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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. It would be wonderful to be the first to beat Geelong this season.
  2. I’m worried about folks who wanna read about how we’re gonna get belted in the next two matches. They’ll undoubtedly go to the pregame thread, and won’t think to come to this thread since it’s a NON-MFC THREAD!!!
  3. Would love for it to be seanmháir but it will likely be babcia (pronounced Bub-cha) since she’ll be born in Poland.
  4. A new member who helped get us to 60,000. Signed up a fortnight ago… My granddaughter 🥰
  5. Most of us, yes. Core group of naysayers, not so much.
  6. Higgins plays for St Kilda. So no, he’s not on the AFL darling list.
  7. It may’ve seemed that way, but only in comparison to what we’re used to.
  8. Luke Hodge is (unfortunately) here to stay. Why? Because Channel 7 clearly believe that being a former player automatically makes you a great commentator. End of qualification criteria.
  9. NOOO! HIS NAME IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE DISCO… Coz if nan calls him Disco, it’s Disco 🥹
  10. I wasn’t having a go at you. I’m sorry if it sounded that way. It’s just so hard to watch a team who deserves to win but is denied a fair go. Free kicks 23-8. That alone is awful but Dixon in front of goal earlier this quarter amongst many other similarly bs frees just kills any enthusiasm. I can’t imagine how Saints supporters must be feeling.
  11. The Saints DO have this… that is, they should have this, only they’re being stymied by blatantly unfair umpiring
  12. If the Saints win this they deserve eight points. This is an uphill battle for them because they’re playing while hobbled by the atrocious umpiring.
  13. What difference does it make? Port were always gonna win.
  14. This is unwatchable. The umpiring is crippling what might’ve been a good match. It’s so unfair, I’m absolutely furious and I’m not even a Saints supporter. And the hardest part about it is that nothing will be done about it.
  15. Exactly what I was thinking! I wondered if they at some point realised how ridiculous they were being but were too deep into the conversation to stop. Luke Hodge in particular sounded like he was realising the stupidity, mid-sentence. 😅
  16. Uhm yeah, I also was joking. Clearly neither of us knows a joke. 🤷‍♀️
  17. … and not coming close to Freo. 🥱 Not while Mitchito Owens is playing! Also Brad Hill is being called “Hill” not “Brad Hill” by the commentators. This is sure to befuddle @Winners at last 😅
  18. When it happened, BT called it “a little tickle.” I’m sure Clarrie didn’t feel it that way, especially since he had sore ribs at the time. 🤬
  19. I get the context in the comparison with Bowsa but your appraisal of Disco is harsh.
  20. Geez Louise, I’m not peeping through his window or anything like that. No need to, I suppose. He flagrantly gets his best team out for all to see. Even starts a new thread for it. 🤭
  21. It’s fine that you say so, but you mustn’t forget: everyone/entitled/opinion etc. I’ve had that thrown at me so many times, surely it applies to everyone.
  22. I guess they’re similar enough. I just think sometimes an eye roll is more apt. Maybe it’s because I live with a teenager so I cop a lot of 180 degree eye rolls, usually accompanied with a sigh so deep it’d blow your hair back. 🙄😤😁
  23. First and foremost: Happy birthday Monbon! Hope you had a wonderful day. 💕 I fully agree with what you and others have said about Clarrie showing fantastic sportsmanship yesterday. But I’m wondering if people feel the same way about Clarrie letting Cripps know he had visible blood on his face, thereby prompting Cripps to wipe it away lest he be sent off on the blood rule. It happened towards the end of a match last year and I distinctly remember folks sticking the boots in saying it was dumb of Clarrie to do so because it would’ve been to our advantage had Cripps been sent off (in a tight match). FWIW, I don’t think Clarrie ought to have been bagged for this. Helping others is obviously an innate quality of his. Why would anyone want him to change? And good luck trying to get him to change.
  24. I never called it an overreaction. I’m calling it a useless reaction. Yes I did watch tonight’s game. Not sure what difference that makes but then I’m not the one posing the useless questions.
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