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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. Do some of your own research on the guy if you want to know. No [censored] plenty of players have good years in such leagues, but that's not the reason people continue to harp on about him. As I said, go and have a dig around yourself. I'm into Viv for the following reasons. - 21 yoa who was in terrific form for a streak of WAFL matches before he injured himself again at the end of the year. - Is a smart and skilled 187 cm player who rotates through the midfield and forward line. Note he is skilled. Something we lack. Quality. - Is a Victorian boy and these are the types I'm sure we are going for. The only reason he wasn't getting a gig in the seniors is because of the season and midfield Freo had/have and he had a rotten run with injuries. I will be over the moon if we get him. Quality young mid who has been in the system for a few years and has shown some seriously consistent form in the WAFL. Skilled and smart. Get him to the dees.
  2. Ahhh. You mean YOU have no idea why. That's all you had to articulate.
  3. One of the more nonsensical lines I've read on here... What reality are you talking about? Do you mean to say basketball is not as much of a contact sport so one doesn't need to be as tough? There are plenty of people that play basketball who would have no problem with the physical aspect of playing AFL.
  4. With all due respect Biffen, the parts of the game in which Jack Watts doesn't excel at are intensity, aggression and competitiveness. There are many other synonyms one can use. If he is to work and develop them, he must start to pick apart what goes through his head when he is playing. You're missing the point in a big way.I don't care where the conditioning comes from. All I know is that if he starts becoming more present and really thinks about his actions whilst on the field, (like running with an urgancy to win the ball in dispute), then we will slowly see this translate into his subconscious over a period of time. It entirely and absolutely begins and ends in his head. So stop this simplistic [censored] about him 'not needing to be tough'. I want him to get the best out of himself and this is the way to address his weaknesses.
  5. It's not what Roos can get out of Watts. Yes Roos can inspire Watts and play him in the one position and give him all the feedback and godly teachings in the world; but the area in which Jack Watts needs to improve most is all in his head. Psychological conditioning that needs overcoming with the help of the following things: * Jack's willingness to work on intensity, aggression and mental toughness. The mental aspect of his game. (He will need to see some sort of sports psychologist for such a thing, which I'm sure he already does). * Another pre-season in the gym to build his frame again. (Every year that goes by he becomes more comfortable in his body) * As indicated by Roos already, a position in which he can make his own and therefore spend more time and energy on the first point I raised. Yes it's fantastic that we have Roos on board and I'm sure it's given Watts a big boost of self confidence and some inspiration going into pre-season, HOWEVER, the first point I raised is absolutely 100 % up to him. The only thing holding him back from becoming a dominant player within the competition is his mental toughness. If he can get over his fear of body contact and actually turn it around so that we see him start enjoying it, he will be a beauty. I'm not talking about head first stuff like Selwood or Viney. Let's take Pendels for example, (since there's been mention of Watts playing in the midfield), you can see the way that Pendelbury plays that his intensity, aggression and mental application are at a more advanced stage than that of Watts'. It's the the thing I want to see most at this club. A transformation in Watts' mentality as an AFL player.
  6. Pray do tell why? What in gods name did you see?
  7. Haha I love it when posters pick and choose which articles they choose to believe and which they don't. It's absolutely 100 percent believable that Collingwood or Richmond would be most players preferred destination. Ahh you lot. I hope we land a couple of decent mids for next year, but I completely believe articles that state such things. This is the MFC we are talking about.
  8. There is a reason recruiters and clubs alike were bemused with the selection of Gysberts at pick 11. The guy is not good enough full stop, and it's more than just an attitude thing.
  9. "Gysberts is going to be our Scott Pendelbury..." "Morton will be our Adam Goodes" Demonland... Lol
  10. They've given us loads of money which has landed is Paul Roos.They've given is Peter Jackson who is sorting this mess of a club out off field. We can now walk on our own two feet thanks to the AFL. Lets start building the list on our own now.
  11. People are kidding themselves if they think we'll be getting one. We have been given Roos on a silver platter because of the state of our club. Things will change without a PP and I'm happy we won't receive one. We should pay for our pathetic actions.
  12. Everyone is so scared of such ridiculous things!!! The MFC are desperate for on field performance, a bit of arrogance and some genuine balls. Martin is only after money! It's as if the guy has been involved in some sort of criminal activities or something! Get him to the club!!!! We have a 10 fold better support system than we used to. The MFC need to start making these kinds of decisions if we're going to stay alive.
  13. I'm pretty sure it wasn't a serious knee, not a reco anyway. I remember reading it. He is a talented player, has just found it tough breaking into freo's established midfield. Would love if he came to us.
  14. Yes, I completely understand what you were drawing out of a stat like that Stuie.
  15. We actually have no idea. It's all speculation. It seems like his personality is more difficult to manage than some other players. The rest is pure speculation.
  16. http://demonland.com/forums/index.php?/topic/34882-the-daniel-cross-thread/
  17. There's another Cross thread floating around it seems.
  18. Cross Adams Thomas Swallow Sloane Chapman They are the only mids worth going for.
  19. A hilarious thread for a hilarious time of year
  20. Jesus you pea-brain, go back and read the Cross thread and you'll see that I am all for getting him to the club. You concentrate so hard on trying to make everything comical that you seem to miss these things though.
  21. You need help. I said that stat is irrelevant, and went on to explain why. Not once, anywhere did I say stats are irrelevant. Please go away.
  22. It is irrelevant you goose. Another pointless stat in isolation. If you'd bother looking at the games he played in and how much more of the ball the bulldogs would have had control of during those games, you'd come to understand why they had similar numbers this year. If you swapped the players, I'm sure Jones would have averaged closer to 25-30 disposals a game. Because the Bulldogs had a better year than us. More of the ball. You see? It's quite simple Stuie. That stat is absolutely without a doubt, pointless.
  23. I'm of the belief that Melbourne supporters on here greatly exaggerate these 'issues' that Heat Shaw supposedly has. There's been absolutely nothing other than speculation to suggest that he is on the outer at Collingwood. Why is it that when it comes to an article written about an opposition player, people take every word as gospel? Yet if there's an article written about Melbourne or a player for the MFC the same posters will take that with a grain of salt? I just read from the words of Dale Thomas himself saying that the only problem he has at the club is that 'he cares so much'. I would kill to see our backman speaking to one another with the same passion Heath Shaw seems to speak with. He cares about the jumper. Wow, he had a brain-fade last weekend and gave a goal to Port for getting angry with Monfries. How many times has Lynden Dunn 'acted tough' on the field only to give pointless free-kicks away. He offers less than half the output of Heath Shaw when it comes to his value to the team. In the end, I don't care if we go after him or if he stays. The point remains, he is a very good player and people on here seem to completely exaggerate these issues.
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