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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. I remember seeing a MacDonald's store within 100 mitres of the Sphinx in Egypt and I think they have them in USA Warships as well. They are going everywhere. LOL
  2. You mean South Melbourne?
  3. OMG do you mean Carlton lost?
  4. WOW you are truly passionate about this topic. Sure send me the information.
  5. http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/coalition-may-strike-on-afl-illicit-drugs-policy-20130903-2t3dw.html http://www.sportslawyer.com.au/uploadedFiles/1204521901558-5293.pdf http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/feds-to-pressure-afl-on-drugs/story-e6frf9if-1111113582679 http://www.afl.com.au/afl-hq/partners/government-partners http://www.smh.com.au/afl/afl-news/afl-funding-knockback-20120501-1xx8j.html I could continue
  6. You forgot the Drug Taking Messendon Team. They kept us going until Roos appointment was announced.
  7. May be the MFC need to add a clause in all future contract so that every player produces 3 or more sons. Surely then a few more elite footballers could be recruited by the MFC under the father and son rule.
  8. I cant wait for the Aussie Rules World Cup every four years. But seriously it would be more related to access to Government Funding then what other overseas codes think.
  9. Billion to One But in the world of AFL were is always a chance. I feel better about 2015 and beyond for the eight. This train wreck will not be turned around over night.
  10. I love a good Tiger Hunter or twelve. But if this is true it will be dark times for them. The CS suggest is GOLD!
  11. I did notice LOL But we all do what we must.
  12. I think you may be right. I have a few Avatars which may be fun to use. But I know I will always return to a Blue and Red Frog.
  13. If I understand the reason for them wanting to leave is they are not Banana Benders and they just want to go home. So the MFC may be a good option now as now we have an A Grade coach.
  14. I can never understand my 5 children but may be that because they walk on four legs and only seem to want food LOL I had a Avatar with a red and blue beard yesterday but I am still look for the perfect one. I did have a laugh when I was doing a Google image search on red and blue beards and your Avatar was there.
  15. Can we sack the Richmond Board?
  16. Love Sci Fi but not seen a good show for ages. Loved the original Star Wars but the new stuff is just OK and does not have the magic of the earlier shows. Bladerunner was good,
  17. No more Jolly for the MFC as we only want success!
  18. R & BB don't you think its time to have a shave as it is no longer the 70's and the season of Pain is over for us? I could assist you in the search for a clean shaven Avatar. HAHA PS as a reward I can send you 2 taste Bananas!
  19. Moon I though you knew that I am a Wedding Planner!
  20. Inspirational Idea! Lets see what I can do.
  21. Think its a deformed Falcon. But its Blue and Red so all is good.
  22. LOL BigBird Not found the right Avatar as yet. Plus a little change is good
  23. LOL I support any team that wears Red and Blue and who also sings its a Grand Old Flag. But you must forgive me as its their first finals win since 2003 when they last won the FLAG. I did get a little too excited about their win/Grand Final appearance in 2 weeks in an otherwise pain filled 2013 AFL season. Although things appear to be looking up for the Dees and I am feeling a lot better about 2014 and beyond.
  24. So what's this thread about again?
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