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Everything posted by DemonFrog

  1. RedLeg and Old Dee it time to hide your Banana Drinks as the AFL may find them.
  2. Yes the was the movie. Have The Matrix on DVD as well. I do have a reasonable large DVD collection. I starting to get into some foreign films of late. Saw an interesting Russian War movie the other day on you tube was called the Fortress (or something similar). Just over the US style movies at the moment as they are so boring.
  3. Was the 2013 season a bad dream or did it really happen? No more Bananas until the MFC wins its next game.
  4. Hirdy have you tried this one? http://dailyhealthconsumer.com/Protesterone2/index.php
  5. True I just hit P in error. More worried that someone at the Club is properly evaluating the proposed coaches then just throwing money on the table without full understanding any potential risks to the Club.
  6. Wait until Messendon get special treatment from the AFL so they can field a team.
  7. Some how Moon, I get the feeling he going to make you an offer you cant not refuse!
  8. But Hirdy is heroic and an innocent bystander to what went on at Windy Pill. If he took the AFL to court he surely would have won. This message was proudly sponsored by the Messendon FC.
  9. Dam and the MFC had such a good year. Surely our backs with all the stats they would have gotten during the season should have made the list!
  10. Maybe it better we agree to disagree. I only posted a short message but it one I felt was and still is true. You and other may disagree with this assumption as its your right, but I also have the right to my own beliefs. Did not care if it got a reaction or not to be honest. The MFC does need to be careful for so many reasons with selecting its next Coach. The decision to pay anyone close to 2m could financially destroy this Club. The biggest danger in any organisation is not have someone to question things. As without that bad decision are likely to be made.
  11. I remember the Cars that Ate Paris and Romper Stomper but don't think I have seen the rest. I have all 3 MM on DVD. There was another new Australian Movie I liked cant remember the name but it was about an invasion.
  12. So the Sheep had the Vaseline, right?
  13. Who was the guy that was in charge of recruiting for the MFC, the one who always picked duds. Make it that Messendon can only use him to make their selections for the next 10 years. Then it would not matter if they had pick one, they would be screwed.
  14. So I take it the marriage is on then?
  15. Its the Drugs which clearly has the side effect of delusions.
  16. I am a fairly good at assessing peoples motivations but maybe you have some difficulties in that area, not sure as I don't know you. Although calling me slow or an attention seeker always show more about yourself and very little about me. Agree or disagree with my comments as much as you like as that what this forum is about but make it personal and you got yourself a WAR!!! I keep my response to you very simple so you can understand and not get too confused. It appears you spend a lot of time clicking on post and may be it would be better to think more about your comments first may be beneficial. My comment about Malcolm Bight was only intended to show why the MFC needs to be cautious about selecting a new coach. It is relevant if he continued his coach because of the money as on the evidence I have seen I believe it to be true and that is why I believe the MFC needs to be careful. No one person will turn the MFC around, it will need to be a team approach. If the MFC is going to pay around 2m for a new coach regardless of who that coach may be the Club needs to consider all of it options first. Because if they make a mistake this it will be the end of the MFC as we all know it. In other words the MFC can not afford to make a mistake. It simple does not have enough money to pay out a 2m contract. A complete SWOT analysis should be undertaken as to each candidate to ensure the Club is aware of any potential risks associated with each option. IMO if someone not interested in a job they should never be recruited. Based on what I seen and read I have questions about his interest in the job. But remember I am not part of the recruitment panel so I only have limited information. Therefore I may be completely wrong with my assessment about his interest in the position and if I am its my opinion he would be a good appointment, but not sure of the 2m price tag though.
  17. I am too scared to ask how you know this?
  18. It should be red hot entertainment as those Stains boys spend all their time partying! Although it is mainly at underage dance .
  19. The comments about 50/50, although that seems to have increased from 0% recently. I just want the Club to get the right person for the coaching job. Although I like the Roos option, but I am not 100% convinced he the right option due to the interest factor. But I do hope you are right and he is very keen on the job if he does become Coach as I not sure we can handle another failure at this time. Who ever is Senior Coach will have a hell of a lot of work to do to turn things around. 2m on a long term contract would financial devastating if he was to be sack. TBH I not sure we could afford to sack him as the payout would be hugh.
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