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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Gawny gets belted each week in the head, face and elsewhere without umpire observation. Up forward, he'll get belted with no penalties far more often. We do not want him in rehab for half a season, and he is ageing, like us all, prevaricating physical injuries becoming more and more common. He'd be a star up forward, no doubt, if we could rely on his shots for goal. That all has to be tempered by the risks that he would face to his game longevity. The Weed must be on last orders to improve for the team. Jackson would possibly be the answer in both regards - but unfair on him. Preuss is the answer and the coaching team must work extra hard to get him to the level of competitive skills and mongrel. So what if it is hard work. The coaching panel owe it to so many of our players, our supporters, our Members and their monetary contributions, our team whose workrate is so often cut short due to a demise in our coaching / development standards very near the big sticks. John Northey wouldn't let this happen.
  2. To me, it seemed like getting rid of a nearly developed star backman in Frosty at last somewhat contained, just to keep OMac, a consistent failure, whilst at the same time, providing King with limited (if any) reason to stay at the Club that had invested much time and effort into his recuperation and playing readiness - so as to solely limit the argument of 'who plays' of the three to satisfy some other, unexplained and ill-advised agenda. We should be freeing ourselves of OMac, full stop. This has been strongly advised by supporters for quite some time (ie: many seasons). We are now in deficit, player wise, on the backline. Both Frosty and King should have been retained - one back, one forward. We could have had a phantastique season in 2020!
  3. Just loved the glimpse of the past. When Melbourne was regarded as the end of the world, it was the greatest place in which to live and grow. It had everything, including a Vic Market mafia. Wonderful memories and very well scripted in terms of inclusions to the film. Thank you, MB - a great reflection. (Just loved Hassa's goal at the start of the film, he could play football!)
  4. Somewhat disappointed with this telecast on the FB with the great John Northey. The three 'hosts' were more concerned with earning 'jokestar' points amongst themselves than probing into the achievements of Northey. Adding irrelevance to the short minutes in which Northey could have been able to relate his experiences (particularly those experiences of football itself) was most annoying. The segments were clearly about Fatso and his beloved Richmond but Nothey's greatest contributions were with the MFC; sadly, little - or an inadequate amount of - focus on his brilliance were touched upon (and there was so much to be chewed over, so great were Northey's contributions and player transformations). Still, lovely to see him on TV, bright, alert, sharp. Still got it, no doubt. If the current hierarchy at the MFC had the humility, they should invite him back to the Club over the pre-season for 2021 - he'd quickly spot the problems ( as if he didn't already fully know what these were) and recommend remedial action to make the Club great again, onfield and off-field. Barassi's initial influence followed by Swooper's football nouse - what a contribution!
  5. Hannan does have good, quality disposals. The demands for a 'bomb' have still existed quite regularly on the forward wing where he plays and comes into the game, yet he has largely avoided these zero percenters and has enabled some very good forward connections with his footwork. If we had better coaching, they would concentrate on him developing further aerobic capacity to improve his serviceability as a wingman; he does have pace, timing and takes a good mark against some larger opponents. Kicking, however, is his best attribute.
  6. At 25 years old, and only two part-seasons into his Aussie Rules (from Rugby) try-out, I'd reckon that Preuss is going to get much better at footy than perhaps he is given credit for - adding to the current skillset the consideration that in the previous between-season sessions he made enormous progress from that with which he joined the MFC. To my mind, he'd do it again and get more opportunities to ruck more regularly in games now that Max is additionally ageing an starting to seriously require some chop-out time into the footy season proper. Plus, Max is literally bashed game in, game out and the umpires are somehow blind to this anomaly so skilled chop-out time is going to be a must for the MFC rucking department. There are also other promising signs from the big fella (the Beast, that is) with forward line screening and pack busting, with marking and of course, his kicking both in set shots for goal and those 'on the run' - he is a very good kick and will improve in this regard, as well. The fulcrum in this hope to retain Preuss is that the Weed has not progressed and is not likely to lift his near-future skillset very far - and this has been a problem for at least four years. I'd keep Preuss, there are others than could be traded to advantage in areas of team/role congestion amongst players.
  7. An act/discussion produced solely to de-stabilise the MFC? Clayton is strongly an MFC fan, and loyal. It means nothing - he'd be one of the last to jump ship.
  8. Yes, these are the ones that cruel us often, and quite often close in to opposition goals if we are ahead at any stage of a game. Some of these are really shonky decisions to 'keep a match alive', depending on the umpires concerned.
  9. Agreed but it was a contentious point put subsequently into my own perspective and sourcing for that reason, and still, to receive some feedback from the DL contributors as another information source to ponder. I still respect TMac and his past efforts for the MFC as he has been a great Demon over many years.
  10. I still find it hard to believe but it was a long while ago and has been easily forgotten. I mentioned it in relation to the trade/delisting commentaries regarding the two MACs - as a measure and handbrake to my thoughts rationalising the reasons why OMac received so many games without satisfactory performance, repeatedly. And now, TMac appears injured yet he is by-passed rather quickly unlike his brother's selections in form stagnation. The statement was used to source other opinion from DL contributors - something that that is useful to find to resolve a thinking dilemma. I think that it is called 'fishing' for answers to a conundrum.
  11. Would hope that is correct; my version is actually a memory from within a DL source - or even a past newspaper commentaryd, - but I hope that is a product of an expanding 'Chinese whisper' that changes many times as time passes. When I thought about it, I, too, would relate that memory of the statement to discuss what I considered to be the benefits of the trading of both the Macs in one fell swoop.
  12. Gets rid of OMac as well. That is something well overdue. Tom did say in an earlier, influential, 'in form' stage of his game that if he is to play footy for the MFC, then his little brother must play/be selected as well - and that was quite a few years ago. Basically, no onfield OMac, then TMac will not play. Holding the Club to ransom, for how many years, how many losses, how many double=teamed teammates to cover so necessarily for OMac each game he plays? It all added up to a footy team with limited hope to improve, win games, keep its head above water - and not one coach / selection panel had the guts to do something positive about it. Electra Glide in Blue
  13. Refreshing isn't it, a concept well supported by: his football knowledge, his modernism and tactical nouse within the best arrays of the modern game (Hawthorn at and across its peak) and its execution, his communication skills above par by a mile, his currency on the best means to approach the modern game - supported extensively in very recent times by his onfield leadership (excellence) despite being just past the sunset of his onfield, playing capabilities. A quality man, as well. Values driven, articulate, thoughtful, resilient, great leadership mixed with personalisation at appropriate length.
  14. That is plainly true. A process of selective and applied intent to be reflected. I just wonder who Jordan Lewis, as our new coach, would prefer for the INs and the OUTs?
  15. Our team across the past few years has been too sympathetically retentive. Yes, there is such a thing when you think about it. A good cleanout is required, beginning with Goodwin and all of his coaching marvel men. These creatures have been given adequate free rein to achieve something with the MFC and have nothing - absolutely zilch - to show for the trust we held for them. Season 2021 must now be another rebuild with a greater focus on success and footballer/team development. All the de-listings mentioned so far have been justifiable. Perhaps these should all take place.
  16. I'd really think that this is the case - a talent like Harley, once rekindled - is going to come back harder and more resolute than ever. He could very positively assist in the complete transformation of our forward line; in fact, I'd strongly suggest that will be the case. Good china is wrapped well; let's hope that Harley and his recuperation are also well wrapped by the start of the next season.
  17. In reality, I thought that it would be Caroline Wilson exposing this news so easily observed on the telecast, and sensationalism to the world. It is tasteless and provoking news, that which is usually ignored without value-laden additions. Sad that it happened but then again, it is none of our business, so easily forgotten. I think is was most possibly extremist comerademie and not much else - so who cares?
  18. Just imagine how Brown might be playing with more games under his belt this season.
  19. Other than being played out of position for too long by Goodwin, and as a 'fill-gap' player at that with useless 'mates of Goodwin' occupying slots without meaningful returns for the regular selections, it is my firm belief that the alleged 'game plan - brand - lessons learned - contested horse droppings' of the coach have worked badly to ruin his game, opportunities and match readiness, as well as those of so many of his teammates. Goodwin's preference, longer-term, for Hunt has been to keep him at a distance from the team to act as 'available depth' . Hunt produces excellent space-oriented plays, runs like the wind, carries the ball very quickly and bounces without fault, kicks like Aaron Davey could over distance and in shorter passes, with tremendous accuracy across the averages. Can't get a game....
  20. Agreed and generally, doesn't he kick well? With work, his kicking could improve still - a bullet should be the aim in the congestion of the modern game. Like switching from a 5.5mm to a 7.62mm with precision.
  21. Clearly in the wrong positions and that is more than a tragedy because different positions have different roles and responsibilities to adopt - for however long - at the will of Goodwin. We have had him in the Club for some years now, where we have evaluated his skillset time and again in the main team. He is very effective and reliable when played correctly positioned, adding immense pace and kicking skills - including all-day running - to an improving forward line (or at least one that is stabilising) - yet Goodwin uses him expectantly as a 'gap filler' but more often as 'residual, non-playing depth' since his 'mates' keep getting games, somewhere onfield. One injury, short-term, fully recovered for most of this season, as well. A terrific Clubman. Not bloody good enough. How many of the many close matches in hindsight might we have won this year with him in the team, locked into his best position and roving around as he can? Drop Goodwin, retain and use our talents. Simple.
  22. Yet another example in a bad year or a bad series of bad selections that many of us were screaming about. It was obvious, two games and he has his mojo back again - a valuable player. The chosen reflection, week after week, against OUR will was the Weed - who still is not producing. Then Dl contributors see Weed kick two goals in a single game - a massive contribution - and suddenly he's a star quality earning a guernsey to look busy but do nothing really, in a sinecure, week after week.
  23. True dilemma, Bbo, true dilemma. Are the chiefs at the MFC and the coaching array going to review themselves? No way, it's too cushy a job as it currently stands. If a review is done, it will be through the appointment of several compatriot mates and its outcome will be a whitewash of complicity and further neglect, to be sustained at all costs for as long as possible. Given the way that the AFL conduct themselves in matters of appointments and responsibilities for the paying public and fans across all clubs (except the Filth and the Catty Puts), such a review at the MFC will be condoned, allegedly honoured and totally situated (ie: the outcome could accurately be predicted to be ' more of the same' and 'abstractly irrelevant' to real improvements in the mighty MFC. The big questions and issues will not even be tabled, let alone investigated or modified for moving forward. We already know what will and won't be achieved, well ahead of such a 'review for improvements and change' even begins. As fans, we are born losers.
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