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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. Considering how poor we were in some aspects of the game, we must have done some things well because we kept scoring throughout. Yes. I know Brisbane missed a lot but I still think it was promising how we got inside 50's and some fantastic goals (Jamar, Howe, Watts, Pederson, Gawn).
  2. Disappointed in N Jones, Howe, Pederson today. Raines seems to own Jones... needed to find a way. Howe started well then drifted out entirely, even got owned in the air on a few occasions.
  3. The big mistakes that hurt more than the rest... Byrnes kicking into mark... Brisbane Goal! McDonald dropped mark... Brisbane Goal! The umpire paying ridiculous holding ball against Tierlich in goalsquare... Brisbane Goal! Oh yes... Bail not hitting up Davey in goalsquare in last qtr... cost us a certain Goal!
  4. He rarely has a bag scored on him and even today he was one of our better defenders
  5. McDonald regularly drops marks as well. He has struggled since his return with quite a long blooper reel. Might be a confidence thing but at the moment he is not giving us a lot of run (his strength) but he is creating opposition goals with the fumbles, with continually being a few steps behind his (marking opponent) and his ify handball.
  6. He's not skinny and he will be developed in one year
  7. Sounds like Mitch is the new 4 to 6... “As mentioned earlier in the week, Mitch has got some foot issues and he’ll be taking a period off his legs, before building back up,” football manager Josh Mahoney told melbournefc.com.au. “At this stage, it’ll be a week to week thing with Mitch.”
  8. Very positive and worthwhile observation from inside. A nice repost to the rumour mongering, personality cultists that masquerade as sports journalists in this city of ours.
  9. Loved it! Put Wilson back in her box. Referred to the AFL feeding her stories. which was so apparent in the tanking episode and now the drug crisis. This is the truth of the matter... AD and CW have been bleating on about integrity when their own practices so obviously corrupt good governance and journalistic standards. I also applaud Eddie for his summary, which addressed the best way forward for the Industry. I am not an Eddie fan because I am wary of the celebrity cult, but I applaud his getting on the front foot here... and I find him infinitely more in touch with our great game than Caroline.
  10. Grapeviney... the plaudits aren't all about Jetta's undisciplined act, many are about what he brings to the table. I objected to cheerleading regarding his imminent ban and a slur on his character. Clark also cost us a goal with an 'undisciplined' act. Are you suggesting that we drop Clark (if he is fit) because of a lack of discipline? If the umpire had protected Jetta from having his head ripped from his shoulders a little earlier he might not have thought he had to take matters into his own hands.
  11. George, no mention of Byrnes keeping us in it OR Howe. Nev Jetta isn't in the side because of his pace (which is moderate), it's his defensive pressure. Hardly taken apart by Tom Scully, you might just as well say that GWS were taken apart by Evans. I suppose that would be giving credit where credit is due!
  12. Schneider, like your style! Be careful about laying it on too thick with JW... some of the natives will get restless.
  13. He was referring to people who don't pay (to the MFC) to get in... including some in the press-box
  14. Dr Gonzo... Nice admission on Howe... some others here need to take a leaf out of your book.
  15. Pederson was good today and is getting better as he learns more about the playing styles of his new team mates. He is a goer, with a strong body, is a decent kick and an above average mark. A few here will have to eat their words about him too!
  16. P_Man... I didn't have Byrnes as my best, but a lot of what you say makes sense. His FOUR goals were a great return for clever positioning and polished finish. Exactly why he was recruited (along with his excellent character and example around the youngsters).
  17. tonatopia... Hahahahahaha! That was funny stuff. You were joking,no? Anyway, thanks for entertaining me this Sunday evening. Isn't a win grand?
  18. I like Neville. Every decent team has a few blokes that put the wind up the opposition. Scan the teams for this round and you'll see what I mean. Nev is a little bloke who has shown a lot of courage during his short career. He has had injury issues but he always has a red hot go when given the opportunity. I don't want him doing things that require he fronts the tribunal because I believe he's a valuable contributer onfield. I don't think there was a lot in today's incident... 1 week for mine!
  19. Demon 1994... maybe I went a little hard but when I see comments like this... "Hope he gets rubbed out, he's hopeless anyway"... about one of our blokes, I get fired up!
  20. Jamar knockers... the interview on DeeTV is a must for you.
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