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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Isaac Heeney though. Wow. Kept a cool head in that final couple of minutes. What a ⭐️
  2. Ccoooollllliiinnnggggwwwwoooobahahahahah
  3. Reported today by the journalist extraordinaire we all know and love…
  4. We lost by a point. There were five ‘periods’ of varying length, the fifth going for only 10 minutes. The umpires called it a day after the fourth period and the runners and water-carriers took over umpiring duties. True story. Halftime score- Carl 4.3.27 Melb 0.1.1 Edo kicked our first major partway through the third after a (rare) free kick. Full-time score- Carl 6.5.41 Melb 5.10.40 Goals: Zanker 3, Wotherspoon 2 This was taken five minutes before the first bounce… Sadly not many were aware it was even on 😭
  5. Three goals in the first four mins of this quarter 🤮 Come on Swans! Get your [censored] together.
  6. YESSSSS! This has to happen. Please footy gods, make this happen. This creep is getting perilously close to breaking Jimmy’s record. 🤮🤮🤮 It will have to be an injury, a suspension won’t do it since he’ll get off for sure coz Collingwood.
  7. No, you’re confusing a trip to AIA with me and Trac collaborating on a cooking channel. His heart rate has to remain under 110bpm so I told Bella to take a break and I stepped in. Tonight we’re making baked beans on toast.
  8. Would you PLEASE stop referring to MFC players as spuds. It’s a simple request.
  9. BBB is still an assistant coach with our W team so he’ll be around for that. He loves that role. Neither of his legs were strapped which is a rare sight. And yes, he’s a ripping bloke. For so many reasons he’s a beautiful human being. Agree with you on Sesto’s bum. He has such a low centre of gravity. Makes bringing him down in a tackle difficult. I’ve noticed this in training.
  10. Yes, it was George, except it’s Jorge when it’s Max saying it. Jess says at first it was novel and funny but now it’s a thing. 😅 Apparently George/Jorge knows the words to most of the Club songs but the Carlton one is his favourite. 🙃
  11. Not much footage today. I had to bin a couple of vids because I unwittingly had slo-mo on 🤭 Note: I included the first vid because it’s a little reminder that these boys are human and have feelings. So, Clarrie came into the tent and went straight to someone’s toddler, picked him up and cuddled him. I filmed the end of it. When I stopped filming I said, “That suits you Claz.” He said, “Yeah, hopefully one day,” and it was sweet and a little sad at the same time. https://streamable.com/cqzofl https://streamable.com/aq4ifn https://streamable.com/vz1k4z https://streamable.com/fufgjk https://streamable.com/o0540n https://streamable.com/5f25bz
  12. No one is supposed to know that! What gave it away… having every second tooth pulled? Having not showered in a week? My I Love Eddie tatt? I know! You saw me hocking my son’s PS5 at Cashies then immediately calling my associate’s burner phone.
  13. No, that’s how Alejandro knew he’d given me the wrong drink. He said a woman came back and was very angry about having been given my cappuccino. I said well if that’s her biggest problem, she’s doing well. Hashtag some people 🙄
  14. All good. After training I walked past the coffee shop and Alejandro, my gorgeous Colombian barista called out for me to come back. He realised he’d given me the wrong drink so I got a cappuccino on the house. Ergo our season is still salvageable 😁
  15. There’s laughing and then there’s laughing. His laugh was one that said “how ridiculous! Where tf is this coming from?”
  16. I was talking to one of the trainers. He told me Jeffo really looks up to a certain player and this player is a role model for him. I was waiting to hear a seasoned player’s name. But no, it’s Rooey, who’s only 11 months older than him and that might just be the cutest thing I’ve ever heard. 🥹
  17. I told Riv there’s a rumour going around that he’s keen to go back to WA. He laughed. Then he sighed. Then he laughed again and shook his head. I said, “it’s nothing more than a rumour?” He laughed again and said, “Totally.”
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