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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. So that would be due to Goodwin's coaching
  2. You originally posted that a failure against carlton and Goodwin would be gone. As I replied he will at least see out his contract. The current board know that you simply cannot keep changing coaches every few years, all it does is set the team back a number of years. Good clubs now work the coach and get better personal around him as both Richmond an Collingwood have done. I can see Goodwin being a long term coach of the MFC.
  3. I wouldn't think that our football dept. is that dumb.
  4. Total rot, Goodwin will at least see his contract out.
  5. That would be completely dumb.
  6. You just keep on enjoying your day swyl, you deserve it.
  7. I have more sense than to read and believe all the left-wing claptrap that is going around, if it turns you on then go for it.
  8. I can see you have a lot of time to waste, good for you.
  9. You certainly post some garbage, I would continue but I have a busy day at the Salvo's coming up. Trying to help a few people in need perhaps you could try it one day.
  10. Maybe you think this is the real issue.
  11. Yeah, total anarchy by vested interest groups that have nothing to do with what happened to George Floyd. You can protest without violence, looting, arson and whatever else.
  12. It would be good if it was just a protest, but I would not call what is happening a protest more like anarchy fueled by groups with other agendas. Like the peaceful sign that read yesterday in Sydney " A good cop is a dead cop "
  13. Other races and cultures have been persecuted by others for centuries as well.
  14. No I am not. What the police officer did was disgraceful and he should be tried for murder and the others that were there should be charged with accessory . There are lot of deaths caused worldwide by Governments and authorities of various countries to all races of people and nothing gets said.
  15. Geelong have just finished a fundraiser to wipe out debt , they may have to go again, who knows. A lot of clubs have gone to their members over the last 25 years to fund debt repayments. The MFC haven't had one for a number of years.
  16. As the saying goes " Sh#t Happens" but it has been more like diahhera this year.
  17. There is no doubt public morality is on the decline.
  18. Well you learnt first hand of the effect they have on people. If you still think they are okay after that then there is a problem getting thru to some people. We all want the club to survive, there are plenty of other ways to make money. It won't be long before no clubs have them.
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