookies cannot play unless someone is injured or until Rd 11 - you are wrong. I believe having 1 veteran means we can play a rookie from round 1. If a rookie does play - I know who my money is on.
  20. As a Melbourne supporter I must react thusly: Hex!! You just put the mozza on us!! We gonna lose now! And Scully is gonna leave! And my mum is gonna leave my dad! (Sobs) Nah, we should win that. Edited because 'mom' is American and 'mum' is...not?! Probably English?? 6 of one...
  21. I know! I saw that. He always seemed incredibly self-involved and arrogant but only the truely narcissistic can give one reason for leaving a club and then immediately give an incongruent reason for going to another club. Guys got NPD. Anyway, shame. We move on. GRIMES!!
  22. We have an All-Australian ruckman and some want to turn him into a FP in lieu of a VFL ruckman? Get real. He will be in the running to play the backup/FP role like Spencer and Martin and good luck to him. He is the same height as PJ but at unlike Paul - he is aware of his height. It could work - all he has to do is attract the ball and bring it to ground.
  23. What are you talking about? I have been pretty consistent. Nathan has written a nice piece. He can be criticised as he has his own website. A poster shouldn't have to apologise for saying it is self serving - it literally is. Take my advice and let it go. You won't win.
  24. There is nothing wrong with that post C&B. Let it go.
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