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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Oh, I did not know that. But yeah, of course he is ‘injured’
  2. Methinks Mitch Hannan might not be terribly upset at the no crowds thing. He won’t have to hear anyone booing every time he goes near the ball.
  3. They’d need to move mountains to get him to Selwood’s standards. Soooo much to learn: staging, sooking, dropping to his knees when tackled, kissing up to the umpires, and so on.
  4. We win + Essendon and Collingwood lose = great weekend.
  5. Great article. Thank you for posting it. In particular, I love this...
  6. A week’s a long time in footy. This time last week a bunch of us on here were having a good old-fashioned whinge about the loud music playing at the ground pre-match. Now the harsh reality of not being able to be there tomorrow night has sunk in. And quite frankly I’d happily sit through an entire Justin Bieber album at 150 decibels if it meant being able to watch our boys run out tomorrow night. ?
  7. Well now that you’ve said it, you owe it to ppl like me to explain it. Please. It’s for the greater good. Otherwise ima have to go through life thinking it means what comes up when one googles “He had Goodwin’s dog” which is... ?
  8. What does this mean? I laughed when I read it and now I’d like to know why I laughed. ?
  9. Phew, thank sweet baby jesus you found that. I wouldn’t have got a wink of sleep tonight. ?
  10. Yep, coz it’s all about the ?
  11. The only beneficiary amidst all this is Collingwood: it takes the spotlight away from the hot mess their club is atm. But fear not, I have total confidence in them to once again jump onto the front burner.
  12. A little humour never goes astray. As Dees devotees it’s probably what kept us going during the wasteland that’s been the last half-century. ?
  13. I hear ya fellah. ? It wasn’t exactly the end of the world for me, either. In early March last year I went to spend three weeks with my son who lives in Warsaw Fast forward seven months and I was still there. Best seven months of my life. Of course I had to feign frustration with every cancelled flight with my fam back here. They’d be like, “Mum, when are you coming back??? And also, where do we keep the towels.” All-male household... what can ya do?! ?
  14. Maybe next time don’t have four packed trolleys-full and you might not cop the greasies. ? Poo tickets are like gold right now.
  15. Clearly ‘be prepared’ means go out right now and clear every single shelf of every single supermarket of toilet paper. Not a single ply is to remain! Coz, embarrassingly, that’s what is already happening.
  16. Now on the news they’re saying Tigers vs. Crows match may have to be moved to Adelaide Oval. Suffer in your jocks Tiges. ?
  17. I liked when channel 10 did Saturday nights coz I liked “Before The Game,” the show that was on, well, before the game. But I didn’t like that they ran the clock up. I prefer the clock running down so as you know when the siren is gonna sound.
  18. Back then people used to say that they put on a delayed telecast so as to run two ads after every goal instead of one. ?
  19. Why not throw in a pint each of their blood and the promise that they’ll each surrender their firstborn while you’re at it. ?
  20. So refreshing to read your response, LITD. I just left the covid thread coz it’s a little unsettling to read some of the posts there. Ppl responding to one another with unnecessary aggro. Well done, you! ?
  21. Slow is an understatement. There are glaciers that move faster. If we were in a less successful position than 9-1, I reckon it’d be addressed posthaste.
  22. My sentiments exactly! But only Test cricket, right? Pyjama cricket is ok. And BBL? Well, it’s just not cricket!
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