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Everything posted by Wrecker46

  1. I'm getting pumped for it but a bit disappointed you can't bet on first goal or norm smith. I'd multi them both.
  2. Under the father son rule, like Stretch
  3. With Barassi, Flower and Stynes out of the question I'm hoping for Tingay
  4. Where is Viney? If F/son doesn't count Stretch shouldn't be in there.
  5. Pendergast didn't even bother speaking to Dusty when we had pick 1 and 2 in that draft. I think that's worse.
  6. JT doesn't have a habit of drafting players universally selected in phantom drafts.
  7. Watts and Gysberts were both early picks and failed, both went on to other clubs and didn't succeed their either. Says to me it wasn't our development that was lacking. Our recruiting didn't recognise competitiveness like they do now. I doubt JT would have taken either of them.
  8. Barry Pendergast drafted the AA captain and Melbourne's first premiership captain in 57 years with a late pick. We can thank him for that.
  9. I'm hoping for a lap of honour for Jones and Jetta.
  10. It doesn't say what age bracket per country, just the percentage vacinated, which is meaningless on its own.
  11. When you talk about percentage of population vacinated is it within a certain age group or does it vary from country to country?
  12. I hate Murdoch and refuse to pay for his content but I'm desperate to see this article can someone PM me. Said every hypocrite.
  13. @binman the biggest payee over covid seems to be pfizer. They now have booster shots and antibodies under clinical trials that seem to get rushed through. They are making lots of money over this pandemic. When asked for evidence of their effacy it's not so rushed, they need to take their time. I'm double vaxxed with Pfizer in retrospect I should have got AZ. You only need to look at the death rates in Europe to see why. Britain who gave AZ to over 65's and the rest of Europe who didn't (I'm not over 65)
  14. 1 - red herring doesn't need to be capitalised 2 - my post was not a red herring by any definition 3 - if you don't understand that Covid and Influenza are both contagious respiratory illnesse's you shouldn't contribute to this topic 4 - try and stick to the topics being discussed rather than trying to drop a red herring
  15. I'm double vaxxed was probably first in line for my age bracket because dees were top of the ladder. My precautions were more about missing a premiership than getting covid. HIV has about 30 mutations but they aren't as high profile as every single Covid mutation. Antibody's are an effective treatment for all the HIV strains. They will be the answer for living with Covid too.
  16. Truck played the game of his life in the GF and has always said he wants to be a big game player. I think his ball drop has improved but we will see next year. I would bet he will have the most goal assists in the league. And Oliver the most handballs to the player with the most goal assists in the league. Howes has plenty of time to develop the ball drop from the limited footage might be an area he needs to work on
  17. Petracca had the highest ball drop I have ever seen and in the grand final they were comparing him to Daicos. It can be fixed.
  18. Let's hope his opinion is how it plays out. There is alot of misinformation out there and alot of guessing. I'd back a grandma who backs horses on numbers or names over a modeller. I read somewhere (I think in the Lancet Journal) amongst the thousands of articles I have read about Covid that once you catch it and recover you are 26 times more immune from it than someone who is vaxicinated. Even if that is correct it is still a great reason to get vaxxed because it doesn't seem to stop the spread but you have a much greater chance of mild symptoms and not getting it again.
  19. What are your thoughts on the new Carona strain Omicron given it is an anagram for moronic?
  20. I would say sensible not simplistic.
  21. I doubt it. Once they get Covid I reckon a majority would take antibody's. But who knows.
  22. I don't know about anyone else but I will be booing at the top of my voice when Gawny's goal is called a point.
  23. Not calling for a score review in a GF when Max appeared to kick a goal and the game was in the balance was possibly worse.
  24. Adelaide will make the 8 after a pre season under Burgess
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