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2015 the hottest year on record


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1 hour ago, Wrecker45 said:

I don't need to beat others into submission because the facts are on my side.

Perhaps you should look at the Jack Watts, Cale Morton or Jimmy Toumpas threads for obsessive writers.

Oh yes, those facts that the rest of the world has chosen to ignore in order to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks.  If only you had been there to alert them to the folly of their ways.

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  • 4 weeks later...

On 12/15/2015 at 4:28 PM, hardtack said:

Oh yes, those facts that the rest of the world has chosen to ignore in order to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks.  If only you had been there to alert them to the folly of their ways.

Why don't you address the facts instead of resorting to sarcasm? 

Satellite data shows no warming for 18 years but your sarcasm and the manipulated data are showing plenty of heat.



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4 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

Why don't you address the facts instead of resorting to sarcasm? 

Satellite data shows no warming for 18 years but your sarcasm and the manipulated data are showing plenty of heat.



Wrecker can you give us your thoughts on ocean warming, ocean acidification, melting glaciers across the globe, melting ice sheets in Greenland and measured ocean level rises in recent decades? The oceans make up 70% of our surface area and can absorb huge amounts of atmospheric heat and CO2 but there isn't a problem with heat apparently! However scientists are observing warmer ocean waters melting ice shelves in many places. But why would things be melting in a climate that isn't warming? I am flummoxed! 

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On 7/1/2016 at 5:30 PM, Wrecker45 said:

Why don't you address the facts instead of resorting to sarcasm? 

Satellite data shows no warming for 18 years but your sarcasm and the manipulated data are showing plenty of heat.



I addressed the fact that the rest of the world has chosen to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks.  Perhaps you might like to explain why they are all wrong and you are right? Do you have access to more reliable data than they do? Oh, and I would say that your response to my sarcasm was probably showing far more heat than I have managed to generate.

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On 12/15/2015 at 4:28 PM, hardtack said:

Oh yes, those facts that the rest of the world has chosen to ignore in order to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks.  If only you had been there to alert them to the folly of their ways.

Climate change has nothing to do with the climate.  It's a new form of centrist socialism.

At the UN's Agenda 2030 there's a list of “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs).  Goal number 10 calls on the UN, national governments, and every person on Earth to “reduce inequality within and among countries.” To do that, the agreement continues, will “only be possible if wealth is shared and income inequality is addressed.” 

Christiana Figueres, the Executive Secretary of UNFCCC, warns that the fight against climate change is a process and that the necessary transformation of the world economy will not be decided at one conference or in one agreement.  “This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model, for the first time in human history“, Ms Figueres stated at a press conference in Brussels: “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the industrial revolution"


And you think it's about the climate ?  The planet heating would be more beneficial than cooling.  CO2 levels are not dangerous.  The planet is not warming "dangerously".  This is about wealth distribution.

Edited by ProDee
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Sorry Prodee - love you as a fellow Demon, but your last post really doesn't make much sense.


even a bunch of lefty ratbags like the BOM reckon - don't have the figures in front of me, but from memory, they say 8 of the hottest years ever recorded have happened since 2002. Is that a coincidence? Black Saturday broke all kinds of records. As did the twelve year drought leading up to it.


planet heating is good for us? My god, man, have you ever fought a bushfire? 

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11 minutes ago, Jara said:

Sorry Prodee - love you as a fellow Demon, but your last post really doesn't make much sense.


even a bunch of lefty ratbags like the BOM reckon - don't have the figures in front of me, but from memory, they say 8 of the hottest years ever recorded have happened since 2002. Is that a coincidence? Black Saturday broke all kinds of records. As did the twelve year drought leading up to it.


planet heating is good for us? My god, man, have you ever fought a bushfire? 

No disrespect mate, but on a scale of 1 - 10 your knowledge of AGW is in the negative. 

Learn the difference between weather and climate. 

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Huh? I'm perfectly aware of the difference between weather and climate.  Weather events are obviously affected by the overall climate. For example, in a time like the present, when we are busily heating up and changing the climate, fires, droughts etc will occur more frequently and with greater severity.

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1 hour ago, Jara said:

Huh? I'm perfectly aware of the difference between weather and climate.  Weather events are obviously affected by the overall climate. For example, in a time like the present, when we are busily heating up and changing the climate, fires, droughts etc will occur more frequently and with greater severity.

No no, you've got it all wrong Jara... weather is what we experience each day as we walk outside and is something that we all love to use as a nice conversation starter.  Climate however, is something that affects certain people who have a disposition to issues with their hip-pocket nerve.

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10 hours ago, hardtack said:

No no, you've got it all wrong Jara... weather is what we experience each day as we walk outside and is something that we all love to use as a nice conversation starter.  Climate however, is something that affects certain people who have a disposition to issues with their hip-pocket nerve.

Still, there's a feedback loop going on here, 'tack, since one of the pressures on the hip pocket is produced by the amount of tinfoil those people also have to buy and that forces up aluminium production, which requires more energy, which requires more CO2, which leads to more predictions about climate change, which feeds more loonie paranoia about world governments and the need for more tinfoil hats to make it all go away ...

So if people would just stop making predictions about the climate there wouldn't be a problem, although Alcoa might not be so happy.

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15 hours ago, Jara said:

Huh? I'm perfectly aware of the difference between weather and climate.  Weather events are obviously affected by the overall climate. For example, in a time like the present, when we are busily heating up and changing the climate, fires, droughts etc will occur more frequently and with greater severity.

Google the benefits of some minor warming to the planet and higher CO2 levels (even though CO2 doesn't drive temperature).  

Interestingly, the only query you made about my post, which identified that 'climate change' is socialism dressed up as GW policy, was about warming being more beneficial than cooling (which is true).


Edited by ProDee
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On 1/7/2016 at 10:05 PM, Earl Hood said:

Wrecker can you give us your thoughts on ocean warming, ocean acidification, melting glaciers across the globe, melting ice sheets in Greenland and measured ocean level rises in recent decades? The oceans make up 70% of our surface area and can absorb huge amounts of atmospheric heat and CO2 but there isn't a problem with heat apparently! However scientists are observing warmer ocean waters melting ice shelves in many places. But why would things be melting in a climate that isn't warming? I am flummoxed! 

Ocean acidification is not un-precedented.

The ice sheets are melting in only one hemisphere (why do you ignore the other?); which is completely contradictory to global warming theory. That's half the planet.

I love how you say "But why would things be melting in a climate that isn't warming? I am flummoxed!" 

1) The climate changes and will always change are you surprised when the climate goes upwards in temperature? 

2) See point 1

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/11/2016 at 8:16 AM, Dr John Dee said:

Still, there's a feedback loop going on here, 'tack, since one of the pressures on the hip pocket is produced by the amount of tinfoil those people also have to buy and that forces up aluminium production, which requires more energy, which requires more CO2, which leads to more predictions about climate change, which feeds more loonie paranoia about world governments and the need for more tinfoil hats to make it all go away ...

So if people would just stop making predictions about the climate there wouldn't be a problem, although Alcoa might not be so happy.

Thanks nurse's assistant john dee. I'm dumber for having read that.

Let's address the facts instead of dancing around them like you do.


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  • 10 months later...


Looks like us Pertharians are doing our bit to counteract Global Warming. Or are we assisting Climate Change. It's hard to keep up with the alarmists and scare mongerers.


Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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On 7 January 2017 at 9:59 AM, Ethan Tremblay said:


Looks like us Pertharians are doing our bit to counteract Global Warming. Or are we assisting Climate Change. It's hard to keep up with the alarmists and scare mongerers.


Ethan if you read the entire story you linked you should still be alarmed. The area around Perth was the anomaly in yet another very warm year, fourth warmest on record. Historic high temperatures in northern WA as mentioned in the article and from other sources, historic high sea temperatures along much of the east coast of OZ, the result was unprecedented coral bleaching on the northern Great Barrier Reef, damage to kelp forests in the south and there was the bizarre death of huge areas of mangroves in the Gulf of Carpentaria that has been attributed to the extreme heat events last year. I think that may be cause for alarm and there is no scare mongering going on just a listing of events and outcomes that are deeply troubling.

of course you can live in the fantasy world of someone like Pauline Hanson who jumps into one or two square meters of sea on the reef,south of Cairns, selected no doubt by the local tourist industry and then declare a 2,500 km long coral reef to be totally healthy! 

My advice is to stay alarmed! 

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54 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

Ethan if you read the entire story you linked you should still be alarmed. The area around Perth was the anomaly in yet another very warm year, fourth warmest on record. Historic high temperatures in northern WA as mentioned in the article and from other sources, historic high sea temperatures along much of the east coast of OZ, the result was unprecedented coral bleaching on the northern Great Barrier Reef, damage to kelp forests in the south and there was the bizarre death of huge areas of mangroves in the Gulf of Carpentaria that has been attributed to the extreme heat events last year. I think that may be cause for alarm and there is no scare mongering going on just a listing of events and outcomes that are deeply troubling.

of course you can live in the fantasy world of someone like Pauline Hanson who jumps into one or two square meters of sea on the reef,south of Cairns, selected no doubt by the local tourist industry and then declare a 2,500 km long coral reef to be totally healthy! 

My advice is to stay alarmed! 

Nah, nothing has changed. The world is flat, you prove to me it isn't. And even if you do, the Church ( of Climate Change Deniers ) will shoot you.

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On 1/8/2017 at 9:28 PM, dieter said:

Nah, nothing has changed. The world is flat, you prove to me it isn't. And even if you do, the Church ( of Climate Change Deniers ) will shoot you.

Actually everything has changed. Climate "science" has been run by committees and authorities for decades. Trump is stacking them all the other way with "deniers". The "science" is about to change.

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3 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

Actually everything has changed. Climate "science" has been run by committees and authorities for decades. Trump is stacking them all the other way with "deniers". The "science" is about to change.

Yep, the science is being flushed down the toilet and into the swamp he's been topping up to the point of overflow.

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17 minutes ago, hardtack said:

Yep, the science is being flushed down the toilet and into the swamp he's been topping up to the point of overflow.

If it was science you couldn't just stack committees with a pre-determined outcome. Bye Bye climate crap.

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10 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

If it was science you couldn't just stack committees with a pre-determined outcome. Bye Bye climate crap.

As I said in a response to you a long time ago "Oh yes, those facts that the rest of the world has chosen to ignore in order to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks."  

Now where is your irrefutable (note that word) proof that the committees have been stacked? In the meantime keep up your support for "ostrich politics" and your hip pocket.

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Just now, hardtack said:

As I said in a response to you a lift no time ago "Oh yes, those facts that the rest of the world has chosen to ignore in order to commit to an outcome at the Paris talks."  

Now where is your irrefutable (note that word) proof that the committees have been stacked? In the meantime keep up your support for "ostrich politics" and your hip pocket.

The very fact you admit that it is committees and not science says it all.


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Just now, Wrecker45 said:

The very fact you admit that it is committees and not science says it all.


No, the fact that you twist my words (which were obviously citing your comments) to suit your own agenda and avoid answering the question, says it all.

No admission on my part at all. Now try answering the question.

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18 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

you end up believing what you want to believe

just saying......applies to either side

Great post Daisycutter. There aren't many free thinkers around.

FWIW I believed in green house effect / global warming / climate change until the facts changed. (I still agree with the greenhouse effect in controlled environments and agree the climate always changes) 

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