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Everything posted by nosoupforme

  1. I was at the family day at Yarra park and had a yarn to Oscar Baker. Played 3 Quarters of the game in the 2s and was happy with the outcome . He pulled up well after the game and he certainly tested his hammies. He was chasing all day but loved being back blew all the cobwebs away. Oscar said that it was good to be back and will be better for the run. He certainly had a gleam in his eye.
  2. Fourteen of my Family members are all membership holders at Melbourne hardly miss a game at home. Where still growing the dynasty. I believe with the help of a strong performance early in the season we can reach 50,000 plus members . The membership will rise significantly and reach the target when we have the ultimate success.
  3. Anything that can help us win the game is good. He is a tall strong defender similar to Steven May. Hurley can play forward as well. I like advantages. Poor thing, cough.
  4. I think Curnow had a slight edge on the weid. However playing the last h&a rounds were tense games and the Weid played well. His first 2 finals were exceptional and expect him to rise to another level in 2019. Weideman IMO is developing into something special and will definitely hold his own. As for Mckay, Himmelberg and Hipwood they are improving types and Schache i believe is lagging behind.
  5. Salem is such an honest and silky smooth team member and in our best 22 without a doubt. His left foot precision kicking is a classic and a delight to watch. I wish him all the best as i believe he is ready to do something special. Ready for his breakout season.
  6. I agree with G Lyon and for Clarrie to be called the best ever Demon Midfielder then he has to help us win the Premiership.
  7. May , Gawn Milkshake Viney, Vanders , Lewis, kolo, Hannan, hibberd and Jetta. Lever sooner than you think. Not a bad lot. They are all handy and that is what you call great depth. Young Demons stood up well and pushed them hard early. Clarry 2 preseason operations and Tmac knee cleanout will be better for the run Jordan looks a player. I am pleased with the effort put in today. Overall we were playing a near full strength Tiger side and the boys stood up.I know it is a practice game but deep down the Tiger FD might be a bit worried when they meet us in the season proper. Looking forward to a big year.
  8. Fighting spirit Demons well played young Dees! Beaten by a more experience side. Fought it out and a good come back. 12 point loss fair effort. Pleasing. In for a big year.
  9. Behind that facade there is one determined person who means business. However these days the club won't go after someone if they think they cannot make the grade and play their role. Preuss is a down to earth person a likeable fellow. He is a good all round addition.
  10. Well Neita B if you watch the young nipper he has the smarts around the goals and he doesn't have to be 40 or 50 out to kick a goal' As long as he gets the ball plays his role what more can you ask for. Had goal assists and and kicked a few as well. Spargo had a sound finals series.
  11. Watched highlight of MFC replays of the finals and H&H winning games and bagged the umpires for ripping us off. 2. Demonland to keep me sane. Sometimes sane. 3. Curse the **@#**#* hot weather! Is it Saturday 23rd of March yet ?
  12. Tom moving to the forward line has become more confident with his on / off field demeanor which is exceptional. The 666 will help him in beating any opponent deep in the square one on one and awfully hard to beat in the air especially with his jump mark tactics. Is crucial to our cause and IMO he is about cherry ripe to put in his best season and the new rules will help immensely. With a little luck the Coleman medal could be around his neck.
  13. The i in team for Dangerfield is for wearing a pair of long johns and a scraggy t shirt followed by a pair of thongs on game day. Now that is understanding.
  14. 1. The club that pays you a handsome salary and can give you a privileged life style because of the talent you have. 2. The supporters that adore you and purchase merchandise that helps the finances of the club. 3. The Sponsorship it creates the image and unity it brings. 4. Outside your time wear what you like and on game day play the part.
  15. Speedy recovery Jack Stevens hope that you are in a good place. It can happen to anyone at any time and he is brave to call out. His healing is the most important as time out will do him good. I have been there with someone in my family. I am sure he will get the right care.
  16. TMAC'S kicking for goals from 40 to 50 metres out would be elite.Great Mark and knows how to position himself also reads the play up the ground and he should own the forward line with the the help of others around him. Riewoldt said that Jesse wasn't happy for the last couple of years at the club. How forgetful can you be Saint Nick. Jesse had testicular cancer in May of 2017 and overcame it hopefully forever and his father passed away the same year and managed to play 10 games amazing. In 2018 suffered a stress fracture in the navicular bone in his foot against Sydney in round 21 and was ruled out for the rest of the year including Finals with 2 winning finals. Oh, Jesse would have felt great not being out there? I don't think so Nick. Poor Jesse l wish him the best and that is the nature of the game.
  17. Bayley Fritsch does everything right settled in nicely in his first season and was consistent. He missed the Preliminary final because of team balance which IMO found it strange with his ability to slot in most positions on the ground. It is not as if his form warranted to miss. Why wouldn't he be raring to go in 2019. Is a great mark above his head, has a nice and composed left foot kicking style can kick a goal set and on the run and his defensive skills are elite. He will only improve. To compare him to another player l won't however he does remind me IMO a bit like a young Robbie Flower.
  18. I had tears and have been gut wrenched from that loss to the WCE last year and feel for Goody and our lads. I am wishing for tears of happiness for 2019 and hoping it is our time.
  19. I was at the Family day at Luna park in 2014 and saw Nev Jetta standing virtually on his own when picked as a rookie thanks to then new coach Paul Roos. Went up to him and wished him luck for the season and asked for a selfie with him and obliged kindly such a good person with a smile. Said to him Roos sees something in you to keep you at the club Hope all works out for you as he replied thanks with that look of determination. The rest is history as he turned his career around and nothing makes me happier to see such a loyal person be recocgnised and added to the leadership group. Well done Nev as l am sure you have some unfinished business to attend to in 2019.
  20. The prediction looks good however we don't get ahead of ourselves. Yes we are more than good enough for a high finish and I expect it with the talent we have l think we'II finish somewhere in the top 4 and in front of any interstate side would be a plus. l want to see the real ladder in the season proper as we progress during the season and to see us doing well with expectations.
  21. Harmes has improved his football the last 3 years running that at one stage early in his career they were looking at giving him the boot as he was only a rookie and wasn't doing enough to earn a spot. Harmes showed determination and fought onto the senior list and started to show his worth and gradually got better with game time. However not in the mould of Clarry , Petrac, Brrayshaw with silky skills but he will hold his own With his gutso, determination tackling running hard in the midfield. laid over 20 tackles in the finals against the hawks and was important in our quest to make finals in 2018. Harmes is a vital component as he has improved his football very much so that he has added a another string to his bow. He tagged Ablett to minimal possessions in a quarter when he looked dangerous and then nullified Dangerfield in the same game. No mean feat. It gave him great confidence in his ability and belief. Harmsy is one tough cookie and is becoming important to our cause to be a successful club and help win the ultimate.
  22. How many players can come into the side as a 21yo and 18 games of senior footy play finals and take the game by the scruff of the neck like the Weid did. He took Geelong to the cleaners and was almost as good the next game against the Hawks. Two sides we have struggled to beat since the days. Finals games are invaluable and for the Weid he flourished. IMO l have no hesitation to back him in without a doubt. Having a good side will help him as he will have some very good talent to support. him.
  23. I have to say that Milkshake is one of my favourites the kind of player that gives you a buzz when kicking a goal at the right moments taking a mark when it counts finding space at the pointy end of the game I cannot fault his play. I am a big fan of his and I would not be on my own in saying that. 3 year contract. I am a happy Demon.
  24. The weid can play there is no doubt and could of faulted in the finals instead he played like he belonged and that is what they play for to play finals and make history and to help win the ultimate for our great club. There have been some great players for other clubs that have struggled to play well in finals consistently and crumble under the pressure. .However Sam can take a mark in a pack ,can tackle, knows how to kick a goal and is growing in confidence.. The finals was a Godsend for him and alot of good came out of it and IMO he is ready to produce his best. The Kid is no one hit wonder. He is something!
  25. Kingy might state the obvious how good Oliver is and the one reason Melbourne finished off the season one win short of a Grand final. IMO I would take Clarry in front any midfielder without hesitation.
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