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picket fence

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Everything posted by picket fence

  1. Was he ever in favour?? Reasonable but limited skills are now seeing him out, Now that we have depth! The surprise for me is how several who are less skilled still get named! I think you know the two or three whom I talk about!
  2. Let's now stick to the main question ??? DID ESSENDON PLAYERS TAKE EITHER KNOWINGLY OR UNKNOWINGLY "BANNED" SUBSTANCES?? YES OR NO! No ifs or buts either it is YES or NO! IF the answer is unequivocal YES ( As I reckon it will be then Punishment PLAYERS "BANNED FOR TWO YEARS" HIRD SACKED BOARD STANDS DOWN ESSENDON OBLITERATED ! Game Over!
  3. 6 POSITIVES Quick ball movement and switching during first half Jamar taking it up to and beating Will Minson who I rate highly Frost continuing to develop nicely Salems rebound across half back Tyson's game starting to go to another level Improved effort and intensity from Toumpas ( even though he faded like many 2nd half) 6 NEGATIVES We effectively played a second rate outfit who showed us up in the second half The over reliance on HOGAN already Jordy Mc Kenzie ( how he gets a game totally mystifies me) To a lesser extent Matt Jones kicking efficiency very average Is Colin Garland getting slower? We still haven't got a player who, when a game is up for grabs Or is in the balance can grab it by the scruff of the neck and create a matchwinning sequence ( IE A GAMECHANGER)
  4. And if you knew you would be congratulating Paul Roos and our footy department for showing such GUTS in making the decision they did!! We were not that keen to keep him! He is now Geelong's problem! Move on!
  5. Bartlett was a Failed Coach at Richmond who knows not what it takes to mold a team into a premiership winning combination!. Ralphy has no "Football" pedigree that I'm aware of! Opinions are like Bum holes, everyone has one! Bartlett also held a grudge for years whinging about the fact that he would never return to the club as long as those who sacked him were still there! A loser's mentality if ever there was one. If people want to agree with Kev and Ralphy's Gloom and Doom, then that's Fine! I am tipping the DEES to be the Monster improvers this year!
  6. Fact is we should win both games against Gold Coast and Greater Western Shizen CONFORTABLY this year. If Lynch plays or doesn't I don't give a toss. About time we started to back ourselves in . We must start with a win first up and I believe we will! Our development depends on it! I would be flabbergasted and shocked if we don't win first up this year. For a lot of reasons Losing this first encounter is potentially catastrophic! Sick to the back teeth of starting out with a loss Round 1 Lets win and win well!
  7. I have just found out that there will be a live stream of this. Check the AFL website, Does anyone know how this works and how to obtain it on line??
  8. Positives 1 Lumumba ( sensational tonight!) 2 Frost 3 Newton 4 Vannnnnnnndaman 5 Garlett 6 Salem Negatives 1 Grimes 2 Garland 3 Jordy ( seriously what does he give us?) 4 M Jones 5 Mc Donald ( still gets outbodied) 6 AAAAND Toumpas! sorry, cameos don't cut it!
  9. Thought I would wait for the dust to settle, BUT agree with all you have said! Problem is replacements!
  10. Mindnumbing rhetoric from Brendan Goodard today in the Hun. Welcome back James Hird, so glad you are back, our saviour, deliverer of salvation, purger of all evil. All hail King James! The brainwashing is now complete!!
  11. I Captained a Winning Grand Final Cricket team losing every toss in one season! What does that tell you?
  12. Well, Bohdan was obviously so good that he is still with us is he?? I actually agree, I also would like to see if our situation under Misson has improved our soft tissue scenario I think I also would like to see our "Soft tissue" wrap sheet over the past three years! Look at Hawthorn they seem to manage thse type of injuries better than anyone else! You know credentials and credibility are two totally different things! I remember Neil Daniher when he walked into the club getting rid of Bikes as a fitness Builder and what did he replace it with?? Running! His rationale was, we are footballers not Tour de France athletes. Yes I do think some stats might be welcome here for some specific comparisons!
  13. If Terlich was on Garlett, alarm bells would be ringing!! Garlett very good opportunistic crumber/goalsneak. I think that if this is so I wouldn't think Terlich would be the answer in holding down an oppositions best small forward!
  14. All the best supreme being! I'm sure at 34 +you will bounce back very well! Remember "Pain is temporary, but glory is forever" Nice touch! Cheers "Fence"
  15. Cheezus Just when I thought shhheit things are looking up. F*#! all this talk of Curse, I am not superstitious, but sheeit when is our luck going to change! Cheezus I'm Ropeable!! Grrr Seriously peed of!!
  16. Cross proven, hard, creative ball winning capable, HBF Toumpas needs more than "Training Form" to get a gig IMV Gawn maybe but rotating on and of the ground not on a HFF And another HOWE?? HFF??
  17. Are you serious?? You would have Toumpas instead Of Cross across Half back??? Cross was a revelation last year. For him to miss is unthinkable! I would like to see Toumpas playing a few Brilliant games for Casey across HBack before even considering him to play instead of Cross! Salem across Half Forward line for me! Brayshaw to get a gig in the 22 possibly replacing Michie/ Gawn! Gawn at Half Forward?? Nup!!
  18. The good side of me says Yeah sounds like a viable proposition!! The bad side of me says... "They have systematically held the AFL and the integrity of all other clubs to ransom" We all know what they have done! Feverish collusion of clandestine innocence, to save face for a few miserable individuals are very transparent and dishonourable! The bombers need to see that, loss of inner cabin pressure ,results in almost fatal demise!! So be it !! They have brought this on themselves! Let the Devil take the Hindmost! Absolutely!
  19. Well well well, Ollie Wines Bigger, Stronger, Fitter, in short a human wrecking ball Elevated to Leadership group eh! Ah what could have been for us! Sigh!
  20. Really cannot believe how Hird still Still and I say again STILL says "Its about the players" Wrong James, it is and has always ALWAYS been all about you and your huge ego! Your zero understanding and self righteous justifications now cloud what was, an excellent playing career and is now, perhaps almost forgotten. Whatever you have done in a previous playing life, whatever qualifications you think give you brevity and credibility, whatever "Good Will" you built up with the AFL and others is now eroding into the abyss! And do you know what James, there is one person to blame for the maelstrom you have put your club through! Do you know who that is James???
  21. LOVE the balanced thoughtful approach! Each man a diiferent cat!! Reckon you will see a real team banding and bonding together this year! Go Dees
  22. A slightly better man's Alex Georgio! Not in my best 2015 team, says plenty! Would want to have a MONSTER year to justify staying on list IMO
  23. Yeah but don't forget MEGA successful coaches Neil Craig and Mark Neeld will have everything under control as each player is "Training the house down"
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