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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. Don't like it TSFKA? Those of us that read and contribute here do so out of choice. You are free to be elsewhere, may I suggest you take that option. Edit: Fix acronym.
  2. And you could argue that the average elite Olympic athlete gets to 2 Olympics. So missing one is equivalent to half a career. Sounds fair. Edit:-From AFL players association. As AFL players our time as professional footballers is limited with the average playing career lasting about six years. http://aflagents.com.au/our_services/development_and_wellbeing/career_transition/
  3. Olympic athletes do compete at other meets. To not compete for 2 years often as not ends careers. The AFL equivalent could be Grand finals, but the team must make it first without disqualified players playing. Not competing also means no income, no support. Are you suggesting perhaps that they could play but not finals? No for me no training no competition no help from coaches.
  4. . I would go further, any sporting activity with other sport people (players or coaches) present. Edit:- Should be banned. You can run on your own.
  5. FMD (excuse me for swearing in acronym) What the hell is provisional suspension? Suspended from what? Other athletes have been banned from training. I suggest that no suspension has commenced to date. Edit:- AUSTRALIA’s Olympic athletes are already appalled Essendon players potentially found guilty of doping offences might miss just three matches like Cronulla’s NRL players. The prospect of them playing NAB Challenge then still potentially accepting suspensions backdated to November is even more mortifying. Surely that is the point of a provisional suspension — you don’t play sport during that time. Pretty simple, isn’t it? http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/afl-must-uphold-provisional-suspensions-given-to-essendon-34-players-approve-top-ups-for-bombers-nab-challenge-fixtures/story-e6frf7jo-1227213767743 Edit 2: From Sports lawyer. http://www.sportslawyer.com.au/wada-compliant-afl-anti-doping-code-severe-in-penalties-on-banned-substances/
  6. SAS if they want to train let them, call it an AFL endorsed practice match. Penalty starts from then.
  7. Damien Barrett is back. From:- http://www.afl.com.au/news/2015-03-06/so-much-for-solidarity-essendon Solidarity. It's all the rage at Essendon on February 11, and out the window by March 5. Solidarity. It's just a word Essendon chose to shout as it thumped its chest yet again, when it suited it. Like another word. Truth. Remember that one? Hird told us way back when that when the truth came out, the club would be in a state that bordered heaven. We've long been aware that we will never, ever, get the whole truth from anyone directly associated with this mess, but we're still waiting on your version of it, James.
  8. Has it really come to this? It is a sad indictment on the game when players are mere commodities. I blame this on one of our own, I think the great Ron Barassi started the slippery slope. But if that is the new world we have to get better at it. What am I offered for this low mileage high flying crowd pleaser? Do I hear first pick and a player.... Maybe live player auctions on Foxtel. I would watch that.
  9. From:- http://www.sportsfan.com.au/bombers-at-risk-of-bigger-ban-kennelly/tabid/91/newsid/155548/default.aspx?cid=SKYNEWS_SPORTS_SF_bombersatriskofbiggerbankennelly_060315 Tadgh Kennelly If Essendon’s recruitment of state league players for pre-season games is a success in tomorrow’s NAB Challenge clash with St Kilda, the Bombers could be setting themselves up for longer suspensions, says former Sydney Swan Tadhg Kennelly. The Bombers will field a hastily recruited team of players from lower leagues for the club’s first official game of the year with ASADA’s penalties into the clubs ill-fated supplements program set to be announced in the next few weeks. “It sets a precedence of what’s going to happen going into the season,” Kennelly said. “It could open up the gate for another 10 players to be drafted from VFL, SANFL.
  10. Yes, and players and clubs don't change their minds. Jeremy Howe would bring more through the gates than Shiel or Cameron.
  11. Roos will say he is a required player, in our top 6. Then we swap him for Toby Greene or Dylan Shiel.
  12. You are on target, 3 per day times about 80 days. Well done , join the club.
  13. The Doobies was a tongue in cheek suggestion, I thought they were dead. Who needs entertainment? The Grand Final is the entertainment! The Rolling Stones don't put on a football match at interval!
  14. I appreciate a caring feminine perspective.
  15. That Flavian Ampitheatre stuff was over rated.
  16. I don't know if I should be embarrassed or proud. One thing is certain, get a life Beeb.
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