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Everything posted by nosoupforme

  1. Hore or Frost ? IMO both have had a good season so far and can hold their heads up high. There is room for the two. Marty can play deep and Hback and has the smarts can hold his own on smalls and talls. Frosty is an underrated player with speed and his skills are good at times. However sometimes he over uses the ball. With many of our better players coming back from injury soon enough there is room for Marty and Frosty. They have worked hard for their spots.
  2. Our club song is the best club song with a catchy tune and it sounds even better when we sing it after an important win. Sounds great in Woiwurrung. DOO-KOO-D KUNG-KARA MARR....EVERY HEART BEATS TRUE. Go Dees!
  3. Hunty has some party tricks he was involved in that handball when attacking the ball out wide to Marty that levelled the scores against GG and 10 seconds or so to go smashed into a pack ball got loose where Harmes kicked it forward to TMAC and the rest is history. A feel good story for Jayden for the way he has fought himself back into the side.
  4. A win is certainly possible as long as Maxy is on plus Oliver, Gus, Harmes and Viney play their role we are a good chance. Played well apart from our kicking for goals and some dubious decisions from the maggots against WCE.. Due for a big game as we match up well against the GWS and their record at the MCG is poor so hopefully this will help us. Preuss is needed to help out Max and to use as a focal point up forward. Let's do the job.
  5. Hope Goody is ok as we don't need any more mishaps. It hasn't been a smooth year for him. On the lighter side watching us kicking poorly for goal would make anyone of us dizzy.
  6. I wonder if the Mumford is on the snort at the minute? Tests should be done the morning of the game.
  7. Petty is very lean but plays smart for his age. He is our future and this kid had to wait for his turn again . This time he looked that he can belong out there with the best of them. Harry will improve and when he has a couple of preseasons and puts a bit of size on him might he end up being a Key CHB. Is certainly worth persisting with. Only a 19 yo. I would like to see Hunty off half back breaking the lines receiving a Petty handball and kicking one of his trade mark goals like he used to. M Hore is a great pick up and has been a consistent performer as well. The youngsters are doing ok.
  8. Well if you follow the footy You would know that Mummy is not a clean player read about his history.However he put his knees into Murphy broke his ribs totally unnecessary today against Carlton. he is in hospital Did you just wake up. Read your facts. Keep up to date. If you don't like my opinion don't read it. No fight like I said keep up to date with the footy news.
  9. What Petracca needs is to shave 30% off his brain that's called attitude that will slim his over larged head, in other words BIG HEAD.. I once said to him don't lay back on the ball.when kicking from 35 metres or closer. Just follow through with a generous run up say 10 metres before you kick through the ball as you lower your eyes. That way the foot will hit the ball precisely. He said to me come down to training and show me. HA HA smarty. So deep down I cursed him. Not meaning it of course. Anyway so the story goes as God is my witness.
  10. Preuss to come into the side to help Gawn Unleash the beast Preuss to put his knees into Mumford the dirty player that Mummy is see how he would like it. Break his ribs. Preuss can also play forward after playing 2 good consistent games of football for Casey. He is cherry ripe to go. J Lewis for experience for now if he is right with his ankle until some of our better players come back. Definitely in his twilight. Help experience needed. So 2 changes Preuss and Lewis for Tim Smith and possibly ANB ?
  11. Glad you did the homework . . On No 4 Salem had no prior umpire calls play on and no free kick given Jetta tackles due to Smith stopping, Who knows why? Both arms pinned Free kick in front of goals should have been given to Smith but umpire not strong enough to give it. Expecting Yeo to get a free. ? Your interpretation . I can pick a few more. Jetta could be reported. Stay tuned.
  12. You underestimate Preuss, moves well for a big man brings ball to ground can take a mark and kick a goal as he helped win our first game against the Swans. Proved to be of value. Big bodied player. Tim can play but l feel that he is a magnate for injuries just can't string games together just one of those players l guess. I am not comparing any player just saying Preuss was missed last night. Hurn or McGovern would have had their hands full. A good distraction. Time will tell how good Preuss will be.
  13. What is wrong with the umpire giving a free kick to Lewis Jetta for tackling Tim Smith to the ground( holding the ball.) Umpire calls play on Tim stops Can't here the Maggot Jetta slams Tim to the ground holding both arms hitting his head first to the ground a dangerous tackle and possibly reportable. However paid to Jetta WCE What a Farce and a Disgrace. 15 metre out in front of the goals. Melbourne free every day of the week. 2 W A maggots what do you say. I am hurting. STAY TUNED.
  14. Max Gawn is a work horse and a War horse. Why wasn't Preuss playing tonight? Gawny needed a breather and some help and just can't do it week in and week out. He will most definitely break down and that is not what we want. Preuss could have been a foil for TMac and a marking option up forward. The beast that he is and needed tonight to bring ball to ground as well. Sorry football dept you got this one wrong.
  15. I am shattered who wouldn't be however a step in the right direction. 8 frees to 1 in the last to the Weasles. No back line but rapt in Petty and the ever reliable Marty Hore. Upseting that we did genuinely have our chance but l am proud of the boys. Give me something to hang onto. If only we converted the early misses. Yes if only. We keep the faith.
  16. Congrats Oskar and looking forward to seeing you burn the park and hope that your hammies hold up well. Watching you play for Casey over time l have become a admirer of yours for the way you play with aggression, and chase hard and use your speed to your advantage which will do you good in the AFL. I know you have many admirers and hope you showcase your talents tonight and in the future. Long time coming.
  17. If we drop this game the umpires will have a say no doubt. If some don't rate us I do and l am sure many others would share the same sentiment. Upsets do happen people. Yes I am hoping but don't we all hope for our team to win games? We will know more about Melbourne tomorrow night regardless of the players they picked.I also get the feeling that Preuss will play maybe for Omac. WCE 's Tom Hickey might come in late to help Vardy combat Gawn. Could be a close game. Can't wait to see Oskar play. Make us proud.
  18. I believe that Preuss could possibly play. Tom Hickiey WCE is their ruckman and named as an emergengy and could come in to double team with Vardy. Preuss would have to travel with the team.and could play regardless and he is our insurance for Gawn. Petty to play key back and Omac to be replaced by Preuss I hope. Why would Preuss be an emergency? How lucky is OMAC? Can't wait to see Oskar Baker play.
  19. In. Preuss, Petty. TSmith, ANB, O Baker, Out Lewis, Melksham, Hibberd, ( Inj ) Keilty omtd. OMAC Disinterested or lost his nerve. 5 changes and l wouldn't be surprised. 3 compulsory.
  20. Nostradamus you are on the way. The predictions are looking good. I believe in you. Can you now predict me when the Premiership year is ? I also believe in miracles.
  21. 1. Oliver 2. Jones 3.Petracca 4.Salem 5.Melksham 6.Harmes Missing out Frosty and Gawn could have picked all of them in any order.
  22. Petracca kicked a goal from 50 + because he followed through or kicked through the ball. However when he is between 20 to 40 metres out he tends to guide the ball and lays back on his kick by dropping the ball much higher from his foot which is a recipe for spraying it. What he needs to do from close range is to take the extra seven to ten steps as though to kick through the ball like he does when kicking from 50+ and then his accuracy will be much better. It is as simple as that. Yes let him know if he needs a coach. I told him and look at him now no idea, loss of confidence. Tell him to look me up.
  23. Not a true Dees supporter Deesprate the one's that whinge about everything Melbourne. Not worth your time and effort. Don't waste oxygen on them.
  24. I was thinking of you ah! you never seem happy for TMAC he won us the game you wanted him dropped. You need to jump on board a win to make you feel good. I hope you sleep well tonight. Pleasant Dreams. Try supporting not whinging. I won't waste my breathe on you again.
  25. Time for some fair dinkum changes. IN. PREUSS T SMITH H Petty OUT. T Hibberd ( inj ) Keilty and O MAC ( OMTD ) Surprise in ...Oscar Baker for some leg speed grunt. Have that feeling. Maybe for Garlett. Not doing enough.
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