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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Exactly. I'd like to know OP what you found so "hateful" about his responses. So he didn't pick us to have the most success in the next 5 years... who gives a stuff? Just one blokes opinion.
  2. True and the same can be said for losing to North but we have been far more competitive than many of the others around us in the bottom 6. We can still win 3-4 games in the second half of the year which will be more than enough!
  3. We are no chance to win the spoon IMO. The Tigers have rolled Port and the Eagles in Melbourne, 2 of the worst teams in the competition. Nothing to get concerned about.
  4. Spot on. FD are not moulding him in to something he isn't, they are teaching him how to play the position with more confidence at AFL level. He already has the tools to be a terrific rebounding defender and now he needs to learn more about the defensive side of his game as well, something he probably didn't need to do as much at TAC level. I must admit that I'm looking forward to seeing him back in the red and blue in the very near future!
  5. Rubbish thread. Plain and simple. He broke his leg during the pre-season FFS and missed a heck of a lot of time to get himself going and only had 2 weeks in the reserves before returning. Nothing to worry about in the slightest, Morton will shine in the second half of the year. And to those who lay claim to being "impatient" about his lack of muscle... who says you need muscle to make it in this game? No-one. Never made any difference to one Robert Flower did it?
  6. Very well deserved. A bright light in a dismal two weeks and these performances have come against some very, very good midfields.
  7. I actually feel a little sorry for Garland - he's come from a long way back and missed a heck of alot of football over the past 18 months. IMO he is still getting his fitness and feel for the game back as it can't have been easy to be thrust back in to the side without any real pre-season or even time in the twos. Not worried in the slightest about him. If he goes back to Casey for a few weeks then so be it but he is still young and his best footy is still ahead of him.
  8. I totally disagree. Trengove can have anything he likes on his FB page but we don't need to know about it and I'm sure he wouldn't want it spread all over a forum. He can have a giggle at a mates expense, but telling everyone else about it? That's pathetic. Like I said earlier if Trengove wanted us to know he would add us as a friend. He hasn't, therefore he has some right to privacy.
  9. It's unbelievable that some have Bruce out as well. Cops a fair bit of stick and some of it is justified but he is far from our worst and, let's face it, he won't be dropped.
  10. The main "change" I want to see is for the club to show up in the first quarter and have a fair dinkum crack. Frawley and McKenie would be nice but it won't mean anything if we just run around like headless chooks and allow the Pies to kick 7-8 goals in the first quarter to essentially finish off the game.
  11. If he added you then I understand that, but why tell us what's on his page? We don't need to know and what he does have on there is his own business. In my opinion, if I can have one, is that you are breaching his trust. If Trengove wanted to share it then he would add us all - otherwise keep it to yourself.
  12. I'll try and say this nicely, but... why would you want to be friends with footballers on facebook? Strikes me as weird and a little creepy but maybe I'm just completely out of touch.
  13. LeBron James.... with Cristiano Ronaldo on a wing!
  14. Depending on fitness we can bring Bate in for, possibly, Aussie. Miller stays and pinch hits in the ruck. Jaded makes a good point regardless though - Jamar can't keep doing it alone with 2-3 minute breaks for the rest of the year as he needs help. Where that comes from is anybodies guess!
  15. Jumbo made a relevant point (not that I necessarily agree with it), he just didn't get it across in the right manner. Nic Nat is a gun and his comparison to Scully and Trengove was merely to show, I believe, how important he already is to not only his side but the competition as a whole. Like I said though, I don't think Jumbo got his point across properly.
  16. Fair point, but it's the same on every other site when it comes to the "rose colored glasses". Just a fact of internet fan site life. Nic Nat will be a gun but, with time, I have every faith that Watts will be as well and he gave a glimpse of that potential today. And I believe that 90% of the people who post here would feel the same way.
  17. If you don't want to read all the posts then don't generalise your comments about said posts. No-one can deny the talents, ability and potential of Nic Nat. And no-one here does. I think what pisses people off is how the media drools about him when, in reality, he does 2 to 3 terrific things a game and not much else. I can honestly say that not once have I ever wished we took Nic Nat - to say so after Watts has played just 4 games is foolish.
  18. We can scratch Watts from the list. After hearing Bailey's comments from yesterday he is no chance. I hate the idea of it but I have a feeling either Miller or Newton will come in to the side this weekend. They never give much but they always go back to them. Like that ex-girlfriend you can never seem to get rid of. Martin probably gets another run this weekend too. I'd love to see Danny Hughes promoted and, with the Petterd gone for the year, it might actually happen. I'm a bit of a Maric fan as well but I don't see it happening.
  19. He showed good signs, true. There were times there where his disposal was fantastic and showed a glimpse of what he can bring to the team coming off a half back flank. Still a work in progress but more of a positive than a negative!
  20. I'll post here because I'm TRYING to stay positive. I think they key to last nights game was intensity. The boys just didn't seem switched on at all, dropping marks, poor decisions, missing tackles - I can't see us playing like that all year, or even most of the year. I was pleased with: Morton - Has a bit of class and instead of playing him across half back I'd prefer to see him moved forward. When we play him there he always seems capable of snagging a few goals. MacDonald - Shows he fits in, although the ball was down there a lot which padded his stats. Doesn't take a backwards step which is handy. Scully and Trengove - Just happy they have a game under their belts. I don't think they played all that well (nor did I expect them too) but they will be better for the run. Frawley - Something to be pleased about, thought he fought hard against Pavlich and came out even. The kids - Another game under their belts as well, can only learn from the experience. I'm not throwing the year away after one NAB Cup game, but gee, it was a little disappointing...
  21. Newton is playing in defense. 'Nuff said.
  22. How so? Don't say it's wrong and then offer nothing from yourself.
  23. How is learning how to win games not of any benefit to our club? If we keep losing... and losing... and losing... it sinks deep into the club and into the players. While I understand the importance of getting more picks , I still think winning games and understanding how to do so is just as important. We haven't, however, lost any picks in the draft and as it stands now we would still have Pick #1.
  24. Good, we don't need people like you supporting our club.
  25. Let's not get completely ahead of ourselves here. That is the very WORST case scenario and we are still no certainties to win anymore games for the year, although Freo are rubbish and you would think that we wouldn't have any problems there, but we are not cert to beat any other team. Alot of IF's at the moment.
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