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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. We dont have a class small forward. Everyone has their focus on the big bodied KPF. But it hurts every time the ball hits the ground up forward that we dont have a good crumbing forward with smart goal sense. This has given him some scope but the window is closing and the new coach will have fair say in that.
  2. I share your negativity Old Dee At best he has a rookie spot to work his backside off to make it. I dont think it will be one of the hard decisions at all.
  3. I would have thought you should have to be the one to elaborate since you drew the unfair analogy between Sampi and Woona. Maybe you should do some research into some of the off field challenges Sampi was dealing with.
  4. That would be a hard argument to convince with. FWIW, there is a difference between what Lyon and Eade achieved. But its not as big as some posters think.
  5. The first paragraph is rubbish. It hasn't been swept under the carpet at all. MFC have been active seeking taller forward players...Watts, Martin, Cook, McDonald, Fitzy and Gawn. The issue is with rebuilding a side is that KPF takes time to develop. The other option is you go into the market and trade for one. MFC tried that with David Hale but was unsuccessful. Hardly under the carpet And you arent linking Bailey's appointment with forcing Neitz to retire. I trust not. Neitz was finished during 2007 and his body was showing the wear and tear. He was useless in 2008. The fact that this "controversy" has been documented often on D'land does not give credence to the charade. Our forward set up has been a problem since 2008. The biggest issue is the 3rd world midfield set up. Solve that and you are big step to making the forward line more productive and dangerous
  6. I think its one and the same. Given they have apparently put 5 yr deals to Clarkson and Lyon then I think the research has been done. If they were doing more research I would have thought they would have had greater external perspective in the committee selection.
  7. Yes I am saying that. And the appointment of Lyon only vindicates his inability due to illness to act. I gave Jim the benefit of the doubt when he took control of the FD. In hindsight he shouldn't have given the outcomes we have experienced over the past 6 weeks. He is too sick to do this effectively. He has possibly terminal cancer, I dont think it is analogous to Moloney at all. I think terminal cancer is a pretty good excuse and that why I want McLardy and Jelland to be there and accountable. I dont want problems down the track where the Board can say "Oh the selection panel who were responsible for the recommendation and the process are no longer around". The more I think about it I see the group is really a "poach the coach" set up as someelse said.
  8. Its completely different to Ashley Sampi tragic situation. Poor analogy. Sampi's issues were more serious than commitment and a cruel run of injuries.
  9. Agree. I think he will need to really show he is focussed and that he physically able to cope with AFL. Given MFC need to find space on the senior list. His spot for mine is in jeopardy.
  10. Of course he should be involved. As it stands Cam is the MFC CEO and any appointment of a coach will ultimately report to the CEO. He has to be involved.
  11. That would cancel out any AFL media commentator, supporter or D'land poster.
  12. Agree. Neil Craig or Lethal would be a good choice for the independent. And Schwab has to be there regardless of the security of his tenure at MFC.
  13. In effect we only have 2 board members. Lyon is in a fly by night role at MFC. He is there for the short term and has no accountability after that. He is more a short term crisis consultant in action than a focussed director Schwab is presently CEO but his currency of tenure is dubious at best. On very shaky ground. From all report he does not have confidence of the Board Stynes, well its obvious he is far too sick to fulfil his role and should not be there at all. He may not witness the start of next season. All 3 are more than likely not to have a functional role at MFC next year. Under the circumstances, McLardy and Jelland are the only functional directors that are likely to have some tenure at MFC beyond 12 months. They should rightly be involved. You are quite mistaken if you think Board members of companies don't get involved before making critical executive appointments. Given the situation as I have outlined above, McLardy and Jelland's involvement is critical. And I note you did not comment on my thoughts on Neitz...Hmmm.
  14. Good point. I find winning premierships pretty exciting. So do sponsors. If you havent switched off from what has been served up the last 5 years then I reckon you will hang on for the ride.
  15. So out of the current board you would only have a person who is doing a gratuity fill in role (Lyon) for someone who is possibly terminally ill, recently in hospital and unable to operate functionally in role??? You have to be seriously joking. Of course at least two board members should and must be present on the selection of one of the most important, highly paid and high profile roles in the Club. I cant see the value in having a former player like Neitz involved. He could not work out at time why ND was sacked. And given the love from the players for the past coach apart from the legacy of the culture we are trying to change I dont see any value Neitz brings. I have no issue with having independents (possibly two) who may participate in the process and provide recommendation to the Board. But ultimately the Board should decide.
  16. Schwab as CEO should be on the panel to select the Coach. He is only one voice in the process but needs to represent the appropriate commercial interests of the Club. I would like a couple of independent consultants (experienced football backgrounds not currently involved at MFC) to sit in on the process. With respect to Stynes condition, Lyon is the only onw there with football experience. JCB, if you can read tealeaves then it shouldn't really be a surprise that Connolly is not there.
  17. Interesting point. And in this case I would agree. It will be interesting who the captain and leadership group. Green and Davey must be out. I can remember a similar fall from grace happened to Nathan Brown earlier this decade. One year in the running for AA the next year seriously exposed as a defender for lack of pace and decision making near goal. It was excruciating to watch his game just fall apart after being so good the previous year. I think Brown was in his late 20s and it markeed the beginning of the end for him as he slipped in and out of the team in the following 2 years as a fringe player. Old is right the blueprint for 30+ players has been set with Bruce and Junior. I cant see how after this year Green will get more than one more year at a time.
  18. In which respect? A new coach? It seems apparent that over the past 12 months there have been leaks of varying sorts to the media. If that has stopped then that is good. Otherwise I am not sure what else there is spread in the Press. Lyon should be working behind closed doors on the necessary issues. FD departures will happen once the season is over. I think the view is now to get through it. FWIW, MFC have thrown the coaching offer out to Clarkson. What else were you expecting?
  19. Ok. So we can put th 10k claim aside. I think you would have to admit that the senior group are not good enough to get through the current stage. It was always a risk if the current group could stand up and be counted to lead and have a positive contribution. We know they cant. Its better we find that out now unequivocally now. Its unfortunate. The large problems ahead that you see, are they not the problems we know and have now? the senior group wont be there for the next stage. And if they are they will be peripheral and the behaviour and reaction from some of those players reflects that and its reality. The future is in the under 23s who need experience, phyisical development and maturity. Theres the future. Add to that Viney junior, a fit Grimes and further development in the young squad you see and things start to change. I am not so worried about the alternative. Its already here and its whether MFC accepts it and makes to right decisions (re coaching).
  20. Do you think our membership will drop by 10000 as a result? Given the way the season has gone, I think the outcome of the GC match like the Richmond will disappear into the ether as just part of a difficult year that's been. And if you think Robbie Campbell will help us keep 10,000 members then FFS lets make him captain. I will leave you with this thought...the quality of our list is young and the journey they have had so far has been hard to due to the legacy of the senior group before it but they will mature. There have been enough examples where sides have turned things around quite quickl. I think MFC with the right coach and support can do that over the next couple of years. I was speaking to the assistant coach of another AFL club who I have known well over the past 10 years and he is extremely positive about our list and the future for it. He understands the timeline of development and think we will have a good team in the coming years. Its too hard to say the level of success we will have given the number of variables at play. But i think there is a positive upside for our future years. BTW, I dont think its a disgrace to lose to Gold Coast given the players we have out/ injuries and relative inexperience of the MFC team. FWIW, I think GC are one of the most exciting sides in the AFL. Their rise should be tracked over the coming years. The quality of their talent is undeniable but its young and immature and will take time to develop. But the signs are ominous although you might just see them as a 2nd last cellar dweller.
  21. Why bother as you are so buried in the negative that I think you enjoy all this woe? Try a bit of self education. Go on scare yourself. Grab the 2007 list and grab the 2011 and have a look at the disposition of the players and team make up and see if you can see some differences. You wont be a dumb old guy for too long. Bitter and negative...well...
  22. The word is "losing". Why stop at 10,000 members? Continue with the "We're doomed" charade. Remember what negatvity does to your life span!!!
  23. I think you missed the train. If you cant identify the differences between 2007 and 2011 then no wonder you keep away from sharp objects. And if you are running of years all this negative stuff is not healthy for you. I know lets just expect to win... yes that will do... other clubs do it... Hmm. Is it working yet?
  24. Why would you play Campbell when you have Gawn to get match time into? Campbell was elevated when Jamar, Spencer were injured and Gawn was just returning from injury. Why play insurance when you have the very asset you insured available?
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