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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. Might not be this year, but we will return.
  2. Thanks for those kind words, if you are ever in the redlegs rooms ask Ralph and Mike to point me out and we can have a drink or two.
  3. It wouldn't matter if mickey mouse was coaching Collingwood the media would still go to him first because they are stupid fwits
  4. I think you are being a bit on the hysterical side. Lie down for a couple of months and take in some deep breaths.
  5. Stop adding to the garbage that is being written about this problem.
  6. I have gone into the business of selling soap boxes, but I will you one for free.
  7. Are you 5 years old? that is what age bracket would call a person named Goodwin As Badloss
  8. Don't worry they are still around ready to pounce at the first sight of things not appearing to be right, just like vultures.
  9. It is not only the murdoch press who does this, from my experience all media outlets are masters of it. As far as that artile is concerned I have posted before in various threads about people stupidly believing what they read on social media sites.
  10. Just out of curiosity what media organizations do you read or listen to?
  11. Your'e making me angry posting garbage like this.
  12. They certainly shouldn't be complaining but you do realize they can't be thrown out until they do their time.
  13. Maybe some of the know alls on demonland can handle this situation better than the present Government and I am not talking party politics here , i would say the same if another party were in Government.
  14. I am not saying things are not bad, but the media in general are experts in creating hysteria and panic in most situations. Calm heads are needed to provide stability and a sense of direction.
  15. The media spent weeks panicking us and continue their hardest to do so.
  16. Your not telling me that items in those 2 mags. aren't true are you? You just stuffed my day up.
  17. It was more a general statement regarding people who take everything that is on facebook as gospel. Why the hell would I waste time going on that site. My daughter said that they told members that they would prefer the instalments be made rather than must be made.
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