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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Long before he was taking the wicket of a sooky English keeper, Alex Carey was a footballer. He was named captain of GWS at its inception but was shafted when GWS joined the AFL, without ever having played a game.
  2. We couldn’t announce it any earlier since our guests hadn’t confirmed. As it was, we were meant to have it on the 7th, the night before our Saints game. (The Club decided not to have a retro round this season so we had our own unofficial retro round) but it’s difficult to have everyone available on the one night.
  3. I’ve just PMd my guess, T. Not terribly confident but this guy qualifies (I think).
  4. A flimsy excuse 🤨 I guess I’ll just have to chat to The Wiz and laugh at Titus and watch old Dees matches and sing our song and eat, drink and be merry without you. 😭 😭 😭 Never mind, we’ll make up for it in Tassie. Except no swinging from the chandelier, nor dancing on the table with lampshades on our heads coz Tassie. 😁
  5. Hi Gawnhub, I think you meant to post this in the podcast thread. Incidentally, Melks was my favourite player on Friday night! ♥️💙
  6. You misspelled “unfortunate” Layz. 😜
  7. It’s a Ticketek ground. Ticketing options here… https://premier.ticketek.com.au/shows/show.aspx?sh=NORTH2123
  8. Thanks, Tim. 💕 It’s sure to be a really fun night, so we’re hoping for a good turnout. Enjoy your time in NSW. 🙂
  9. Bumping this back onto the front page of topics. Hope nobody minds. Since posting it this morning we’ve had 10 more people purchase tickets, for which we are very grateful. (Thank you sincerely if you’re one of those people.) But we need way more people to attend. Therefore, since I’m not above begging, I beseech everyone to consider attending our retro party. If begging doesn’t work I'll have no choice but to initiate phase two…. nagging. I’m exceptionally good at nagging. If nagging was an Olympic sport I’d be the Michael Phelps, only with more gold medals. Make no mistake… I’ll wear y’all down by Friday. 😝
  10. I must’ve missed the poll. There was one conducted, right?
  11. … the ball having been fed out to Kozzie by Melksy who was lying under the pack! 🙂
  12. The Demon Army is hosting a RETRO PARTY and EVERYONE is WELCOME! We’ve booked the top floor of The Sporting Globe in Richmond for this Friday, July 21 with the fun starting at 7pm. We are absolutely thrilled to announce that the one and only JEFF FARMER will be our very special guest, so it would be great to get as many folks there as possible. As Suzanne (one of our amazing CS leaders and my very good friend) says, “The Wiz deserves a large audience.” No one can dispute that, right? So please join us on Friday night and be sure to wear your finest RETRO DEES GEAR!!! TITUS O’REILLY will also be there to make you laugh. And he will! Tickets can be purchased through the link below. Adults $20 and children $10 with profits being split with MFC Past Players. Walkups on the night are also welcome ie, tickets can be purchased at the door… cash and card accepted Show your MFC membership and you’ll receive a 20% discount on all food and drink! https://www.trybooking.com/CJSTX BE THERE!!!
  13. We sit in either 22 or 23. 23 is the crapola seating (benches) by the hill. Bad area since it’s hard to see over the fence. 22 is in the stand with tiered seating which makes for good viewing. Downside being they don’t let us have our biggest flags in the stand and have even confiscated them in the past. We won’t know where we’re sitting until the day. @Nasher
  14. It’s no joking matter, Red. Not to ‘Daz’ anyways. He wants this thread to be about nothing but Sam and how terrible a footballer he is. Of course, he won’t say that straight up. But reading between the lines in his posts is cake. Subtlety evades the likes of him. Not every aspiring footballer makes it to AFL level. Seems those who do but don’t set the world alight are fair game for those who don’t make it.
  15. But, but… where else can nasty bastards go to continue bagging Weids???? That’s all this is now. That’s all this has ever been. And unless Andy closes it down, that’s all it’s ever gonna be.
  16. This thread should’ve been shut down when Sam left us. You know why it’s still active? So that the usual jerks can start conversations about a much maligned former player under the guise of *innocent observations knowing full well likeminded idiots will jump all over it and it’s “Let the bagging begin (yet again)!” How pathetic. * Geez those Essendon supporters are really ripping into poor Sam, aren’t they… Open season on Sam, y’all
  18. WELCOME BACK, R! 💕 Boy, could we have used you for the last few weeks. Although sometimes you do phone it in… when I told you (in great detail) what’d happened to my foot and what’d caused it, your professional advice was “don’t wear platforms when you’re pickled.” 🤣
  19. We (cheer squad) sit at The Hill end in bays 23/24.
  20. We play at Blundstone Arena in Hobart, EO.
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