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Everything posted by stevethemanjordan

  1. [censored] Danger. I wish the AFL had the trust that we could this time around build a dynasty on our own. Trust that we have the right recruiters, development coaches and players to provide the perfect environment for young players to thrive. Of course I completely get that we've had ample opportunity in previous drafts/years and we've got it so horribly wrong. But I don't care to wait now. I don't want to offer the world for a bonafide star of the comp who was brought to life by another club. I want us to do it ourselves for once. I want us to be ruthless in our objective to draft the best two mids of this year in Petracca and Brayshaw, (insert any other player out recruiters believe have star qualities) And inject maybe a ROK, Malceski and Lumumba to add to Cross, Vince and Dawes who were not stars of the comp but who tick the box as teachers and players who will actually nurture and mentor young players unlike Sylvia, Moloney and Frawley in recent times. I understand there's an argument that the MFC can't be afforded anymore time to 'rebuild' and need immediate improvement. But there is risk in everything. Every trade. Look at what has happened to Clarke. It's only my view. But I see us as being extremely lucky to have another opportunity and crack at potentially nabbing two of the best mids in this draft and developing them RIGHT. I don't want to hear one post bring up our past failings because the variables involved are now completely different. It's time to unearth our own stars of the competition. Petracca Brayshaw Viney Tyson Salem Hogan Under the tutelage of potentially: Cross Jones ROK Malceski Vince Dawes Lumumba Vs Scully Trengove Morton Gysberts Blease Strauss (Who were drafted by a completely different recruiting group headed by possibly the worst recruiter of all time) Under the tutelage of: Green Moloney Sylvia Frawley Jones Etc We have been given a golden second opportunity to have a shot at getting it right. My thoughts anyway..
  2. I just feel sick that we have another top 20 draft pick leaving the club for nothing of significance in return. Morton Gysberts Cook Blease Strauss (will be gone) It makes me want to cry.
  3. Except for those two minor career changing moments. Suffering one of the more complicated and severe injuries in football which led to multiple soft tissue injuries whilst trying to work his way back last year as well as suffering from depression which resulted in him retiring from the game altogether. But yeh.. No reason he won't return to form..
  4. Yes, Patrick Smith said it. Please understand how insignificant anything that comes out of his mouth is.. These people in the media who have had no experience playing the game are just egotistical hornblowers who have nothing to lose when making definitive statements like that. I heard it too. He is a clown. I'm more than confident Mitch will not do wrong by the club and play at another Victorian club. Whether or not he tries to get to a WA club is another matter and one that doesn't bother me too much as long as we're compensated for the loss. Relax DL.
  5. On a completely unrelated to this topic note... [censored] me watching Hawthorn and Geelong is a pleasure.
  6. He has a weird obsession with defending the pea-brain and responding to any post that is anti Frawley.It's a serious amount of topic watching from Nutbean. Not sure if it's impressive, or worrying...
  7. Radar? Paul Roos and Lumumba were seen at a cafe together this morning. I'm fairly positive it wasn't about the teachings of the Dali Lama. But I could be wrong.
  8. I would confidently say that I've played team sports for longer and to a higher level, and therefore been exposed to the things Lumumba rightfully feels uncomfortable and frustrated about. And I'd also say that like Lumumba, there are things that frustrate and disappoint me hugely in a stereotypical 'blokey' environment... It's a deeply rooted issue and I'd go on to say that I highly doubt the throway line about the mardi gras in isolation would have been the reason he has an issue. It would be a series of repetitive remarks over his career that has culminated in his frustration to such an issue.
  9. Paul Roos and Lumumba spotted at a cafe this morning. He and Malceski would be the backline pickups we need this offseason. Major upgrades on what we currently have.
  10. Can't believe some of the tripe written in the other thread in regards to this great man. Nathan Jones. A player who's 'talent' levels or 'natural ability' is being questioned and compared to other players within the AFL. This is a guy who has consistently improved every part of his game since being drafted. This is a guy who has stood tall and who hasn't been affected by the failings of the MFC over the past 8+ years when nearly all of his fellow teammates have crumbled and fallen. Nathan Jones is our very own superstar. I rate him just as highly as any other midfielder in the competition because of the unique situation he finds himself in. How many other star mids in the AFL would be the players they are now had they been drafted and developed under the same toxic culture that Jones has been subject to? He hasn't had anywhere near the support some of the other stars of the comp have had. He is a self driven, smart, hungry and desperate work horse who has done everything he can to get the absolute best out of himself for our club. Nobody who has been drafted to the MFC at that time or since even comes close. Viney may be the next breed. Congratulations Nathan, you're a legend of the club already in my eyes and someone who has the capacity to help turn this ship around.
  11. Regardless of Dawes' behaviour last night, he is still 10 times the leader Frawley will ever be.
  12. Myself and plenty of other MFC diehards will not miss him. When will people realise that 'honourable servants' of this club are not the ones who are going to drag us out of this black hole. Especially those who are supposed leaders. We will continue to be second rate until we have a core group of leaders who share the same philosophies and mindset as players like Jones, Cross and Dawes and have the talent, professionalism and work ethic to match. Frawley has the consciousness of a minnow and those who believe he is any sort of 'loss' to this club still have no idea the kind of club culture we are searching for to improve. And no I don't care what Paul Roos' spits out to the media in regards to the situation. He'd know very well that we're much much better off with the compo pick. Bring on the new breed.
  13. Petracca and Laverde or Brayshaw and Laverde if we happen to do a 'Tyson type' deal with either pick 2 or 3 with 21 for a good mid and a pick in the top 10. That would be my dream. Laverde might just be the player of the draft.
  14. You would have a point if we were going to the draft had the club not changed: - The recruiting team and head recruiter. - The senior coach, assistant coaches and development coaches. - The list and core group of experienced players that now lead the club Nutbean. Your post, and posts of that nature are nothing but ignorant and infuriating. No [censored] every pick has an element of risk, but all of those things I've pointed out have changed drastically at our club but under past management, they're the very reason all of those names you mentioned have all failed. Is it it that [censored] hard to understand?
  15. Absolutley we should go for him. A key position player who can actually use the ball. A fresh mind who competes hard and can use the footy. Already an upgrade from what Frawley delivered this year.
  16. If we end up with pick 2 and 3, (thanks to the Frawley compo), I'd be wanting to take Petracca and Brayshaw providing they're both there. Development for young players coming to our club is a non issue now that we have the right people in place and these two guys look to good to pass up. However, if we do decide to offer one pick up for a player and a later pick back like the 'Tyson' deal last year, I'd want to pick up Laverde. The guy looks unbelievable.
  17. Holy [censored] Barrett is an absolute pea brain.. Love the bit where he says 'the body of work is what you base these things on'. Basically meaning Tyson has had one good year and questioning whether or not he'll be a future star yet somehow he knows Kelly 'is going to be an absolute superstar, lock that in'. Completely contradicted himself in that section. Christ I hate the guy.
  18. Can't wait until he goes. Offload the infected. The virus has to be flushed.
  19. Olisik, you're taking a very narrow view of what 'impact' in fact means in AFL.What I mean to say is, one can have an impact or influence the game/a passage of play without even touching the ball, which Salem has done during games this year and I'd argue is one of the reasons he has been getting games rather than getting high possession numbers.. Salem is about the only first year player since N Jones who actually seems to block with intent, tackle hard, chase hard and smother with intent whilst also being able to hurt the opposition with the ball. Do you remember the essendon game where he had two or three smothers in the last quarter, one of which resulted directly in a Jack Watts goal? Are you telling me that is not 'impacting' a game? For someone who has so much skill and silk, to have these 'off the ball' or 'defensive' attributes already visible is nothing but a blessing. The least of my concern is the number of possessions he has accumulated off the back of a limited pre-season, playing in a forwardline who rarely get decent delivery and in one of the hardest positions on the ground to accumulate possessions as so many have already pointed out. You've got to wake up a bit.
  20. That's a Neeld-esque sort of pick up. And one that I definitely wouldn't be cool with.
  21. Of course it's not ideal, but what options do we have RPFC. To break this virus and culture that is so evident at the MFC, we will have to do things like this. I think Trengove and Toumpas won't be used as bait because they haven't been given enough opportunity and they're both smart footballers with the right mindset and they're skillful. Watts and Grimes on the other hand would be one's I'd be happy to offer up to get an early second round pick for. We've see how many good players can be picked up later in the draft, brought to a club and developed properly. It's the only way we're going to get out of this mess. The only way. We need to rebuild properly. Meaning drafting the right kids with the right skill sets and minds, develop them properly and build a culture and environment around a core group of mature players who understand what it takes to train and play at the level. Supporters and posters are scared because we've tried to do those things in the past but it hasn't worked but it's bleeding obvious that we didn't have the right coaches, recruiting staff or senior players in place to make it a success. We all have to trust that we've got the best people in place now to oversee and make these decisions. I'm absolutely at the stage where I'm happy to see another rebuild if done properly. I'll welcome Roos trading most of our players out if he believes they can't contribute to the change we need. We all need to completely let go of the care for individuals at the club. No matter how much of a 'good honest bloke' they may be. This is about the survival of the MFC.
  22. Still amusing how many posters wanted to keep him going back a few months. He will not contribute to the change that our club is in search for. That is all that matters.
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