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Everything posted by waynewussell

  1. After obvious highlights in 2007, I kept hoping for more of the same in 2008 only to be disappointed. Rarely held on to the contested grabs he went for, not quick and seemingly one-dimensional. I was impressed with some of his second and third efforts but they rarely led to us getting possession of the ball. I'm over him!
  2. Seems to be hard at it and uncompromising, that's a mix that we are in desperate need of. Can only hope that he comes along in leaps & bounds in 2009.
  3. What a potent combination... height and extreme pace... I like the lad!
  4. Always sneaks under the radar. I expect another couple of years from this legend of understatement.
  5. Remember Robbo has been carrying knee injuries for a couple of sesons now. This break may help clear that problem up... therefore a return of pace (that which he had anyway) and leap. The down side is that some don't ever comeback from the type of rupture he had. Conclusion, if he is able to comeback at all he will be a very good addition to our struggling attack.
  6. Hasn't reached the heights we had hoped, for whatever reason. Loves the club and would love a sustained run at it but the question marks remain????? Attempts to bomb it long became predictable... Body size and experience were attributes we needed on the ground but now his time may have passed. I would need to be sure he was capable of a full pre-season to regain enthusuasm for No. 22
  7. Puts his body on the line and often comes off second best. Endeavour can't be questioned... Bailey likes that in him. Has disappointed with panic under pressure, putting out a silly handball when keeping possession would do. The umps seem to enjoy giving holding the pill against him for some reason and he has been pinged on several occasions when an Ablett would have been given the benefit of the doubt. It would be a courageous decision to keep him, but one that may be rewarded. For mine, I see more upside in Grimes, or Petterd of the back flank at this stage.
  8. One of the big +ve's from a dismal year. Good judgement, not overawed, quick off the mark, excellent handball out of congestion, worth another year as a pivot in defence before considering other roles.
  9. Early days but he was impressive on debut, doesn't panic and has plenty of time to develop further. I like what I see but I'm not getting carried away.
  10. I think captaincy would bring the best out in him and keep him in the fold. He is certainly ahead of the other options for star class and durability. He has proven his courage, is level headed and versatile. There, I've just talked myself into it... "Green for Skipper".
  11. I'm pleased he was given more games in the seniors in 2008. I also acknowledge that Chris was in our best in a few games, scoring a Brownlow vote in one. He has smarts and he has skill, my only question mark is about his ability to survive physical pressure. He will need more agression to become a valuable commodity as the sweeper (Mackie is a prime example). I would give him another year unless an attractive trade was offered... second round me thinks.
  12. Too early to tell. In his few forays during game 1 he seemed to have poise and reasonably good disposal. 2009 will provide the answer on Grimes.
  13. One of the most disappointing displays of 2008 happened in the drubbing the Kangaroos gave us in the practice match at Casey. On arrival I walked one circuit of the oval with the first quarter in full swing. I got to the southern end just in time to see Davey hit the goal post with laser like precision from a snap. Then arrived at the Northern pocket to see a very lethargic Green run sideways after taking a mark and popping a dinky kick over his shoulder which landed in the arms of a gleeful Kangaroo 20 metres from an opponent, GOAL! By the time I got to the Bar flank we were already being flogged. It was there I propped for the rest of the day and watched Bate limp of with a hammy and the likes of White running into trouble and coughing up a handball to the opposition with regular monotony. The only passage of play that I could applaud was one where Petterd tackled one, two, three times and kept going for a fourth effort while Kangaroo players ran rings around our mob. In that single play Petterd showed his G&D and his ability to put it all on the line when other blokes were obviously taking a longer summer break. I agree with what all have said about his debut and have seen enough to know he has a place in our best 22 when, and if, he can get his body right!
  14. He made good progress in 2008. If he continues at this rate he will become a valuable commodity in 2009. Players of his height, with his running endurance, and kicking skills are hard to unearth. I also like the nasty streak he demonstrates on occasions, as long as he uses it (rather than loses it) to unsettle opponents.
  15. When I was a boy I listened to matches on the radio and heard commentators sing the praises of the likes of Vagg and Kenneally, Townsend and Emselle... clever players who could snag a goal, a couple who would drift in and out, have a purple patch, but all seen as valuable commodities in team terms. This is how I see Adem. A clever player who could manufacture something, natural flair in many sports, unassuming and media shy. Strong family background, values and traditions. Yze was one of the best all-rounders in my time. He could kick an unlikely goal, he could take a death-defying mark, he could find a mate with laser-like accuracy (yes, if you look further back than 2007 you will find that he was highly rated as a deliverer) He had a big enough motor to be considered for occasional forays into the mid-field. Mecurial is a word that was used to describe the OOZE in his hey-day. He remained a Demon throughout. I never joined the chorus who were calling him out on commitment grounds. He remains one of the stars at MFC in my time. Yes the star has faded but the contribution over the journey is as great as a Didac, a Medhurst, a Farmer, a Vagg, a Kenneally, an Emselle or a Townsend.
  16. It goes like this... Colin failed to live up to our high expectations, so we dropped our expectations somewhat. Slowly but surely he improves until he began to surpass the rather low expectations we had set for him. Maybe this is the key with Col, don't build him up to be something that he is not. At the rate he is going now he will end up being a solid contributor. Full stop!
  17. A big improver over his time with Dees. Clever at things other than tap outs. Beautiful left foot, can penetrate, and a decent shot on goal when required. Just enough angry pills to be competetive against any opposition. Provided leadership when little on offer. If his body is right (will it ever be?) then one of first picked with our babies around him.
  18. Class act. He's everywhere! Surpassed expectations. May achieve genuine champ status within three years. Has the elusiveness, motor and marking skills of R Flower in a similar body (but will grow!) Say no more!
  19. My son proudly wore No 9 on each of his Demon jumpers up to present, an indication of this family's love for Neitz. I was fortunate to have seen the big blokes entire career with MFC. By weight of numbers he is the greatest player to have worn Red n' Blue in our time. He was the best kick for goal from outside 50 we have ever had. He busted packs like no-one else and he took no prisoners when backmen tried to rough him up. Above all, he was fair, courageous and committed. He was quicker than given credit for, and to top it off a great clubman and friend of the fans!
  20. In 20 games I'm having trouble finding 20 moments that give me confidence in this lads future at MFC. Okay, be patient, our coaching panel certainly have been. I would welcome his 'arrival' in 2009 because he has the size and pedigree to become a versitile option. However, of all left on our list he generates the least enthusiasm from this supporter ATM.
  21. Things I like about Miller, He has improved his goal-kicking through hard work. He has gained confidence from the current coach. He is a nuisance to other teams when he hustles up and continues to mark on the lead. This is his real talent and he must never forget it! He is charismatic as an MFC 'people person' off-field. This is an important commodity with a club that needs every bit of +ve PR that it can wring from its list. If he can tweak it up one more notch in 2009, and have an injury free run at it, he could yet be recognised more widely as a very good player.
  22. Thanks Bazza for keeping us informed, your observations and judgement were superb.
  23. What I like about Bate... He is strongly built He is a long kick (by Dee standards!) He has a good motor He is faster than he looks The downside has already been covered here... at times he looks ordinary (but he is not!)... This is the Mr Hyde side that the coach(s) need to assist with. I don't think he has found the right slot yet. He may end up a dour defender... but there is something to like about those sweeping left foot goals from outside fifty! A definate keep!
  24. Three comments of interest, Essendon recruiting scout: "This kid is a football animal, he will go very early in his draft". - 2002 Tim Watson: "This bloke is a warrior!" - 2005 Same Essendon recruiting scout: "He won't be at the Demons next year". - 2008 Hope he is around long enough to claim his rightful place as captain of the MFC. We (and Jones) missed him big time in 2008.
  25. Surprisingly effective in final two seasons (when given the opportunity). Sometimes dropped when, by no means worst contributor for the round. One player who could have input forward or back in the same game. A very strong mark, intelligent forward tap ruckman, and everything everyone else has said in this post to date. Obviously a good bloke to have around a club. Good luck with the next stage Benny!
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