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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. Would hope we have someone lined up as a free agent to justify giving away the picks we did for Lever last year. This years draft picks 32, 43, 50, 86 aren't going to get clubs excited
  2. Stuff the afl, how dare they prioritise broadcasters so blatantly and leave us with a 5 day break to deal with
  3. Gee ... I know I don't watch much of the eagles so I'm sure there is some talent in their side ... but for a team that has won so many games they seem like a bunch of no names with injuries to some of their talent
  4. Looking forward to preseason reports already ... Headline: "Viney and Hogan are off the track after experiencing soreness in their feet". Misson/Goodwin with his never misleading reports on the stars of the team "... so we are deloading them but we expect them to be available for round 1, we identified it early and want to set them up for success ... but its not a set back!". Even though we all know its a recurrence, the club has no idea how to manage foot injuries, scans show massive hot spots, and their careers at risk.
  5. Forward pockets go in and out of form ... its the nature of the position ... you do need a couple of small forwards to rotate in an out of the side depending on their form ... happy for spargo/garlett to rotate in and out of the side next season ... Garlett hasn't lost any of his pace and was talked about as AA not that long ago
  6. If l hear anyone on this forum say that we are not doctors and we should back the clubs sports science and medical teams l will throw up. Hogan clearly had a significant injury during the game, why bring him back on if you don’t know how serious it is? “We feel we have got it quite early”. More rubbish from Misson
  7. He is no good in the first few weeks of his returns from injury so l wouldn’t want him playing finals unconditioned and destabilising established midfield roles
  8. Learnt long ago to not trust the injury reports on any Mfc player of significance. Viney being one of them. No chance of returning, and looking forward to the mooted review of our sports science team.
  9. Not one full stop. Great work
  10. Apparently the opportunity to be an ambassador for Visy was an opportunity too good to refuse for the would be conservationist
  11. Great to sign him. 4 years on the back of 2 years with concussion might be overs
  12. Still waiting for the supposed fire in the belly that was started with our embarrassing lose to Collingwood last year to appear
  13. The fact that the MFC has announced they are investigating the injuries publicly suggests this is no ordinary review. They could have just gone about assessing their training without making it public which I am sure happens to some degree all the time. So for me, this is the beginning of some over due changes to our sports science team.
  14. Just perception but never felt Bartlett appreciated Peter Jackson talking about the old and new Melbourne boards when he arrived. From afar it seemed like Jackson (with the strong support of the afl) probably ran his own show which for the most part has been a success but has not totally been forgotten
  15. Seems the club made the right call knowing they would target Fritsch who will provided a similar output for much less money. Money ball at its best! Jack who?
  16. I think most would agree that it helps to create the perception you are strongly considering bigger other offers if you want others to match them or better them. You need to set up a small market place
  17. He isn’t going anywhere. Said he will decide soon so he can only be staying at port and holding out for the best contract
  18. Would be excellent. Awesome results with cricket Australia over years if you look at viewership, attendance, participation growth stats
  19. Possibly over thinking some of this DV8
  20. If the AFL is pulling the strings, no disrespect intended, but board members aren't going to tell you this
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