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Everything posted by deeflog

  1. 6- Watts 5- Green 4- Martin 3- Mckenzie 2- Howe 1- Scully
  2. living of the name his dad made for him......no thanks
  3. Trenners......the only young fella at the club with a bit of mongrel in him, and i think that is what this footy club lacks
  4. i had no feelings either way on this topic until now, but i now think the young man is sydney bound after reading what that moron CEO had to say
  5. was that the teams breath test result as they walked off the ground today? they made decisions like they were drunk today
  6. me neither, constant ball movement, hard running and precise skills.....oh wait a second, i now understand why we struggled today B)
  7. here here, a lazy front runner who needs a good old rocket up the arse
  8. Harsh on McKenzie, thought he did as good as job as any on Pendles(apart from the last half of the last quarter)
  9. In the long term Trengove will be the better player. The only area Scully has him covered right now is his running capacity. Scully does not have enough penetration in his kicking, and im not sure that will change, its just his kicking style
  10. you missed a very obvious one in the Bad, Brad Green was just awful today and not far behind him was Jurrah.
  11. OUTS - Jurrah, Gawn, Evans, Jetta INS - Petterd, Jamar (if fit), Bate (time to step up Matty), Garland
  12. 6- Sylvia 5- Watts 4- Morton 3- Howe 2- Scully, only for his running capacity 1- Moloney
  13. no, he had a plastic cup of warm midstrength beer
  14. add Viney to the list B)
  15. is that GONE or GAWN to the moon?
  16. the best topic ever started on this site!!!! dead set gold some of them
  17. personally i think Trengove will be a better player than Scully
  18. no point sitting the tribunal tonight, i could tell you what will happen now. the charge will be downgraded from intentional to reckless which will bring his points total down and give him carry over points to any future misdemeanours the scum have done it again
  19. Tough call this week, a nice change IN - Bartram (need him for their small forwards, and i think Blair will come in this week for the pies) OUT - Strauss (stiff but is not defensive minded enough for this weeks opponent) Evans and Nicholsons run this week will be crucial based on Sylvia being fit to play
  20. if we can still post for this week i would go 6. McKenzie 5. Rivers 4. Martin 3. Trengove 2. Gysberts 1. Watts
  21. must be suspended. the ball had left the immediate vacinity which in my eyes makes it behind play, intentional, high contact and Jones had to go off with a bloody lip which means it had to be of some force and that evidence won't help daisy's case no pressure MRP but your creditbility( what is left of it) is on the line
  22. i just sore the daisy thomas "incident" from last night, if he does not get at least 1 week i will....i dont know what i will do but i will bloody [censored] off!! With swan already off to the high bullsh!t training that is 2 major midfielders/runners out of their side, we could really exploit them in this area Going to be a close game under 2 goals who ever wins
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