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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. C&B - I'll give it one more go. Your argument, as it began, was that you would like people to give their expectations in terms of wins for 2011. You then said that the wins in 2010 are not representative of our season. Therefore, what is the effing point of giving a 'par' score when you can grab your scorecard and say 'the green was slower on this hole i'll take a stroke off' or 'the ball hit the lip so that was so close, i'll take off a stroke'? Unless we are a top 4 team - which I do not think we are. I don't care if we finish 7th or 10th. I do care about lessening the number of I50s that Colin and James have to put up with, giving Trengove some time on a premier midfielder and some time across half back, getting Spencer a chance as ruck, getting Petterd up the ground to make sure he is a rounded footballer, and giving games to Blese, Strauss, Tapscott, et al. to see their potential. This is how I have measured the progress made under Bailey and it has enabled me to see what others miss.
  2. In the post that the lunatic is referring to you made the same play on words that I have bolded. And if it isn't the delightful double meaning joke that you have regurgitated twice now - it is 'what' not 'watt.'
  3. Yes, injuries permitting we should be playing for a finals spot when we go to PA in the last round but I don't like hard and fast measures while we are still building. I want to see Watts play CHF more, I want to see what Strauss and Blease and Tapscott have got. I want to see if Spencer can ruck in an AFL-intense game. I want Scully and Trengove to learn different roles to make them more complete players, but I also want to expose the kids to the pressure of a good midfield. It all adds up to more progression toward a flag but lessens the chances of doing well in 2011.
  4. I understand that this thread is about self reflection and the unfairness of some supporters' attitudes. But get your hand of it, DD. Or name all the 'quasi-witty, passive aggressive geeks who love to stick the boot in.'
  5. It's all good and well to say 'let's move on' but who will we be watching Round 2? I will watch Cam looking awful in his trakkies, Moloney posturing like a bull, and Hodge attempting to pry Brent off of him.
  6. We really can't do smack talk...
  7. Really? Because if there was one player over the last few (sometimes) dark years that lifted other players and fans - it would be Aaron. Green was fantastic last year and you are only as good as your last year, but let's not forget what a bloke wearing 36 has done for us during some tough times.
  8. That is Schwab's blog. We are lucky. I look forward to watching them grow in 2011. But if they don't win X amount of games I am going to have the blowtorch out! And questions will be asked! And we will complain to afternoon radio! Grr!
  9. No, not that one. They are all starting to annoy me though, and there overuse.
  10. Yes, yes. Credit is yours. They have obviously confused Neville with Lewis.
  11. I was under the impression he is one-in-a-generational talent... I know we want to posture in case he leaves but let's not kid ourselves - it would be a massive blow.
  12. You missed the point of the thread, very badly. And criticism is a part of the game. Players are going to get it. This thread is about those that get it unfairly, or without fair reason. You don't see that because of the first line in this post.
  13. Can you point out DA's propheticness? I'm aware that isn't a word...
  14. Hey! I didn't have the graphic but Jaded... Hey...
  15. And I gave my opinion on your opinion. Sunrise, sunset. I was glib, though. And sometimes we don't need to be.
  16. I didn't believe I was. There is just a different 'median' outlook between the two sites. Some say it is a myth. I don't think so. Just my opinion.
  17. The latter, hence the stupidly annoying cigarette smoking Demon that I just hate, the swarmy little thing. Did I mention I don't like a particular emoticon?
  18. sar·casm   /ˈsɑrkæzəm/ [sahr-kaz-uhm] –noun 1. harsh or bitter derision or irony. 2. a sharply ironical taunt; sneering or cutting remark: a review full of sarcasms.
  19. That's what spending too long at Ology does to a person.
  20. Thanks, JCB. It's about time you came around.
  21. From reports we offered more, which makes sense considering half of his money can be outside our cap. I'll drop it when supporters realise Cam Bruce left the club and that we didn't force him out in a show of 'disrespect.'
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