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Everything posted by Demons1858

  1. He has said himself that his issues were in Yuendumu and not at mfc. having said that 'm sure drinking doesn't help
  2. So when do we lose patients? Is it the game plan (coaches responsibility) which leaves us under pressure / in bad field position or personnel (player talent) that can't execute and follow instruction. Even when we win we tend to have been inefficient
  3. China was in 2010 and his first charges were in 2012 so cant see the link. First got himself in trouble in NT when intervening in complex family / cultural troubles
  4. l'm sure one of the challenges the coaching staff would have set for 2019 was am improvement in our conversion and delivery around the F50. Seems an epic fail with few signs of any progress. l give them until mid 2020 to improve otherwise some new ideas are needed by end of next year
  5. Issues started when he left mfc not prior
  6. As long as he's not out for the dreaded and cursed "4 to 6 weeks". If that's the case, we won't see him until mid next year!
  7. Out: Wagner is depth so he will miss out. Either ANB or Hannan will likely miss also as neither did much. In: Hibberd and Lewis. Think Lever has had enough niggles post returning from knee surgery, to suggest he just needs to have a couple of injury free weeks on track and return without worrying about re-injuring something so he can focus on getting the footy
  8. Won't be captain next year, but its got nothing to do with 1 free kick in a career of highly disciplined football
  9. What to do with Nathan Jones? Easy, keep playing him and give him some short stints in the middle where he is best. Do we really want to batter are young on ball brigade for 100% of 22 games in a season?
  10. Think we cut him some slack. Always played disciplined footy and he was standing up for a mate. Lets not get too hysterical. Not easy playing intense footy and staying on the edge without going over occasionally. His record is excellent in that regard
  11. Awesome video clip of Viney putting him down. Seems like he knew Walters he was coming but didn't want to let on until - bang down he goes. Hilarious
  12. A lot to like about today's game. Has some natural football smarts, is clean with his hands, and has a piercing kick. Small forward position isn't an easy role to play though. There aren't too many small forwards that play consistently aside from Walters, Ablett, Betts, De Goey. Others tend to be in and out of games, so hope he can continue to develop and play other positions. Spargo and even JKH (in his first season) both looked promising at times but are now in the VFL as they aren't elite forwards or able to play other positions when things aren't going their way
  13. Other get moved on before ANB. Showed he can be of value when in form, clearly no in form at the moment and so is on the fringe. Some like JKH, have shown less
  14. Like Pretty's game. Solid mark and has a defenders nous. Going to be good for us in the long run and would like to see him continue to develop with the season all but done. Same goes for Baker, the only true wing man on our list given KK can't get on the park. Give Lever an extra week or two rest, prefer to see him come back at peak fitness not after the recent ankle and knee injuries
  15. Seems the football department got a bit ahead of itself at the start of the year. Development coaches don't always make great line coaches. Max Rooke and Brendan McCartney were deployed as line coaches (after success in development roles) and it would appear that they and the players haven't excelled together. So they go back to their previous successful roles. If none of the coaches have their noses out of joint , then we move on. Think Max will be the one that might be gone at seasons end not Brendan.
  16. Hey Spud, just logged back on after a break. Nostradamus you say. No, just a realist which doesn't always go down well on this forum when most a predicting top 4 finishes back in Feb when I posted my concerns. Years of seeing the impact injuries have on the aspirations of footy teams made me pessimistic about the year. Was at training early on in preseason and reported that around half our key starting 22 was missing injured/in rehab. Pretty sure we didn't manage that very well. The break has led some changes to the sports science and medical departments and misso has moved aside. Thought this would have happened at the end of last year but better late than never.
  17. maybe they don't have a viable plan b is the other possibility
  18. Now preuss is missing with the same injury he carried into last week ... how about we play a fit side and let injured players heal ... Jetta started sore and only got worse!
  19. Goodwin has played games before although there are examples of other coaches that do it more than him ... I don't read into anything he says on the injury front. Also don't read into training reports from those with rose coloured glasses or deliberately trying to misinform. Doubt Preuss will play and suspect that they want to keep st.kilda guessing about our final team and whether they will need an extra tall in defence... all the smoke and mirrors is a waste of time and supporters get misinformed in the processes
  20. Paying big developing forwards on potential hasn't worked in recent times e.g. patton, boyd, daniher, and cameron to a lesser extent. hogan would be one of the exceptions
  21. Sounds like we have our own version of lawyer x amongst us. will be hard to take the training reports seriously.
  22. Collingwood don't have the money, going by the fact Beams caused team mates to take a haircut last year.
  23. Assuming someone has a misogynist view based on a pretty basic observation is key board warrior stuff. Play the ball
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