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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. Maybe you should spend a bit of time trying to find out about the poker machine gambling problem and come back to me.
  2. The problem is the State Governments are addicted to the revenue. It's good to see some people on here really care about some of society's social problems. I hope they don't end up needing help one day.
  3. That's a silly and ignorant thing to say. I spent 4 years with the Salvation Army Major in charge of Southern Australia, their financial advisor and 2 Psychologists from Gamblers' Help assisting problem gamblers. Poker machines account for over 80% of problem gamblers, I have seen the damage they cause. You may not care but fortunately some people do.
  4. You have no idea regarding the impact poker machines have had to tens of thousands families. They should of never been introduced.
  5. He is not going to be squeezed out, don't pay any attention of the drivel from john ralph.
  6. Clowns like John Ralph are a blight on good journalism, just makes up garbage all the time.
  7. Thanks for doing that swyl, as I haven't watched any of the previous episodes yet I will take a look.
  8. I'm not suggesting people not do any exercise, it just makes a farce of the 1.5m rule when you have 4 or 5 walking abreast, more people a couple of foot directly behind them and more people approaching them.
  9. At times it is a bit like that down this way, all of a sudden people have discovered that their legs can be used for walking and it appears they all go at the same time.
  10. Judging by the number of people on the tan yesterday you would think there were no social distancing rules in place.
  11. That's fine, I was just curious. I voted against even though I was of the opinion it was most likely going to be a takeover of Hawthorn. The members of the Redlegs group that I spoke to about it at the time all voted against it.
  12. I wonder if anyone on this site voted for the merger and if so why?
  13. George M Cohan also wrote the music behind Hawthorn's song " I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy' was the original song. Cohan was awarded a congressional medal of honour for his first world war song titled "over There'.
  14. I said Bill Guest and Hassa Mann were the driving forces behind the merger and as Ridley is concerned I am going by the numerous conversations I had with him.
  15. No he wasn't. Did you have any conversations with Ridley?
  16. Not talking rot, as I said Mann and Guest were the main culprits, in the conversations I had with Ridley he was very concerned for the members. I don't really care what you think of that.
  17. I am only telling you what I know of the situation and I do not recall him being vocal about it.
  18. It was Hassa Mann and Billy Guest who was driving the merger, Ian Ridley was very concerned By the whole process. I had many conversations with him regarding it and he use to ring me regarding the thoughts and feelings amongst the Redlegs members group.
  19. Exactly correct, that was sure to happen.
  20. He had treatment in America and is feeling pretty good at the moment but family think he won't be back.
  21. Yes they did say that, but I doubt very much that he will play again.
  22. McCartin's view of himself is different from that of his family.
  23. Haven't seen anything in papers or on news that they have.
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