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Everything posted by SaberFang

  1. 450k for Frawley? LOL. These idiots do realise the salary cap will increase by about $1.5m within the next 4 years? $600k is nothing in 2018.
  2. Well, the funniest scenario that might eventuate out of all this is that they lose him next year for nothing, after compo picks are scrapped following universal outrage for us receiving pick 3 for Frawley. Oh, the presser from Roosy if that happens... one for the ages. "Told you so."
  3. Pretty good idea, seems about the right currency too. I'm pretty certain Roos has the clout and has done the hard yards throughout the season tempting young players to come onboard. What he lacks is clearly the picks to make the trades happen. Any scenario where he can trade a pick for two picks would be very tempting, especially when your move down the draft order is minimal (eg. 2 becoming 6). Don't forget, this also gives us pick 6 to trade as well (unless he decides to risk Brayshaw sliding that far, and trades off pick 3 elsewhere to another team searching for a key forward rather than a gun midfielder).
  4. Does trading pick 2 or 3 really matter if we plan to trade one and keep the other? Bulldogs would only do the trade for Wright or McCartin. They aren't trading 2 to get Brayshaw. In either scenario both teams get what they want, but we get a better value trade (on paper) by giving them 2 instead of 3. They just got a 2nd rounder for Higgins. Why not pick 2 for pick 6 and 26? No players involved, but we can on-trade 26 for a quality fringe midfielder at another club. They'll be happy to part with it if it means getting McCartin/Wright.
  5. The unnamed Victoria club that continually gets swept under the rug whenever it's brought up with his manager... surely it's us? Weren't people saying 2 or 3 months ago that close friends of Malceski said he was already locked in with us? Both because Roos would give him a long contract and could pay him more than Sydney. Obviously you can't believe everything you read on the internet, but the Roos factor has to be in play to some extent? Roos said he hadn't spoken to him in 8 weeks (in one of his final pressers for the season), so there's been dialogue of some sort.
  6. Because he's injured and couldn't finish a 3km time trial?
  7. Probably a stupid idea to tell the world he didn't agree with a premiership winning game plan. But who knows, maybe he'll come good at a team like Port that attack at all costs.
  8. Anyone else think we'll go hard for Malceski and turf away our compensation for Frawley if the Hawks have indeed screwed our compensation band?
  9. That's insanity from North. 400k for...Higgins!? He's an absolute nothing footballer, dime a dozen.
  10. Thanks for delaying your announcement Chip just to prevent yourself from looking like an absolute dog on such a sad day for our club. You've probably just delayed any trade plans about 4 days as our compensation and trade strategy is now held up until Tuesday. All to protect your image. Just leave already.
  11. I would hazard a guess that our PP was denied due to the expectation of pick 3 compensation for Frawley. Pick 3 is an anomalous result for Frawley, but given we were probably entitled to the PP but denied it, I'm expecting there was an assurance made to us to insure any borderline results from this "formula" give us pick 3. If all we get is pick 21 it's a terrible look as well. I assume we'd then launch a case for "special consideration" as Hawthorn did last year. The AFL conceded they received the highest possible band of compensation allowable given the structure of the rules. It would be flat out embarrassing if freaking Higgins compensation is only 5 picks worse than ours for Frawley. Kid is an absolute dud who can't get on the park. Frawley an AA key defender who we couldn't price match because the AFL changed the freaking rules after we signed his contract.
  12. How badly do you want a key forward, Dogs? What alternative do you have? Too much unrest at your club thanks to poor senior player culture, you ain't going to be able to trade in any elite key forwards. So what are you prepared to give up? Is McCartney prepared to stagnate at the same position on the ladder for another year? Would almost certainly doom his tenure.
  13. In all seriousness though, congrats to the kid who is clearly taking up his dad's advice and pushing himself to continually improve. Roos obviously is in his ear as well. He's trying to instill a culture of hard work and pushing yourself, the last thing we want to tell a potential draftee is to under perform given our "tanking" crisis.
  14. AFL Trade Radio with our favorite purple headed warrior Barrett. Should be announced soon.
  15. Currently underway. Hopefully Colonwood have to cough up pick 8 for Moore. Surely the Bulldogs and Carlton will take a punt on their first rounder. And hopefully Stretch slips to our third rounder :D
  16. No skin off our teeth whatsoever, Bulldogs. You want a key forward, cough up. Or else it goes to the next team that calls up with a better proposal. End of discussion.
  17. Oh, he also said he had "no idea" what Melbourne wanted in return for Clark, didn't even seem to care. Obviously they aren't giving up anything or anyone good to accommodate us. Overall just seemed a very nasty person. Mitch will be in great company.
  18. 2nd rounder downgrade maybe? We're going after quite a few 3rd rounder players this year in Frost, Lamumba, Merrett and Malceski. Ironically our 3rd rounder could be tied up with Stretch. Should be some interesting maneuvering going on. Pick 22 is overs for any of those players.
  19. Neil Blame on SEN right now parading around like an arrogant fool. Bragging about how sensational his recruitment of Clark is, and fans calling up heaping praise on him for securing Mitch. Questioning whether Chip has actually gone to Hawthorn just yet, asking where that's actually been announced. Then going on to laugh at our expectation of pick 3 for Chip (likely because their contract wouldn't be band 1). What a total [censored]. Some absolutely classless pricks run clubs in this league.
  20. We're fools if we didn't explore the possibility of trading him to us to avoid ruining the compo. Sydney will get more out of it if we give up our second rounder. I'm sure there's more at work behind the scenes here.
  21. I'm confused by what Hutchy's argument is on Footy Classified. He talks about pick 3 being a fait accompli but that Melbourne are getting away with robbery and it's unfair on all the teams beneath us. Then he goes on to say him leaving is entirely our fault for front loading his contract. Then he and Garry start arguing unintelligibly while Caro rabbits on about how the free agency system stinks. Barrett doesn't like it either. They all agree though that he hasn't left for money. So... slightly confusing. What is Hutchy arguing exactly? He's well connected to the AFL but was he arguing we're getting pick 3 or we're not and it's our fault for front loading him (before the freaking rules were introduced for Christ's sake)?
  22. And ironically with pick 3 out of the equation Brayshaw is more likely to be there at pick 5 depending on what happens with the Beams and GWS pick 1 trades. In all likelihood the new order could become: Pick 1. GWS Petracca Pick 2. Bulldogs McCartin or Wright Pick 3. Saints McCartin or Wright Pick 4. Brisbane or Collingwood ??? Pick 5. Melbourne Brayshaw We'd need to sweeten our Lamumba trade as incentive for Colonwood to pass on Brayshaw.
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