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The Frawley Domino


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Chip is a gun, and there would be 17 other list managers other than ours that would like him on their list.

Chip has been a shining light down back for years, and all of a sudden he is a surplus defender? We must have short memories.

If Chip leaves because he wants to then whatever pick we get is what we get. Chip is the real deal, the 18 year old selected with a compo pick is not guaranteed to make it at the top level. Better the ghosts you know than the ones you don't know.

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Chip is a gun, and there would be 17 other list managers other than ours that would like him on their list.

Chip has been a shining light down back for years, and all of a sudden he is a surplus defender? We must have short memories.

If Chip leaves because he wants to then whatever pick we get is what we get. Chip is the real deal, the 18 year old selected with a compo pick is not guaranteed to make it at the top level. Better the ghosts you know than the ones you don't know.

Quite right, Chip is a very good player and for some reason, the speculation that he's going is causing a lot of posters to question his ability, well that's not in doubt.

If it was then why would every other club grab him if they could, don't hate him because his manager is doing what he's supposed to.

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He's seen the "direction of the club" and it couldn't be better.

In all honesty, I couldn't care less what he does. He's full of excuses. I'd rather someone who wants to be part of a solution rather than someone who wants to be served success on a silver platter.

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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I'm very certain he's gone. There are too many indicators suggesting so and his moving of the goal posts in what he needs to see to stay really shows he committed to leave a long time ago. Problem is the boys keep ruining his reasons for going. A real shame and perhaps he is slightly regretting it at this stage.

I reckon he's probably agreed to terms with another club but the good thing is that verbal commitments can be gone back on. Take Mitch Clark for example - he posted a message to Freo supporters on their official website stating how much he couldn't wait to get over there and play for them, then a day or two later we were all rejoicing over the coming of another messiah. I also remember reading another case recently from the NRL where, partway through the season, a star player (FIIK his name) agreed to leave his current club (FIIK who) and join another (again, FIIK who) at the beginning of the following season but he bailed out of the agreement (to be fair, I don't really follow the NRL so this probably happens all the time) because of how much he loved his current club and teammates. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, but not holding my breath, for Chip to do the same.

If he's made any type of agreement with another club you'd think it would have been a verbal one only at this stage. Isn't it against the rules to put pen to paper before you come out of contract? Surely that's why there's an official FA period to being with?

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He's seen the "direction of the club" and it couldn't be better.

In all honesty, I couldn't care less what he does. He's full of excuses. I'd rather someone who wants to be part of a solution rather than someone who wants to be served success on a silver platter.

Is he?

The ones I see that are full of excuses, are the ones trying to explain their justification for their certainty that he is leaving, when they're really just feebly trying to protect their own feelings in the event he does leave.

I'd love to know what these imaginary unnamed indicators are that posters keep talking about...

Edited by Machsy
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I'm very certain he's gone. There are too many indicators suggesting so and his moving of the goal posts in what he needs to see to stay really shows he committed to leave a long time ago. Problem is the boys keep ruining his reasons for going. A real shame and perhaps he is slightly regretting it at this stage.

IMO he probably agreed/signed with another club last season at some stage. Probably after round 2 and who could blame him. He was probably thinking we r never going to get better and doesn't look like improving any time soon.

Who would have thought we would be where we r now from last season.

He may very well regret it now but we if we all had hindsight we would all make better decisions.

My only hope is that if we play a final against his new team that we beat them.

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IMO he probably agreed/signed with another club last season at some stage. Probably after round 2 and who could blame him. He was probably thinking we r never going to get better and doesn't look like improving any time soon.

Who would have thought we would be where we r now from last season.

He may very well regret it now but we if we all had hindsight we would all make better decisions.

My only hope is that if we play a final against his new team that we beat them.

I can see absolutely no logical reason why a player would ever sign with a year to run with his existing club. It's risky as it's against the rules, it forced the player to spend a year lying through their teeth, and it achieves nothing that couldn't still be achieved if they waited. You also then eliminate the possibility of changing your mind.

I don't understand why Scully did it and I don't think Frawley would do it. It just doesn't seem logical.

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The fact that he is still going on about "seeing the direction the club is taking" even though it is clear where we are going just screams BS to me. I agree that he signed last year.

Is he? When is the last time he said that?

Where did this imaginary deadline come from?

How do we know he hasn't already gone to club and said "work out a deal with my management" and they are quietly doing just that?

Oh, because you expect a leak... How often has this regime leaked?

Did it ever occur to you maybe the club could be keeping any news under wraps for a big feel good announcement later on?

None of those hypotheticals may work out, but who's to say that they won't?

Like any smart player, he is waiting.

There's no rush. For us or him.

Edited by Machsy
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Melbourne supporters have a history of criticising our forwards without understanding how difficult it is to play forward in a team that gets half the inside 50s of the opposition. Frawley has had a very good year given he's acclimatising to his new role and anyone suggesting we would actually WANT to lose him is very silly.

Well said lets see his development forward he has potential

More supply and better quslity supply he will look like a champion

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Frawley I've been confident on all year until a good chat I had with a knowledgeable footy mate of mine last night.

I said I was confident he was Staying, direction etc etc, and he told me to produce a statement where Frawley said I want to stay.

He said footballers will use their buzzwords but until you hear that, they're as good as gone.

Gibbs said it in a statement, Fyfe has said he wants to stay at Freo, the best we've got out of James is his blood bleeds Red and Blue.

I Think he's made up his mind long ago...

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'IF' Frawley has pre arranged a deal with another club I'm certain he would have told Roos.

Chip is a decent bloke and wouldn't want to leave us without giving us time to plan our future.

Personally I would like him to stay but with the (potential) knowledge of him going we can and would already be planning and in the ears of some likely targets from other clubs.

In the Roos mantra, a win-win.

Frawley may be doing a great job up forward but he is an AA backman. With a years practice up forward he increases his worth to another club (increased contract amount for James is a win for himself and us re compensation, it also means less money in the poaching teams cap).

If he stays we get to keep an AA backman with more experience to go up the ground when needed and a backline with vast experience to handle having chip further up the ground when required.

As a result of what is transpiring at the moment we will either break even at worst or have the best backline in the comp.

Summary - we can't really lose whatever happens. So just relax and enjoy the ride.

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'IF' Frawley has pre arranged a deal with another club I'm certain he would have told Roos.

Chip is a decent bloke and wouldn't want to leave us without giving us time to plan our future.

Wow !

IF Frawley has pre arranged a deal with another club I'm dead certain he would have told no-one let alone anyone at the MFC.

Frawley is a professional football, who is not allowed to make "pre-arranged deals". ( I am not naive to suggest that this does not happen)

Summary - wow !

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Wow !

IF Frawley has pre arranged a deal with another club I'm dead certain he would have told no-one let alone anyone at the MFC.

Frawley is a professional football, who is not allowed to make "pre-arranged deals". ( I am not naive to suggest that this does not happen)

Summary - wow !

Firstly, my post started with an 'IF' in capitals.

I understand that pre-arranged deals are not allowed but it does happen. We only know that too well.....(although we were the big winners in that one :-)

With our previous 2 years who could blame chip for putting the feelers out before Roos' revelation signing?

Frawley's a big softy off the field and Roos is about supporting and nurturing the players.

'IF' it has happened Roos would have got it out of him, I have no doubt.

Would prefer he stays as stated previously.

My initial 'IF' scenario is based on other posters assumptions that it has indeed already happened.

Summary - Not so wow....

Edited by DeeMfc
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Chip will look a bit silly if he leaves, said he is waiting to see if club is going in the right direction, well clearly it is, and if he goes, then he will be the only one effectively saying its not progressing.

I like him, think he is important to our team, and more importantly the look of the club where we can keep a player that is free to leave.

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Firstly, my post started with an 'IF' in capitals.

I understand that pre-arranged deals are not allowed but it does happen. We only know that too well.....(although we were the big winners in that one :-)

With our previous 2 years who could blame chip for putting the feelers out before the Roos revelation signing?

Summary - Not so wow....

I don't disagree with him putting out feelers - I don't even necessarily disagree that his management may have made an arrangement already ( I wouldn't know).

But to suggest that he would tell the club that he has broken the AFL rules and signed elsewhere because he is a good bloke and cares about our future ?

There has also been mentioned regarding Frawley that he is being played forward because we are trying to get a backline that is structured and used to playing without him because he is off at the end of the year.

I have my own loopy theory - I reckon Roos moved Frawley into the forward line because we didnt have any big forwards. (loopy , I know)

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I don't disagree with him putting out feelers - I don't even necessarily disagree that his management may have made an arrangement already ( I wouldn't know).

But to suggest that he would tell the club that he has broken the AFL rules and signed elsewhere because he is a good bloke and cares about our future ?

See my edited post above for my thoughts.

We are talking about Frawley here, not $cully.


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Frawley's a big softy off the field and Roos is about supporting and nurturing the players.

'IF' it has happened Roos would have got it out of him, I have no doubt.

Again - you have no doubt that a player would risk telling a coach who wants you to stay at the club that he has committed an illegal action that will see him leave the club ?? You think that Roos would say - thats ok mate - I understand ????

I have no doubt that if a player still contracted came to Roos and said I have signed with another club - he would not be playing in the first seconds or fifths , and the action of the player manager and the opposition club would be reported to the AFL. Note that Roos has said many times that he is educating his players on how he wants them to play. You suggest that if Frawley told him he wasnt going to be with us next year that he would still play him ?

I will repeat that I am not naive to think that players don't make arrangements prior to contracts expiring. I have no doubt that our recruiting staff who talk to people industry wide may have an inkling of whether they think he will go or stay. I also have no doubt whatsoever that the player would not tell the club that he is going prior to trade period.

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Again - you have no doubt that a player would risk telling a coach who wants you to stay at the club that he has committed an illegal action that will see him leave the club ?? You think that Roos would say - thats ok mate - I understand ????

I have no doubt that if a player still contracted came to Roos and said I have signed with another club - he would not be playing in the first seconds or fifths , and the action of the player manager and the opposition club would be reported to the AFL.

I will repeat that I am not naive to think that players don't make arrangements prior to contracts expiring. I have no doubt that our recruiting staff who talk to people industry wide may have an inkling of whether they think he will go or stay. I also have no doubt whatsoever that the player would not tell the club that he is going prior to trade period.

We will have to agree to disagree on this one then.

Once again the 'IF' was in response to other posters assumptions.

Personally I think it happens more than people think in the era of free agency and coaches would rather work with it and get the best possible outcome for both parties.

Did you read the rest of the post? If so do you agree with that?

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There has also been mentioned regarding Frawley that he is being played forward because we are trying to get a backline that is structured and used to playing without him because he is off at the end of the year.

I have my own loopy theory - I reckon Roos moved Frawley into the forward line because we didnt have any big forwards. (loopy , I know)

With Fitzy's great finish last year and before Frawley proved himself up forward this year most would have him up forward and Frawley back.

Before this season most would have laughed at Frawley forward.

Once again it has increased his value regardless.

P.S no need to call my initial theory loopy. What part of 'it was in response to other posters assumptions do you not understand??? Geez

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We will have to agree to disagree on this one then.

Once again the 'IF' was in response to other posters assumptions.

Personally I think it happens more than people think in the era of free agency and coaches would rather work with it and get the best possible outcome for both parties.

Did you read the rest of the post? If so do you agree with that?

I only disagree with your premised that he would tell the coach. I don't believe any player would. It is called poaching.

And in this free agency era and "working together", there is nothing that can be done prior to him leaving except asking him to make sure that the new contract is worth a gazillion dollars to up the pick we might get.

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I only disagree with your premised that he would tell the coach. I don't believe any player would. It is called poaching.

And in this free agency era and "working together", there is nothing that can be done prior to him leaving except asking him to make sure that the new contract is worth a gazillion dollars to up the pick we might get.

Agree it's poaching and agree with the last paragraph. It's what I said in the initial post.

On your first paragraph you may be right it was only a theory in response to previous posters assumptions.

It seems we agree with the rest.

Let's stop going in circles.

If we had this conversation at the pub it would have been easier to make clear :-)


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Agree it's poaching and agree with the last paragraph. It's what I said in the initial post.

On your first paragraph you may be right it was only a theory in response to previous posters assumptions.

It seems we agree with the rest.

Let's stop going in circles.

If we had this conversation at the pub it would have been easier to make clear :-)


It would only be easier if you bought me a beer.

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Not that it matters on the football field, but I don't reckon Chip's the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Nor do I.

Yet he's still acting like a smart player by waiting.

Maybe a well-advised player?

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