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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Last night I saw Fritta Jnr, but not Bayley, it was the youngest Fritta, Darcy. The fun-loving of the two, Bayley being the more reserved and quiet brother. Anyways we didn’t talk footy beyond the blinder Darcy played for Coldstream last weekend where he kicked 5.8 and saved Coldstream from certain relegation. He has signed with the Northern Bullants but returned to help Coldstream. We also talked about nude pillow-fights but that’s for a whole other thread. 😁 Fritta isn’t going to Hobart because even though it’s a short flight, the medics don’t wanna put him on a plane when it’s not necessary. It’s not worth the possibility of compression issues. Despite this, 17 Frittata family and friends are attending the match. And Pauline will probs still hold giant Fritta head up because Pauline. 🥰 According to Pauline though, Clarrie is 100% gonna be available for vs Carlton. No doubt at all. 👍🏽 ❤️💙 Oh and Fritta is still looking on track to be right vs Sydney. He’s itching to get back to playing so he’s doing everything he’s told. We’re lucky to have him - he’s so determined to get out on the park for us.
  2. That would NEVER happen! Harmesy knows better than to come anywhere near the cheer squad. 😜
  3. Fast forward to round seven this year and some Demonlanders were upset that we beat North by ONLY 90 points!!! 🙃
  4. As @SFebes has said, Clarrie’s due back vs the Blues. Tonight I’ll be at Casa De Frittata and should Fritta Jnr pop by I’ll ask him to confirm. Can’t guarantee that though, if he comes late in the evening there’s every chance I’ll be hammered and won’t remember a thing he’s said. 😜
  5. Further to this… last night Sophie (one of our three AMAZING leaders) told me that in 2013 if we lost a match by anything under five goals the cheer squad would sing the song. 😢
  6. Anyone who’ll be in Hobart tomorrow and is interested… there’s a Captain’s Run scheduled at Blundstone. The North cheer squad has told us it’s at either 3pm or 3:30pm, depending on who you ask.
  7. Brilliant art, Luci. Shame about this… https://amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/feb/14/banksy-new-artwork-margate-kent-violence-against-women And this… https://amp.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/jul/11/banksy-stencils-destroyed-by-construction-workers-in-melbourne My fave Banksy… “PILLOW FIGHT”
  8. 🙋‍♀️ I know! I’ll PM you the answer. 😜
  9. True, but that’s not @Skuit’s answer. You could have a million accurate answers and you wouldn’t hit on the right one. Even if I told you the answer you wouldn’t believe it. I know his answer and I reckon he’s full of [censored]. 😁
  10. I’m a terrible person and I’ll probably go straight to hell for saying this but Zorko copping a bruising squeeze of the nuts makes me so happy. I’m highly amused by it. I laugh every time I hear about it. If I had to pick one player to suffer this fate it’d be hands down him. I’ve even contemplated sending Touk a thank you card but that might be taking things a little too far. I’m happy enough basking in the joy of it, silently (except for the sound of thunderous peals of laughter) and many times. 🥳
  11. Don’t get me started, DP! 😁 An amazing bunch of people. They go out of their way every single week to try to make sure no one is left out. And ticketing is just one of many, many things they do for our Club and our fans. PS: see you in Hobart!
  12. Poor bastard. Remember the times when we’d say “we only lost by five goals!” 🥳 🎉 🎈
  13. It definitely won’t be the Friday night because that would mean a five-day break. I’m thinking same as you: Saturday night for the Buddy Show might now be scheduled for the Sunday afternoon.
  14. We sit in M3 for home games (Southern Stand end) and M33 for away games (Ponsford Stand end). This is decided on by the home side, in this case, Carlton. When it’s our home game we spill out into M2 and M4.
  15. Just posted this on the AFLW Fixture thread in error… Gotta love the AFL: Gather Round 2024 is sorted nine months out but still won’t reveal the times and dates for the last H&A round this year, which begins in less than four weeks. 🙄 Last week we were told the announcement of such would be made on Sunday just gone. But because of the unexpected number of upsets on the weekend, they’re scrambling to come up with a round 24 fixture that will maximise TV viewing. I’m paraphrasing but that’s in essence what they’ve said. The cheek! We all know it’s the TV audience numbers that dictates these things but ffs there’s still many of us who attend matches and they’re not making things easy. Flights and accommodation are so expensive as it is but when you have to go interstate earlier and/or stay there longer so as to cover all possible game times it’s all the more difficult to afford. I’m often asked if the Club pay for some/all of our costs and the answer is no, they don’t. We choose to go. *We even use our luggage allowance to take all our gear. Our Club is so supportive of us but no one expects them to pay for us to attend interstate matches. *just a little brag… MFC boasts the highest rate of cheer squad interstate travelling, that’s in terms of numbers of members as well as frequency. We’re almost as full when interstate as we are at home. *puts trumpet down* Anyways, whinge sesh done and dusted. 😉
  16. Gotta love the AFL: Gather Round 2024 is sorted nine months out but still won’t reveal the times and dates for the last H&A round this year, which begins in less than four weeks. 🙄 Last week we were told the announcement of such would be made on Sunday just gone. But because of the unexpected number of upsets on the weekend, they’re scrambling to come up with a round 24 fixture that will maximise TV viewing. I’m paraphrasing but that’s in essence what they’ve said. The cheek! We all know it’s the TV audience numbers that dictates these things but ffs there’s still many of us who attend matches and they’re not making things easy. Flights and accommodation are so expensive as it is but when you have to go interstate earlier and/or stay there longer so as to cover all possible game times it’s all the more difficult to afford. I’m often asked if the Club pay for some/all of our costs and the answer is no, they don’t. We choose to go. *We even use our luggage allowance to take all our gear. Our Club is so supportive of us but no one expects them to pay for us to attend interstate matches. *just a little brag… MFC boasts the highest rate of cheer squad interstate travelling, that’s in terms of numbers of members as well as frequency. We’re almost as full when interstate as we are at home. *puts trumpet down* Anyways, whinge sesh done and dusted. 😉 WHOOPS WRONG THREAD
  17. Security won’t even catch him. Case in point… Can't find the vid of it but while looking for it I found these comments… 😂😂😂
  18. Vintage cheese right here. Dedicated to @Skuit for whom this song is very special. 😁 Confession: it’s also my guilty pleasure. 🤭
  19. Seal taking himself waaaaay too seriously… The first time I heard this song was on the radio and the announcer introduced it as a track by “Seal: the biggest superstar of the 90’s” and I thought, Dude, big call, it’s only 1991. 😝
  20. As DZ said (above) you’d need to get there super early. They usually start warmups about an hour and a half before the game. We’ll be in bay M33 for the Carlton match so regardless of where your seats are, if you can pop down to the front of bays 32 - 34, (which is behind the goals as they spend a lot of time practicing set shots) there’ll be a good chance of plenty of room at the fence since it’ll be so early.
  21. Hands down Kozzie. Tracc and Maxy close second. Some players have several heads, Gussy for example. We have one giant Langers but there’s permanent dibs on that. One of our gals has Ed the the entire match, every match. You’d have to prise him out of her cold dead hands for someone else to get their paws on him. And I know because I’ve tried. 😂 When a player retires or leaves us, we raffle off his giant head, happy in the knowledge that he’s gone to a good home where he’ll be loved forever. Example: In this case... My lounge room. 😝
  22. Yes it is a great pic. But I prefer Demonland’s photo of the week, and not just because I’m in it, except totally coz I’m in it. 😁 You can’t see me but I’m holding up the #41 jumper pic. I thought I was holding it up showing the other side which is #37, but it’s not upside-down so for me it’s a win. I don’t do giant heads anymore because it’s not a good look for them to be upside-down. 🤭
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