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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Best I don’t expand on that, GtG. The reason being it wasn’t really implemented today but no doubt will be sometime soon. 👍🏽
  2. Neale asked for a Mexican Wave. We did a Mexican Wave. That’s all that needs to be said.
  3. Speechless. Seriously, speechless as in no voice. Stilled jacked up on adrenaline, disbelief, euphoria and way too many Red Bulls and Gummy Bears. So, so proud of our boys. But also super proud of our fans. We brought it today, we brought the noise and the passion. That frenzied level of energy was nuts! YEAH THE DEES!!!! And when I get home ima watch the goddamn replay to find out WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!!!
  4. I’M ON BANNER CREW! YAY!!! Right now we’re waiting in the race with the Magpie Army banner crew. They actually seem like nice people… NOT!
  5. Some will take a pottie at Goody at any opportunity and for any reason, not just in-game changes or selections. Says more about them than about Goody. Anyways, those snags ain’t gonna cook themselves… WCW gawn. 🤪
  6. The Philippine flag-raising ceremony began at 8:45 and goes until 10:30. They’re celebrating 125 years of independence. We’re gonna fire up the barbie early coz all we see is a couple of hundred empty bellies and the smell of cooked sausages and onions should net FightMND a nice sum of $ https://streamable.com/6wr88v That’s our tent in the background. Unrelated: I’ve made so many lovely Filipino friends!
  7. I could do that Luci but I’ll still KNOW they’re doing it. Besides, I’m lucky to go 10 minutes without posting on here. 😂
  8. Apparently there’s gonna be a Philippine flag-raising ceremony at 10am in Fed Square quite close to our tent. They’ve asked us to try to be quiet during it. Pfft, like cheer squads are ever noisy. 😝
  9. So, today Goody is trying something different. He’s changing something up, and the boys have been training (in private) with a focus on this change. I can’t say anything else about this. The only reason I’m bringing it up at all is because I want the usual Goody-bashers (and they’re here all too often) to remember that should today’s move not succeed, at the very least Goody tried something different. Therefore there really shouldn’t be any of those comments about him being loath to make bold changes, him being stubborn or him trying desperately to replicate 2021. But that’s all moot… It’ll work and it’ll work well. If for no other reason than I said so. 🙂
  10. I just saw a couple of Collingwood supporters which is surprising given Centrelink’s not open today. They were on the platform across from me, going away from the city. That explains a lot, the next station is St Albans and every second person’s a dealer in Snorbs. Good times 😀
  11. You lost me here. 😭 Max the cockatiel was telling you to embrace the feathers, not stuff them into a doona!
  12. Go easy on that lil Magpie family, Luci. They can’t help it, they were born that way, just like the devil’s spawn aka the offspring of Filth supporters. PS make feathers your friend. 🤗
  13. I’ve never been more confident of a Dees win. Ever! EVER!!! Not since last week anyways.😁 Y’all remember to swing by Fed Square this morning and grab a sausage in bread. Every cent we make today goes directly to FightMND. GO THE MIGHTY DEES!!! GIVE ‘EM HELL! Someone’s on their second coffee already. 🤭 ❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙❤️💙 edit: forgot to mention, we have vegetarian options and gluten-free bread.
  14. Take young Tex Wanganeen for example. Made his debut as sub which upset many of their supporters, not least of all his dad. It’s got nothing to do with romanticism and everything to do with respect and confidence-building. A club’s mental health professionals can explain to a YOUNG person why being debuted as a sub isn’t a terrible thing but the fact that they’re YOUNG means it mightn’t have the desired effect. 18-year-olds are basically still kids. No one should expect them to react to anything like an adult would.
  15. Welp the Test Match final’s as good as done with India going down without a fight, and there’s no way on Earth I’d voluntarily watch Essendon win. I might have to join @Jaded No More in watching cute dogs on TikTok.
  16. Someone placed a little sticker on the number plate of Nick Daicos’s car overnight… 😂😂😂
  17. First slider… 2:05pm Last slider… 2:50pm
  18. Essendon fans booing Saad. Really? Really, chumps????
  19. I think this warrants a thread of its own. ❤️💙 Neale has made a request to the Club. He has expressed his wish to see a Mexican Wave, everyone wearing their Big Freeze beanies in an undulating sea of blue. Obviously not everyone’s a fan of participating in a Mexican Wave. But it’s not difficult and won’t cost anything, and it clearly means something to Neale, for it’s not often he asks something of the Club. So let’s all do this for Neale! The Mexican Wave is scheduled to start FIVE MINUTES BEFORE THE END OF THE HALFTIME BREAK. So, should you plan on going to the bar or whatever during the halftime break it would be great if everyone could be back in their seats in time to participate. This is what you’ll hear Robbo say to kick it off… “Get your beanie on now as Neale has requested that we see a waving sea of blue through the MCG! We are going to kick off a Mexican wave and start it here, right here behind the goals with the DEMON ARMY and head around the ground into the Shane Warne Stand and back through the members. All right, here we go, DEMON ARMY in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… Let’s Go!”
  20. That’s this season, though. Her aversion to online comments about Bayley from Dees fans stems from the whole Fritta is selfish/burns his teammates thing last year. Actually Jaded, the last thing I showed her from DL was a post of yours. It was when I posted about chatting to a bloke at Pauline’s 50th bday party and I asked him, “How do you know Paulsy?” He said, “Our kids play footy together.” I said, “Yeah? What’s your kid’s name?” He said, “Clayton.” You replied along the lines of “Our kids play footy together??!! He says that like their kids play Auskick at 8am on Saturdays.” 😂 The Frittatas loved that.
  21. No. But that’s not cause for concern. There’s nothing being kept from us, guaranteed it’s not something bigger than what’s been reported. Let’s just say Clarrie of all players might need closer monitoring since he’s such a tough bugger that he mightn’t think he needs monitoring at all. He could have a toe severed and he wouldn’t report it to the Club. 😂
  22. LOL 😂 I’m gonna send this to Pauline Frittata. She’ll think it’s hilarious. She won’t show Fritta of course since he wouldn’t find it funny at all. Pauline doesn’t read anything online about Bayley that comes from Dees fans, and I don’t blame her. But every so often I send her something from DL but only if it’s positive and/or funny. The above quotes are from Magpies fans which makes it even more interesting since the Fritschs used to be diehard Collingwood fans. 🤣
  23. Idk about everyone else but with India needing 280 off 97 overs with seven wickets in hand on this, the final day of play in the one-off World Test Championship, I’ll be glued to the cricket tonight. There’s only one thing that’d make me flick over to the footy and that’s to see 🤮 Essendon 🤮 lose to the Blues. If that happens, and North beat GWS today, that’ll mean three consecutive days of great footy results, including tomorrow, that is. 😉 ❤️💙
  24. Hey, I haven’t had a coffee, NOR a cigarette yet. Snorbs Police should count themselves lucky if they’re not called out to a random homicide of an innocent person before I get to the shops.
  25. I think the illness sweeping through the Magpies is a bigger deal than they’re letting on. I say this because four kids in my son’s year 12 class went to a meet and greet one night last week with several Collingwood players in attendance. Both Daicos boys were there. Three of the four kids fell ill within a couple of days but before they took ill they were at school as per usual. Right now my poor boy is sicker than he’s ever been before; raging red tonsils, zero energy and a loss of appetite being the main symptoms. It may be a coincidence, but it’s possibly not. edit: wrong thread. I’ve not had a coffee yet.
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