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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Well, what else would they speak in ‘Murkey? #shoodaKnownNotToEngageInABattleOfWitsWithCol
  2. There was so much to unpack in that last two minutes, and unpack it we have. But I just wanted to make another point: how cool, calm and collected was Max in that final play?! First that mark, he made it look effortless. If you just saw that mark, not in the context of the moment, you wouldn’t think so much was at stake. His demeanour didn’t change one iota. Then a few steps into his run up the siren sounds, he stops, glances up at the shot clock, walking backwards to recommence his run up. He was so composed, so focussed, so calm. Unbelievably chill. What a legend! I’m sure I’m not the only one who hasn’t come down from the clouds, yet. (Not planning to anytime soon, either. 😊)
  3. What is “shiffy” in American? 😁 #pickOnColinDay
  4. Kudos to Clint for keeping his sh*t together during that piece. 😆
  5. Do it!!! Your age doesn’t mean a thing. As for pain, a little discomfort is what it is. Look at it this way… it’s a drop in the ocean compared to the pain you’ve experienced as a Dees fan. 😉
  6. Boy, you weren’t kidding when you said dark, haunting and depressing. Nor were you kidding when you said beautiful. 🙂
  7. You’re right. You know I love you. That’s all that matters. 😊
  8. Great point! That’s what you wanna see.
  9. Another ginger over here. I’m all for ginger unity but I don’t think I could ever love Clarrie the most. There’s just something about him. In any guernsey other than ours I feel like he’d annoy the crap outta me. Love Jayden. Again, there’s something about him, but in a good way. 😁
  10. So I should cancel my appointment to get this tattoo?…
  11. We’re not talking full sleeve tattoos or full legs etc. According to my hipster son, the totally in thing is getting little individual tattoos, usually colourful and not screaming “I’ve done time!” A great example of this is Tom Liberatore. And Josh Bruce being another. Yes, Libba jnr’s tatts aren’t the best but that style is what’s trending right now.
  12. I wanna get something like this on my inner forearm… this is a rough idea (spacing is all wrong etc.) but it’s along those lines.
  13. He looks like a walking notice-board.
  14. I was kinda expecting some Marilyn Manson or Slipknot in there. 😄
  15. Autocorrect is a spectator at our matches?
  16. OMG. Did you make this? It’s so good. Insanely good. Great choice and placement of music, too. Rage Against The Machine and at the end, Johnny Cash’s Nine Inch Nails cover. Perfect. Please, please post it again if/when you update it. And thank you. Coz since Saturday night it’s been like a good 3-4 hours since I last cried for this club and I felt something was amiss. 😊
  17. Everything! That’s what’s wrong! Some proofreader better’ve got the sack for this!!! 😁
  18. Heads up… long-ar*se post incoming! Peeps might wanna put the kettle on. Or pour a nice glass of red… I was born in 1964 (195 days before the grannie). My family migrated to Aus from Ireland in 1970. My siblings (lots of em coz Irish Catholics 😉) and I hated it here as we had no friends. After our first day of school in Australia my older brother told us if we wanted to make friends we simply HAD to follow footy. He said it was imperative for survival in this new country (he was right!). Because our ship had docked on 29 Sept, grand final day, and Carlton had won, he decided that’s who we should barrack for. The rest of us younger kids blindly followed. And so it was. A family of diehard Blues supporters. My brothers and I went to every Carlton home and away match every Saturday arvo. But early on, something strange happened: this team called Melbourne kept catching my eye (and soon enough my heart). For years I was in denial. I thought I barracked for the Blues. I was a member, I went to countless finals including the GFs of ‘79, ‘81 and ‘82. I had a duffel coat with Bruce (11) Doull on the back. But one can only lie to oneself for so long. I knew it was Melbourne that I loved but didn’t have the heart to tell my older brother, whom I adored. I knew it would break his old dark navy blue heart to know that my heart was beating true for the red and the blue. 😞 In 2000 my brother tragically passed away. It was then, and only then that I came out of the closet as a Dees gal, which I was all along, only nobody knew. Upon hearing it though, and in hindsight, a lot of friends and family were like, oh that makes sense, thought you were a little too keen on your ‘second team.’ Another of my brothers said he wasn’t surprised since he’d never seen someone so happy to see an oppo team’s player win a Brownlow (Brian Wilson, 1982). 😁 Anyways, that’s the story of my undying love for the greatest footy club in the world, ever. Ever. Since the dawning of mankind and even a little before that. ❤️💙 Just remembered this one time when my parents, who were by no means interested in footy, saw Stynesie on TV and since he’s a Dubliner too, were instantly enamoured by him. My dad said “I don’t know why you barrack for Carlton. You should be barracking for the team that this man plays for.” And I thought, if only you knew!
  19. Thank you sooooo much, IHW! This is awesome. I especially love the K-Rock commentary; they didn’t even bother to hide their chagrin for Guthrie and Close. 😆
  20. That is interesting. Especially since Salem is my very close second favourite.
  21. Great article. Thank you for posting. He is now officially my favourite player (soz Jayden). 😁
  22. I love this story, Macca! And how good is this thread?! Loving all these precious memories being shared. ❤️💙
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