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Everything posted by rpfc

  1. Jamar? A whipping boy? And we have an AA ruckman but you would prefer him at FF?
  2. As C&B has already established with his desire to claim wins from honourable or close losses. I get frustrated on here when posters don't provide arguments. It's strange though to have a poster provide an argument but not understand it.
  3. That pick 19 would be after the first round. Old55 fixed it after my comment. So before the '8' and after our 1st round pick... That would be Pick 10 and (if we finish 7th) Pick 13. So we would have 10, 12 and 13. Still not good enough.
  4. You are basically saying that our win/loss record for 2010 doesn't reflect our performance. You are basically saying that the win/loss record reflect a teams performance. Ugh.
  5. And yet, I would say that Davey is more of a clubman than Brad. Not meant to disparage Brad; Aaron is obviously heavily invloved in the club and the youth coming through. They will both do a good job. I don't see Aaron's behaviour on field as embarrassing the club. May be the making of him on field. As it also might be the making of Brad - from a professional to a professional leader.
  6. So Pick 10 and 19? That is getting there but hardly adequate for losing a #1 or #2 pick should it come about.
  7. What are you doing?! And Sheedy is talking about the pre-siging of state league players that GC did and annoyed clubs with as they were basically stealing things the clubs usually get for free and then selling them to the clubs at inflated prices. The clubs whinged about it. Said they wouldn't co-operate with GWS. Sheedy said 'yeah, you will.' End of story. And there isn't more to H7's ramblings...there's less.
  8. No. He would do well to be in the leadership group in 4 years time with Davey, Scully, Grimes, Watts, Trengove, and Frawley.
  9. Come on... Yeah, he has turned his career around but... Come on.
  10. No my problem is that i'm seemingly not fluent in crazy.
  11. Well, my main point was you were being unreasonable. My secondary point was we lost games because we deserved to lose. My third point is that having targets in terms of ladder position and games won is arbitrary and unfair - hence the reference to Mark Thompson as the two-time Premiership Coach who wouldn't be a two-time Premiership Coach if Frank Costa placed hard and fast measures on the team. We should be close to making the finals injuries permitting but as long as I see our best players progress (those 22 and under) I will be satisfied. I want to win a flag. 6th place finishes do not excite me.
  12. Ugh. And this sentence makes no sense (suprise...). Literally incongruent. Scully staying is a point of fact, and his character can be the reason for that but it does not mean that others believing Scully won't go is wrongheaded or nonchalant. We are all dumber because of your nonsense in this thread, H7.
  13. Yeah, missed the Chaddy bit. Sorry about that. But to answer the question of what cut we get from the AFL store - it ain't much. Like a gold coin on a $25 item...
  14. To many supporters buying a singlet is just as important as buying a membership. More important even. Because when you buy a singlet, you get a singlet. But when you buy a membership, you don't get a singlet.
  15. That is nonsense, C&B. I'm defeatist because I didn't think we should claim the game against Freo 'a game we could have won' if it weren't for late misses? Does PA count the Darwin game the same? Do we diminish close wins on the same argument? I wonder whether we were 9 goals to 2 up on a team and we got home would that be considered a loss. I mean, come on. We were outplayed for a lot of the Freo game and the Hawks game was a case of hanging in there when the weather allowed us to. Never really felt we were a chance.
  16. They come from China and they go straight into their bank account to fund their nasty Fusbal habit.
  17. Ha, no. Go to to Vic Market and ask where they get there soccer replica shirts and where the money goes. They'll laugh at you.
  18. That's 11. And we could have lost that game up in Darwin. We had 7 wins, 4 close calls and a whole lot of losses. We're flag threats!
  19. Great. They, and your good self, really should be buying from Brunton Ave... Just saying...
  20. rpfc

    Best 18

    I'm eager to not work if you need a learned judge.
  21. Ugh. Can we please put in place a moratorium on the use of the smoking Demon? Still crazy, HO. Beware the Tigers!! For reasons I won't divulge, but are super powerful!!
  22. I think that pressure gets to even the best players, I would hardly fault his development. In fact, I would say that for him to have such an impact on a game to the extent that he did on that day was a positive sign, not a negative one.
  23. What is the timeframe you envision? I think of 2010 as his first year, so 2013 to begin to hold down a primary forward position (whatver position that may be)with consistently good performances? Who thinks I am kicking that can down the road too far? Because I think Jack coming along to that extent at 22 is a big task.
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