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Everything posted by nosoupforme

  1. I just remember when he came to us and was said, what an ordinary player we were getting. Well how ordinary has he been? In fact just finishing in the top 10 in the B&F is not ordinary. Melky can mark one on one plays tall for his height can kick multiple goals and when the going gets tough Melky gets us going. He just seems to bob up when we need him most. He has the smarts. He is a very important to our cause. Excellent year mate!
  2. TMAC very important in fact straightens us up as the ball comes in looking for him. The most relaxed kicking action for goal. Tmac hands down in front of T Lynch any day.
  3. I have got used to Oscar over time. Now he is more confident with his marking the ball and one on one. Plays tight although he has a tendency to be loose and out of position at times. He has learnt the art of minding the goals where the ball has dropped short and saved us countless times. Oscar is a good work in progress and he will get better. Don't forget that he is only 21 As we finished 4th on the ladde, he played his role well in 3 finals. He did his job and well done to him. I for one would feel uncomfortable if he was not in our starting 22 in fact he is vital to our cause.
  4. It is fantastic to see Jake doing any type of running at this stage of the year and it shows his determination.. A real professional the kind of person we are going after because they are worth their wait in gold. Well done Jake and hope to see you play in round 1. Wish you the best.
  5. Oskar has speed to burn and can certainly take on the game will barring any serious injuries play senior footy in 2019 . i am so certain he has the weapons to compete with the big boys. He could be the X factor.
  6. Peter Jackson you are my hero and always be indebted to you for helping the club l love out of some very dark years.The club is finally starting to look like it belongs and respected. Yes we are the Demons and you are one for life.
  7. You have made some relevant points RBG . I will follow his progress with interest without being harsh. I would like to see him do well however he must do the hard yards and game time and be deserving of a game not just because he burns the training track. I can see where your coming from and that point of view.
  8. I can't rate him . I have not seen him play one good game of merit for Casey to be given a game for Melb .Can't really judge his game in the PRELIM. Although kicked a goal with a gimme in the square. I would be surprised if is given a regular game. He has played 10 games and one quarter of football was satisfactory. The best tackle he made was on Melksham on the training track. Please prove me wrong! I can't see what some of you are seeing, sorry. TMO. OK his brave but not so talented.
  9. Preuss To me with his height at 206cm and solidly built a man mountain had the distinction of leading the NM ruck division when Goldstein was struggling and to me he covered the ground well. Look for a future ruckman , my word l think we have one a B rookie in Bradtke l think that is what he is. However the Premiership window is open and he is been identified with the FD. So l am going with the flow. And that is how it is. I have followed the club just as long as alot of others and although we all have our opinions we mostly think in the same light when it comes to our club. In other words we are almost all on the same page. cynical or not l love the club and and when l think of something l like to share it and not all are going to like it. I didn't read PJ's comments. If l had of then l wouldn't have written it. All IS GOOD Nasher.
  10. Preuss is not only a back up for Gawn . He is 23 stands at 206 cm and is around 110kgs he is huge Played predominantly forward in his junior days. At one stage he was the main ruck at North in front of Goldstein but was shuffled back when Goldstein came good again. Preuss has played 8 games and kicked 5 goals so he knows how to kick a goal. I believe that Goody is going to stretch the opposition backline with Preuss or Gawn when resting. there similar to WCE with Lycett, Vardy and co It can work and it will be interesting to see. He is worth picking up.
  11. OSCAR BAKER.....you know he plays for our club. Hammy problems out for 6 plus weeks. He is a genuine speedster and a serious player. A good pre season and will be a lock in somewhere in the side. MID to a winger.
  12. Sorry to see you go Burgs you will be missed. You have the love for the players and the club. ln doing your interviews you showed your passion in the good and bad times with your articulated thoughts. Good luck on your new venture. A Demon for life.
  13. If you ever wanted to here a speech from our best and fairest for 2018 in Max Gawn that was the one that will inspire our great club to even greater heights. He is certainly an inspiration to the way he feels about all of his 40 brothers. Melbourne through and through. James Harmes finished 3rd and with no surprise to many of us. I believe he went up a notch this year and another step is not beyond him. He is a fair dinkum Melbourne boy and a credit to his Family. I just want to thank Peter Jackson for steering our great club and making it for what it is today, Driving it towards being a power house in the years and beyond. You came at a critical time and you will leave us in a healthy state. your a Demon for life.
  14. Equal First Gawn & Clarry 3. Gus 4. TMac 5 Salem Jetta and Harmes. will be close by. Good luck to all the boys you had a great year.
  15. The WCE were in front for 6 minutes of the match and when it counted at the end of the game. Poor old Collingwood. I would have been devastated if that was us. What ifs and buts. It would drive me insane. But you get your odd so called maggie supporter that would say every now and again, did Peter Daicos kick any goals today? I have encountered that a few times lately ......I would reply he hasn't played since 1993, where have you been hiding? How does their song go ? Good old Collingwood for never they know how to choke games, CHOKE! CHOKE! CHOKE! CORRRRR BLIMEY!
  16. You know that for me the Collywobbles is back and they have secures their 27 th Runner up a record that will never be broken. However they lost another close one and that was made to happen when their banner ripped off the pole well before the game. No sympathy for them at all. As for WCE good luck to them take your cup back and celebrate it in WA we don't need you around us.
  17. JkH well done and deserving a one year contract after you battled hard to break into the line up only to be unlucky not to hold your spot. However you are still young, talented and have a chance to take the next step to become a very good consistent player. I believe that you will be our most improved player in 2019. You have the capabilities.
  18. Well done Corey Wagner on your B & F you had a excellent year. i am surprised that North Melb delisted you in the first place as they have a habit of doing so. He is a solid running back that also had stints in the midfield with success. Age 21 and 180cm and is all go. Well deserved and I hope the Football Department have a good look at drafting you. He would be a great pickup.
  19. Whats black and white and roles in the car park... Answer _ a rat Collingwood supporter and a Seagull fighting over a chip.
  20. Well done Goody l think you have a few tricks up your sleeve for 2019 that will make you the coach of the year.
  21. Well done Gus finishing 3rd in a Brownlow. It is an amazing achievement considering what you have been through. Keep that helmet on at all times as you have an advantage for the umpires to see when your going at it. Oh! did Razor Ray give you any votes? I suppose he might of been thinking of how to put himself on a pedestal.
  22. I was told that he is a robot and needs a little bit of oiling every now and then. Needs to tighten some loose screws. Finish him up with a cut and polish and will be good as new. May he last forever.
  23. Merely stating not disagreeing with you Hem, however not given the right opportunity just an 18 yo lamb thrown to the slaughter.
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