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What is the MCC's position in the present debacle

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Something i have wondered for a long time now.
We "came home" in 2008 and i agree that it was a good idea. But as a Member of both organizations i am hoping the MCC are involved in improving the MFC and not just a silent partner.

And i don't mean DL's Northern Stand stance. We are beyond that tripe now.
I want both the MCC and MFC to stand tall
Side by Side.
I do not get that feeling now.


i'm afraid they're just a silent partner wyl

probably more silent (and inactive) now than ever

Probably hoping we will go away and stop costing them money.


Well that needs to change. I want the MCC to pick up this club by its balls and once and for all demand as part of the agreement that it must stand up.

I wish Glen Bartlett all the best but he must come out on the front foot.

Silence is not the answer now.

Supporters are jumping off 'land. This is serious now. Not a future problem.

The tipping point has arrived.


The MCC is way bigger than a suburban Cricket Club

But we're needing help on field, the off field seems ok for now... Meh might as well get some of the ushers playing for us, couldn't be any worse!


Bahahahhaha WYL, seriously...

The MCC to get involved? In what capacity exactly?


And then you go and throw in Collingwood's slogan too!

You're like a fine wine, but you get worse with age...


Bahahahhaha WYL, seriously...

The MCC to get involved? In what capacity exactly?


And then you go and throw in Collingwood's slogan too!

You're like a fine wine, but you get worse with age...

more positive input Machsy i see.



Go on! In what capacity should they get involved?

"I don't know! Just get involved! They should be INVOLVED!"

I get it, you're frustrated, but come on... Think about the implications of what you're saying.

What do you actually expect the MCC to do??


You're like a fine wine, but you get worse with age...

So..he's NOT like a fine wine?


Stand tall!

Side by side!

It's all meaningless...

not as meaningless as what was dished up yesterday.

Supporters are now walking. Its not just mad rants from people anymore.

How important is the MFC to the MCC is really what i am asking??


The MCC needs to grab MFC by the balls!

Anyone know where a footy club's balls are located..?

In the box with the Sherrins I suppose


What do you want the MCC to do?

Send us their tallest pace bowlers to stand in the key forward positions?

Waive renewal memberships for MFC/MCC supporters. I second that!

Reduce pots to $2 - I'll second that too.


What do you want the MCC to do?

Send us their tallest pace bowlers to stand in the key forward positions?

Not a bad idea actually if they stood still the ball would have to hit them a few times in 120 minutes.

Cannot say that for the current lot.


Waive renewal memberships for MFC/MCC supporters. I second that!

Reduce pots to $2 - I'll second that too.

Let us MFC only members into the holiest of spots they is plenty of room on game day.


This kind of knee jerk, run with the foxes and hunt with the hounds stuff is why you lose points on here WYL. I don't mind you in general but I told you at the start when Roos/Jackson were hired that there was absolutely no guarantee of them succeeding. As usual, you put things down as a cert. that things would turn around. Perhaps you should have a bit of think about these things before you say them and let the head rule more than the heart?
Getting to the point of what has been said earlier: what exactly can they do? They give us 1 million dollars a year already.We are also 3 rounds in. Any agreement (if there is any we can forge which I doubt) we could come up with them would need to be hammered out over months. It couldn't be worked out over a week because of some reactionary ranting.

In the past, we have been very unsure as to where our weak spot was: on the coaching/admin side or on the playing side. We have a bloke in charge who has proven he can coach (though he DOES need to drop talk of a succession plan in the short term and just get to work). We have a CEO who has done a bloody mighty job in getting a full book of sponsors if you consider where we are. Now and last year the word 'train wreck' and 'debacle' were thrown around a lot. Trust me. There are downward stumbles (which many clubs have gone through) and then there are train wrecks (which we, Carlton of the 00's and Richmond of the late 80's early 90's are going through). It will take time. That doesn't mean apathy or lowering standards. It means that the players should play to their optimum (which these days isn't high) and the list needs to be turned over (see my other posts about my thoughts on that).


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