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Coq au vin

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Everything posted by Coq au vin

  1. Because they took all the draft picks we should have got and stole $cully! They are irrelevant in Sydney where everyone follows rugby and they didn’t need another AFL team. Just like Queensland needed the Gold Coast Scums. Another great idea from the AFL who think we can promote AFL in China!! LOL.
  2. Both will be important. Frost played very well against the Greatest Waste of Space.
  3. Hawthorn are a turd that won't flush
  4. Why? Fake fighting? Really?
  5. How does he use his crack?
  6. I’m absolutely amazed that supporters of other clubs boo just because we won. Fair enough to boo an unfair umpiring decision. But to boo because we won fair and square??!! What for????????????
  7. There’s one in riversdale road Hawthorn that’s open later than that.
  8. A friend of mine at school was killed riding a bike in Jells Road. He was aged around 10 years from memory. A truck hit him.
  9. Who cares?
  10. Hogan was limping, proppy and NQR against Adelaide too. Maybe this has been a problem for longer than just the past few days.
  11. It’s relevant for other reasons in a general discussion about privacy.
  12. So I guess you don’t mind if your doctor releases your herpes results?
  13. Maybe the club is trying to soften the blow by first releasing the info that Hibberd and maybe Melksham might return this weekend.
  14. If you know this then there has been a leak from a health care professional which is extremely disappointing (and illegal). Unless Jesse himself has leaked it, which I doubt.
  15. He looked like he injured his ankle again today.
  16. At least you’re articulate. But so what if we get into the finals? We’ll go out in round one.
  17. I’m flabbergasted at the lack of Grade 1 English grammar and spelling on this site. When you are extremely pleased with something it’s ‘rapt’ not ‘wrapped’. The difference between ‘too’ and ‘to’ and between ‘their’ and ‘there’ should be obvious unless you have a serious intellectual disability. I could go on, but as many on here appear to be close to illiterate why bother?
  18. Troll
  19. Didn’t notice Balic being mentioned in any Casey reports. I don’t go to any Casey games myself. I support MFC, not Casey.
  20. Did Balic get any games at Casey? Was he any good?
  21. I disagree with all the Bugg-haters on here. His kicking for goal is not that bad. He gets the ball. He’s tough. I’d give him a run for a few weeks in the seniors next year and see if he can string together some good performances. I suspect he’s likely to be delisted at year’s end because of Goodwin’s dislike.
  22. No he didn’t. Nathan Jones turns it over all the time.
  23. “At home, the Crows almost gain a 23rd man, and they’ve used this to their advantage in wins against West Coast, Richmond and Geelong. All up, they’re 7-3 at the venue this year.” Quote from the official MGC website game preview. Yes, he’s the umpire.
  24. Quite a few Dees supporters will come out of ‘retirement’ to attend. I think we’ll fill up a stadium quite well.
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