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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. We didn't. Its a reflection of his form and contribution to date this year. its been well below par. Did you feel the same when we sorrectly started Adem Yze off the bench as "Captain" in the 2005 EF?
  2. Yes yes we all went to public schools, have patches on our elbows and call out go on No 31! FMD, the last place I would ever measure the demographic is in regard to the mainly rancid wingnuts the clog football talkback with their stupidity. Success is just not created on expectations. Its built a number of important stepping stones. I telling GWS to publicly [censored] off is cheap fodder for commercial radio ratings but does not deal with the substantive issues. And for what its worth Eddie has done a fabulous job in the role of President of CFC. People often let his radio exposure colour the facts.
  3. What does "ruthless" mean? In regard to list management I think MFC have been and there are a number of current and ex senior players that have felt the sting. We were always a press target when we had a coach in his last year, a CEO making public statements that did represent support and had our marquee young player Scully subject to GWS poaching. MFC have done a good job though throughou the year to give the press fodder both on and off the field.
  4. Can you name the people who actually accept mediocrity? Its the sort of hot air thats posted on this site as a lame proxy to actually dealing with the issues. Its a lovely ring to it. Sounds hollow too. And getting rid of Sylvia does not change the Club culture? Good luck with coping with the horror of it all.
  5. But as BRFE said---Green wont accept the contract. Based on his 2010 form, Green is better than what he ahowed in 2011. He wont be captain and at 30yo you cant trade off history for too long when your form has been poor. The credits he duly earned up to the end of 2010 have been well and truly cash in. And if you are 30yo leader whose leadership is questionable and form is worse then your criticisms of others within the Club will leave you vulnerable.
  6. Are we? It happens often. It does not achieve much. I didn't think the umpires were too bad one way or the other. But clearly this thread is good therapy for some.
  7. I think his season has been better than in past seasons. He definitely has capabilities that as a side we lacked in spades. But I am glad youve concluded getting rid of Sylvia will solve our doomed to mediocrity. Marvellous stuff. Well done. Care to name them??? I dont think there is anyone that has that view. Its just that we dont wallow in negatives like you old dee. As much as you enjoy it.
  8. ..then failed to make an impact on the game after that.
  9. It beggars basic common sense that posters would freely considering putting Sylvia out to trade. (Yeh Yeh I know if we could a ridiculously lopsided offer....). He showed yesterday that he can seriously impact games. Yes he needs more consistency and to get rid of the brain fades that will see him suspended this week. But putting him out on the market. Sheesh. I am sure the MFC FD have more sensible view of things.
  10. Maybe you are giddy from the thump Sylvia gave off that got him reported. A dumb act at a crtical stage in the game that defies leadership. However it should be noted that he did reverse his fortunes with a better 2nd half. But it does not excuse the brain fade.
  11. He still might not keep the captaincy. Its not just about his playing form. And then again how would you rate playing against the teams we have in the last 2 rounds? So is leadership. Stability is wonderful if it means a continuance of the things that make a side successful. A lack of leadership is not one of them. Given what has been this year,MFC need to rectify the issues that are undermining our potential.
  12. Could have been the difference if he kicked straight. For a captain to be the sub. It tells the story. As an impact player he had little. Cant win the contested ball and the two opportunities he had he should have nailed at least one of them. The first shot in particular was on a 60 degree angle at 45 metres on his preferred kicking side. He poked at it. The other goal was gettable but he did not even go close. As Captain who has had little impact on the game he needed to make a mark, a statement. Another instance of the leadership. His set shots for goals this year has been deplorable. A most overrated kick. Bartram's shot was at the same position to Green's first shot on the other foot. Sure he missed but it was the only black mark when Bartram had subdued Cotchin for most of the game.
  13. I think the issue was that MFC withdrew players who were either retiring or were going to be cut (eg Miller). If thats the case then MFC did not want to risk those players being injured and MFC footing some or all of the bills not picked up by medical insurance.
  14. Its not just where we turn it over but how often and how badly. Some of them are just heartbreaking to the other players as they absolutely gift the opposition the ball but space to run. Execution and decision making need to improve. I do feel for our defence some days. But on the other hand our general foot skills out of defence are questionable at best.
  15. Based on past practice at year end I doubt MFC will adopt a charitable disposition to Casey finals. Especially given Casey's behaviour at the start of the year.
  16. Played really well today. Was one of the few who really went hard all day when we had so many just spectating particularly early on. Unfortunate scapegoat who has to fight for his place every week but generally earns it through hard work. May not be a LT solution but atm he gets rightly gets a run.
  17. Agree Queen C. We played good football in the 3rd quarter and muddied around for 3 qtrs and still lost by 7 points. There are both positives and negatives about that. The less said about Davey the better. Has never been a leader, should never have been appointed as a leader and is too immature and selfish not to be accountable. For the all the criticism Green gets (and some of the more thoughtful pieces has been warranted), Davey gets off scott free. One of the worst exhibitions of unaccountable and irresponsible football by a senior player. Green is burning up credits at a fast rate. His season as a leader and a player has been a disaster. He has been terrible in front of goal when it has counted. One of the most overrated set shot kicks prior to this year. Every time he had it yesterday, it was toss a coin time. His 2nd failed shots in the last, hurt us badly when a Captain needs to stand up. He came offthe sub bench as an impact player and had little.
  18. Against Richmond we saw the best and worst of Colin Sylvia. His marking, kicking and agression can be first class and he is definitely best 22 but cannot string together enough top level games. On the other hand, his elbow post disposal contact with the Richmond was cheap, dumb and immature. In addition his inability to spot up an MFC player with a pass to be 20 metres was very poor. He could be a very important player for us...but he is not a leaders bootlace.
  19. Hopefully it was some home truths Davey does not want to face. His act on Mitch Morton was selfish, gutless and cheap. His playing future is in jeopardy. As for his wafer light temperament.
  20. In a nutshell Queen C. Our endeavour in the first quarter and last quarter. I am not sure about the level of contentment. Our decision making, foot and hand skills need to improve signifcantly. We crucified alot of our good work with sloppy ball use. I thought the team did well to come back into the game after we looked like we were floundering. One thing I am sure about is that Green and Davey are out of the leadership group and need to justify their spots next season. For side that has a total of 1600 games experience coming into this week, the contribution of those two is now an embarrassment. Not only is Davey not winning ball, he is taking cheap, nasy and immature shots at the opposition to the detriment of the team
  21. You see what you want to see and its your choice. I dont think the core of the players have any aspirations that they are better than truly are. I agree on leadership and experience but your so misguided on our youth that its not funny. Dont underestimate the lack of leadership and experience on young player. Check that. The embarrassment of our leadership group is a heavy weight for young players.
  22. I dont think its relevant to the Sylvia case. I dont think the MRP is a lottery in all cases but I think Sylvia is cut and dry for a holiday.
  23. Sylvia should and will go. Kennedy does not provide a viable precedent. Davey should go for longer for his gutless. It was undisciplined and was a cheap shot. He is an embarrassment as a team leader tonight.
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