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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Yeah well the jury's out on that one! And it begs another question can the coach Coach?
  2. Just came on trade radio Morton for pick 88 according to that source!
  3. Correct on all counts. Jordan Gysberts was/ is a great coachable young fellow. He has had some shocking injuries and the only thing he lacks which was not instilled into him last year was CONFIDENCE! He doesn't lack a tank he lacks confidence. I'll spew everytime he plays well and he will at Kangas I'll put money on it. I certainly hope Neeld knows what he is doing because his quick fix would want to work immediately. If Not???!!
  4. Morton and pick 49 for Pederson is more like it!
  5. Busted jaw/ cheek and crook ankle, your being a bit harsh! Sheesh
  6. This has got the potential to really take a big bite outa ourarrrrrrrrz
  7. Yeah well that happens when your Captain plays more than an injured teammate!! Happy with Trenners year were you??
  8. You are gasin, Dunne,J Mac,Martin ( Who cannot play forward) That'll do for a start!
  9. Well ... Trenners had a great year then didn't he!?
  10. I want to keep Gys, but alas if the footy dept don't rate him and he stays !!??? It will be very interesting to see what unfolds!
  11. Jordan Gysberts is IS a tremendous young fellow who can PLAY! He has been a victim of more than his fair share of bad luck through injury! I do not like the notion that we trade a good kid who through no fault of his own has not managed to get games on the park Who can forget his first few games in the Red & Blue??? If we are to trade this fellow for Pederson Cheeeezus we better be right about this! What are we doing trading a player who will play 150 PLUS GAMES Oh I forgot .... Its the quick fix .... we picked up David Rodan Hey Neeldy , not starting to feel some heat to perform on the quick FIx?
  12. Yep I too was gutted when Stanley Neil Alves departed !
  13. Bulltish, what a ridiculous trade, if Saints go with this they need a change of coach and Match Commitee! Cheez I wonder about this sometimes.!
  14. Stef Martin .... Basketballer who can play Football to a degree! Was a good Defender Is a useful Backup Ruck Hopeless Forward with little awareness and questionable Kicking. Surpluss to needs if Spencil continues improving, Gawn comes back and Pederson arrives. IMO
  15. I spose vagueness of form and maleable terms as "Rant" can be taken as the most vehement way of getting a point across! I have used the venacular "Rant" in this context of "Expression of opinion" not extremely nor with malice just as Expression nothing more nothing less. You'll know when I fire up, but this wasn't the intention with that particular post. Cheers "Fence" Ps I would still love to get Pederson (Even with sans reported Issues) over the line and having seen Faren Ray's highlights package I must admit I may have misjudged him . I reckon the package as Mooted in the HUN this morning should be pushed with everything we have. Go for it Dees!
  16. And just throwing it out there.... Where does that leave co Captain Trengove? Where can others see him playing given this Potentially "Star Studed" team ? And whilst pondering that question here's another If Wines or Toumpas et also arrive that will make spots very, very competetive!
  17. Gary Hardeman, Brett Lovett, Laurie Fowler, Rod Grinter, Anthony Ingerson, Tas Johnson and finally ....Paul Rowlands!
  18. Nup I reckon the exact opposite because it was the shoulder area it remains questionable if he is able to push weights to anywhere near what he ought to to build up those arms of his which resemble chicken wings at best. If anything it will put him further behind the eight ball.
  19. Yep wholeheartedly agree, Just is as is! Would rather trade up then move onto next "Deal" For far too long no-one but no- one wanted to come to our club except for Clarke last year. A premiership player who wants WANTS TO COME TO US ... We need to swing on the dovetail of that deal and strike NOW! Culture change starts with this bloke I feel! Don't argue just do it!
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