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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. All players are to a degree selfish if not an ego then would struggle to play at this elite level. I'll say this there are two sides to every story and Beamer can feel miffed at his treatment!! Ah for the favoured few who can do no wrong! Beamer Best and Fairest Winner MFC 19 odd Brownlow votes in a sensational year. I year later he is gone, questions need to be asked!! I cannot believe those on this site who judge without intricate knowledge!
  2. Try to understand that any opinion is just that!! I am, I believe a passionate Demon which is why I post passionately! rightly or wrongly any opinions not consignant with your own still are my own and after 45 years of support and a few other bits and pieces I can and shall be entiltled If you don't like it bad luck!!! let me ask a question Is anyone who doesn't agree with everything this club does a Troll?? This is the fundamantal ideology of free speech! Or do we swear bloody loyalty to everything! Don't Like what I say??? stiff Biscuits ! Go read a bed time lullaby! And to stick to thread, I like Cameron Pederson and believe we should pursue him, End Of Rant!
  3. And in yet another fantastic piece of player management our 2011 Best and Fairest just walks away!! I don't beleive all the bultish about not doing hard yards not conforming et al IMO We have lost out again big time! Just watch Beamer Rip it up with the Lions. Good luck Beamer, a true Demon gone! Pity
  4. If we miss out on Dawes and or Pederson I can only conclude that , alas we again are totally incapable of clinching deals which give us some hope! Shattered yet again? And please don't bring up an unproven Hogan!
  5. Caveate Emptor gentlemen!! Please yourselves if you want to get ahead of yourselves! I'll just wait and see!
  6. Gee we are so very very easily satisfied!! Hogan will not even be available till 2014 and we are already doing summersaults. Lets just all wait eh and salivate later !!!
  7. Mods can we close thread he is of no further interest to us and is a Board clogger!
  8. Won't be happy if we cannot get one of Dawes or Pederson!! Epic Fail if IF so!
  9. Ridiculous if IF true! Pick 20 for Ray...... groan Cheezus H Christmas , I'll be happy when this apparition, bedevillment, gut wrenching trade fiasco and rumour file filled menagerie is over !
  10. And if IF Hogan takes time to develop???? Where are we then?? Given our great record of developing players( not) I would hope the DEES do the Daws deal TODAY!!
  11. I disagree I would definately part with pick 20 for a big bodied proven premiership player who would greatly assist Mitch Clark for a couple of years!! Oh I forgot we already have this type of player in spades!!
  12. Robby played at 17 Watson at 15 surely if good enough........
  13. This is absolute lunacy, and IF confirmed as in above info from Jonesbag and in link to another thread "Is your support of MFC unconditional"? Not if this trade ensues! What is going on?
  14. Very Harsh dee old , given our superb prior ability to develop players, I would expect these two to become absolute champions! show some faith man!
  15. Jack Viney A man for all seasons it seems Summer: Ivor Warne Smith/Checker Hughes Autumn: Ron Barassi Winter: Norm Smith Spring: Robert Flower Pick whilst still fresh and in harvest!! Methinks Fence!
  16. Why do I have an uneasy feeling about this?? Gee I really hope we end speculation and just take him at our first opportunity!
  17. Re Juice yes you are correct total ACL but amazingly apparently he did it and keep playing on.! Pity because the way he had been playing he was a realistic chance to have been picked up again for AFL if my mail is/ was correct! Several clubs were monitoring closely!
  18. I'll say it now this club needs to act as decisively as it has NEVER done before. If we lose out on getting Viney by playing smoke screens and mirrors, It will have huge repercussions for a long long time I have seen this kid play and Boy do I like what I see. I can see a conflict of interest here and Todd Viney is at the crux of it. IMO it is HIS call as head of recruiting and if he calls out his son at Number 2 I will be very happy and if not why not ! This is almost nepotism in reverse!! In my opinion he is almost in a no win situation here. I almost reckon he should publically come out and declare that he will have no input into this decision because of family pressure. Time will tell and I hope this doesn't end up biting us on the Rump!! Think combo Of Sellwood, Scott Thompson and Dane Swan and you end up with.... Jack Viney take him at earlist chance or the devil take the hindmost!
  19. To slow and skills not up to it. Who could forget his hopelessly inept effort in being 30 metres out from goal on a set shot and ... failing to make the distance! Yes hard as nails but in this quickening game lack of pace and skills are telling! A poor man's Valenti and look where he is now!
  20. Stefan Martin was/ is a developing key position back, a useful backup ruckman and a pathetically inept forward! If any mismanagement took place it was the brainiac that thought versatility is the be all and end all of all player development and as a result this situation ensued! IMO I reckon we tampered too much and now find ourselves trying to manage our own ineptitude to develop players. Stef Martin should by now have developed into a really good centre half back but alas he is tradebait. Pity for all concerned!
  21. Rivers is much much better than Garland and light years ahead of McDonald, who still is not a bad player. Let me put it this way Rivers on song makes it look easy a lot like Matt Scarlett ,which is why I can see Geelong are into him big time, what concerns me though is, in pursuit of other's we neglect our own! Riv our Garry Hardeman of the new age> Let go at your peril !! Keeper absolutely!
  22. I'll say it again pick 13 and Martin for Dawes and Wellingham!! Do the deal??
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