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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Yes I was being dramatic. But if the players successfully argued that they were duped it could only be by Essendon and their agents. If that is the case rule 8 still applies and the club must be penalised, plus litigation opens up from the players against the club. Either way rule 8 will kill Essendon in my opinion. I can see Essendon being dissolved and a new legal entity being created in its place, The Bombers Football Club for instance.
  2. All along I have said I think the players are guilty. I have tried to look for any way they they could get off. Playing the devils advocate I have suggested a possibility. I do not think for a minute that the players are innocent. The point of my hypothesis was that the only realistic way that I can imagine the players get off is to put the total blame at the feet of Essendon et al. For Essendon to get the players off they would have to admit full fault through deception. An Essendon mea culpa is not going to happen.
  3. JBurger, the players are responsible no doubt. But there are provisions to allow for things like an unconscious player being administered a PED in an emergency situation. This would be very rare and would not apply to the organised pharmacological experiment that was Essendon, but it is possible. The Essendon players have no such argument. Conscious injection or ingestion would negate most arguments regarding being duped in an ongoing manner such as Essendon. Another possibility I presume would be to argue that a complex program of misinformation involving doctors, managers and trusted confidants all conspired to mislead the players. This is very unlikely but possible in that it may proved wiggle room for the players, if taken it would be a fatal blow to the EFC.
  4. It is a possibility, highly unlikely but a possibility. Perhaps large amounts of money could persuade a soon to be retired Doctor or two to help the players. An Essendon Toll fund perhaps? No it won't happen, guilty guilty guilty. For $10,000,000 I will say it was all my fault. How much would it take for Hird to fess up?
  5. Essendon are guilty of breaching rule 8 from ASADA 8. Administration or attempted administration to any athlete in-competition of any prohibited method or prohibited substance, or administration or attempted administration to any athlete out-of-competition of any prohibited method or any prohibited substance that is prohibited out-of-competition, or assisting, encouraging, aiding, abetting, covering up or any other type of complicity involving an Anti-Doping Rule Violation or any attempted Anti-Doping Rule Violation. I think there is little doubt that Essendon are guilty of breaching the code, rule 8. That does not automatically imply guilt on the players. Yes they are responsible for everything that enters their bodies but in a scenario where players were advised by medical professionals and all levels of their club that everything was ok, then it may be possible. Don't get me wrong I think the players are guilty, I am merely stating a possibilty. My hypothesis was based on the players potentially arguing successfully that they were duped. Edit : added successfully to last sentence.
  6. JD I did not say they were innocent, merely found not guilty of attempting to take PED's. What I did not clarify was the finding being based on them successfully arguing that they were duped by the club. If that were the case then I would expect the club to be banned. I am hypothesizing, but I imagine it is a possible outcome. And one that many would accept.
  7. Just thinking out loud here (albeit in print) if the players argue successfully that they did not attempt to take PED's and that they are gullible innocents (which I doubt) and miraculously get off, can a more severe penalty be applied to the club? ie 2 years ban for the club or better still 2 years ban for the club for each breach. I think if the players get off the club should face a more severe penalty as they are then more guilty if you know what I mean.
  8. I hope he knows their names, he will by the end of the year on last nights effort.
  9. Looks like 2 of a kind, Nixon grilling Hird. Edit: Richard not Ricky, could be Ricky?
  10. It is a painful condition...... apparently.
  11. Very hard to prove innocence SPR. Generally being in another country at the time of offence may help but not necessarily. Being not guilty does not prove innocence.
  12. That wasn't a shot, that was merely removing the tarp from the cannon.
  13. Rosie Huntington is that really you?
  14. I think you are looking at a photo of her boyfriend.
  15. It seems to take about 10 years, my Richmond supporting 1st son (the throwback) was wearing MFC gear until then, sadly he is lost. 2nd son is supporter when in the country. I think singing "its a grand old flag" every morning to wake them up may have driven him away. Keep up the good work.
  16. I think the items were imported, but he did not take possession or consume the product. So he attempted to take a product that unknown to him contained a banned substance. Or so he claimed, does this sound familiar?
  17. They were going to but he forgot his head.
  18. I reckon Jeremy Howe then Dunny then Dom then Uncle Fester?
  19. I imagine he told someone, his solicitor appeared. A can of worms around him and Carlton failing to disclose pending legal issues.
  20. O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive! Walter Scott
  21. Not so easy OD, the penalties to date have been for bringing the game into disrepute excluding drug breaches (none proven at the time). So if drug breaches are now proven that is an additional problem. Further penalties must be forthcoming. They cannot say that they have already been penalised for the use of PHD's Edit: That would be like saying that I was penalised for driving a stolen car, therefor I cannot be charged for the bank robbery done at the same time.
  22. No need to prove that they took anything, only that they attempted to take a prohibited substance.
  23. From:- http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-hird-charged-with-bringing-game-into-disrepute-20130813-2rtye.html The AFL has charged Bombers coach James Hird, doctor Bruce Reid, football boss Danny Corcoran, assistant coach Mark Thompson and the Essendon Football Club with bringing the game into disrepute over the club's supplements program. AFL general counsel Andrew Dillon announced the charges on Tuesday night. A hearing before the AFL Commission will be held on Monday August 26. "They have all been charged with conduct that is unbecoming or likely to prejudice the interests or reputation of the Australian Football League, or bringing the game of football into disrepute contrary to AFL rule 1.6," Dillon said. Note: No charges were laid by the AFL about performance enhancing drugs, that is ASADA's bailiwick.
  24. Extract from notice of charges:- http://www.afl.com.au/staticfile/AFL%20Tenant/AFL/Files/EssendonFC-notice-of-charges.pdf 90. Hooper states that 34 Essendon players were injected with an Amino Acid compound sourced by Patient A from a Chemist in Mexico. The identity and integrity of the commodity was inferred by Hooper from labelling without independent or professional verification. Additionally, the Amino Acid appears to have been in storage at HyperMED for a considerable time prior to its use. 91. Save for the above, Hooper does not know the content or source of the amino acids he injected into the players at HyperMed. Anyone that has not read the notice of charges should do so, particularly if you support lenient penalties.
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