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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. What story was bigger? Note this one is far from over, we may only be half way through this one. Edit; typo
  2. Funny isn't it that Bob actually compliments us, "Oh, and for the record of the very little of the thread I've read it's a credit to those involved. Well researched, well argued and without personal rancour. I just can't believe you care enough or have so much energy!" and we jump on him. Bob what do you think of the No T$ no B$ thread? At least this thread is about football and not bananas.
  3. And yet you cannot resist posting on the posters that post on this amazing story. The biggest story in the history of sport in Australia. It is possible that, You've invested way too much energy into something over which you have no control and impacts another club.
  4. The AFL (the good guys) don't want to be seen as the bad guys. They could hand down a small penalty, knowing that ASADA/WADA (bad guys) will not accept it. ASADA/WADA will appeal, I presume the penalties continue until the appeal is heard then appropriate penalties (the max) will be handed down. Essendon will not get away with this evil & and corrupt exercise without much more pain (self inflicted). Edit: typo
  5. Beeb you know my feelings about the players guilt, but the players could be duped if the club lied to them about the content of the injections and the program. If that was the case the club should be wiped out for the maximum penalty. They cannot have it both ways. It is either the club or the players or in my opinion both.
  6. Is there a penalty for duping players? I would presume that if the players are shown leniency for being duped the guilt is transferred to those who did the duping. I would accept the players rubbed out for six months if the club got 2 years. The players would be free to enter a special draft and be dispersed amongts the other clubs or another club created with no reference, connection or mention of Essendon or the Bombers. The club could not be in Victoria. Edit: How would the dynamics change if the above outcome was made known? Would the club dump on the players? Which way would the supporters lean, club or players? If guilt exists someone is guilty. Duping does not remove guilt.
  7. All over, was a blowing out the cobwebs session nothing more. No drills, just shits at goal and kick to kick. How did that get past the auto censor?
  8. He is probably well suited to the time and station. I may be harsh at times but i would expect at least one question like. If you really had any evidence to clear the players and free them from all the pain and anxiety and suspensions wouldn't you or any decent human release that information.
  9. I thought he was a fawning sycophant.
  10. Nothing else to talk about so we criticise each other until we are bored with that too. Or Nothin else to torque abott sew wee critsisze eech othr until wee are board with that two.
  11. I thought I would ask if my avatar colours were acceptable, but I can see myself that the blue is the old blue, you know three blues ago or was that 4.
  12. Recovering files works well when files are deleted. Not so well with drive failure, as I have painfully found out. I imagine there is an IT guru somewhere that was paid well to ensure certain items were not found. If he was a smart IT guru he would have his own copy somewhere. (cloud perhaps) This could be worth a fortune.
  13. Yes, sorry about that. Mind you there was more than one error. Well Ruffles, did he throw the corridor?
  14. Beeb that is also my belief, but did they participate and not sign the waiver or partially participate?
  15. IT agreement whether begrudging or otherwise is welcome. It takes less than one minute to find if a drug is banned. https://checksubstances.asada.gov.au/ ASADA site - Substances- Sport- Gender- Role- Thymosin Beta 4 X PROHIBITED RESULTSAthletes may at times need to use a prohibited medication to treat a legitimate medical condition. A Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) is an exemption that allows an athlete to use, for therapeutic use only, an otherwise prohibited substance or method (of administering a substance) which may be present during competition. Visit www.asdmac.gov.au to determine your eligibility and correct TUE process for you.
  16. Every time he visits I put the replay on. Gives him the sh1ts. Also the last 10 min of the Essendon game for my EFC supporting friends. I seem to have less visitors these days.
  17. Bloody homophones. Threw as in past tense to throw (verb) Through as in running through the corridor Edit : Unless you mean he actually picked up the corridor and launched it? 2nd Edit: Note should be addressed to Ruffles.
  18. Don't be surprised, of course they kept meticulous records, this was cutting edge stuff. It would surprise me if they didn't have a placebo group as well. This was true experimentation using human guinea pigs. The lack of records is a real issue, for the players future health, work care and future litigation. Also I wouldn't be surprised if at some point they find some of those records. Edit: Spell error
  19. Every time I have been to the footy (the Melb matches at the G) he has been there. That has to be a good thing.
  20. Back on my bandwagon. Attempted use. Please consider that the players are ultimately responsible for what goes in their bodies. It is not acceptable to have a program like the Essendon zealots would have them getting off. 1 Employ a bio chemist to source the drugs. 2 Tell the players it is OK everything is legal. 3 Attempt to use illegal PHD's 4 If caught the players claim they were told it was all koscher. 5 Records containing who took what and when disappear. If this method was allowed to proceed in sport every sporting body in the world would cheat. No risk to players/athletes as they claim they were duped. No records of who took what so they cannot be guilty. That is why the code clearly states , use or attempted use. The athletes are responsible for everything that goes into their bodies and not knowing that you have taken a prohibited substance is not an excuse. Any other criteria will lead to the use of PHD's flourishing. So to reiterate (sorry to those that already know) Use or attempted use = Guilty Not knowing that you have taken or attempted to take an illegal substance = Guilty It has to be that way to stop rorts.
  21. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/hird-was-warned-the-inside-story-on-essendons-drug-scandal-20130821-2savu.html Haven't read that for a while. Well worth a read by anyone commenting here.
  22. Again. From :- http://www.asada.gov.au/rules_and_violations/8_rule_violations.html 2. Use or attempted use by an athlete of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. In addition to testing athletes, ASADA also has the power to investigate the possible use of prohibited substances, drugs, medications or methods in conjunction with the Australian Federal Police and Customs and Border Protection. An athlete does not have to have succeeded in using a prohibited substance or method – if there is sufficient evidence that the athlete has attempted to use a prohibited substance or method, they can be sanctioned. It is the athlete’s responsibility to ensure that no prohibited substance, drug or medication enters his or her body. Not knowing that you have taken something is not an excuse. Please read the 8 doping rule violations. Please look up the meaning of attempted. Then get back to me.
  23. Damn, missed that altogether. Well played S&S, nice pick up DC. The avatar is my business logo. I designed its about 20 years ago. The red & blue are obvious (the dees) (blue sky) the green is grass/the earth. I had not considered boomerangs they are inverted ticks in my mind. I like the boomerangs. As for 2 dogs, that's another story.
  24. Remembering that through this process they are still provisionally suspended, draw it out for as long as you like.
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