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McLardy is completely out of touch


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Right. No obviously means something different in your head. Well at least you didn't have to think about it.

I really don't care that you like Blackburn or Wigan or that you think me being a trotters fan makes me not understand you.

That's one of the stupidest things you've written and that's saying something.

As long as you enjoyed, of course you would easily recognise stupid statements wouldn't you

More stupid than "all politicians are morally corrupt", or casting everyone in the banking industry as untrustworthy? We're talking about an elite field of stupid statements here.

Personal opinion P-Man, something you and the other members of the 'all is crap' club bang on about, or is your rather small and insignificant group the only ones allowed them?

If you don't think the banking industry is untrustworthy, have a look at Cyprus at the moment, or speak to the Victorian Lady who had worked all her life and lost all her super thanks to a poorly supervised CBA Financial adviser, whose misdeeds were actually hidden by the bank, any Lehman Bros executive who caused the GFC but walked away with their millions intact

And as for the politicians, we have people drowning off the coast of Australia, and what is Gillard worried about, what colour tie should be worn.

Wildly off topic, but I feel better now

Edited by Satyriconhome
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More stupid than "all politicians are morally corrupt", or casting everyone in the banking industry as untrustworthy? We're talking about an elite field of stupid statements here.

Yes P_man, it is interesting how with this particular poster ( ie Satyriconhome) there appears to be a direct relationship between the more stupid the comments, the more dogmatically they are held.

It is also interesting how this contrasts with a number of very well written, and often heart-felt pieces about how the Demon near demise has profoundly effected people's lives, mostly far more in sorrow than in anger. People have a very deep, inter-generational love for this club, and there is no doubt that its demise would be not only tragic for football, but also for the wider Victorian and Australian community.

But having got over the sadness and sorrow, it is time for some hard-heads to take charge. People who will be clear of vision, and completely ruthless in its application. That is what motivated me to post this topic in the first place, and frankly I have not been surprised with the reaction. I think the MFC has lacked that mean-streak which the really successfully clubs exhibit on a day in day out basis. That was why I am drawn to the Kennett candidacy (or someone with his standing and track record in getting very difficult jobs done, and there are very few of those sorts of people around).

I think we have made a good start in this, and Peter Jackson (and pleasingly the AFL) appears to be exhibiting the necessary steel to get us out of this mess.

It still saddens me (though does not surprise me) when a number of posters on here quibble around the edges, and can't really see the wood from the trees when it comes to applying the necessary ruthlessness if you want to be successful in an elite sporting competition like the AFL. There is no room for the faint hearted in this. That is also why the current board, and a lot of the executive have to go.

Edited by Dees2014
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Yes P_man, it is interesting how with this particular poster ie Saty that there appears to be a direct relationship between the more stupid the comments, the more dogmatically they are held.

It is also interesting how this contrasts with a number of very well written, and often heart-felt pieces about how the Demon near demise has profoundly effected people's lives, mostly far more in sorrow than anger. People have a very deep, inter-generational love for this club, and there is no doubt that it's demise would be not only tragic for football, but also for the wider Victorian and Australian community.

But having got over the sadness and sorrow, it is time for some hard-heads to take charge. People who will be clear in their vision, and completely ruthless in its application. That is what motivated me to post this topic in the first place, and frankly have not been surprised with the reaction. I think the MFC has lacked that mean-streak which the really successfully clubs exhibit on a day in day out basis. That was why I am drawn to the Kennett candidacy (or someone with his standing and track record in getting very difficult jobs done)

I think we have made a good start in this, and Peter Jackson (and pleasingly the AFL) appears to be exhibiting the necessary steel to get us out of this mess.

It still saddens me (though does not surprise me) when a number of posters on here quibble around the edges, and can't really see the wood from the trees when it comes to applying the necessary ruthlessness if you want to be successful in an elite sporting competition like the AFL. There isno room for the faint hearted in this.

Ruthless, necessary steel, mean streak.......think you have watched too many of the Fast and Furious franchise, this is football......thought you were in the Banking Industry, surely you get enough opportunities there to be a censored

The Club is not going to fold, besides which this is just footy, if it is the only thing in your life, then you need to look at your life

If I disagree with your pontificating, and P-Man's, that makes my comments stupid, I think I will rest my case on that

If you are not faint hearted, you going to nominate for the Board then, haven't seen you offering yourself up as yet, seeing that you are inferring you have influence at the 'big end' of town

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I dont see the logic between being ruthless and getting Kennett.

The "track record " you speak of is abysmal in as many areas as it was good for private enterprise.

Not to mention that the Hawks have under-achieved given the talent they amassed before Kennett went there.

Also , given the role of President is both ceremonial and procedural one , I do not want such a roughshod, contemptuous autocrat in a role that requires diplomacy.

Some people feel so powerless that they need "a good , strong"leader(buffoon) to take them places ,get something done,make change etc...

Whenever people make these statements it's clear they lacked a father figure ,or they cant decide what socks to wear ,so they grasp at a figure like Kennett ,Tito,Mussolini etc.

The same logic works for those that have a long term headache and then decide to blow their brains out-to fix it once and for all.

No magic Kennett bullett for me thanks-anyway ,the club wont do it so let it go .We dont need a vulture to save us.

Also ,on the Banking and Finance industry-I support Satyricon in his slander of these worthless and parasitical bottom feeders.

The worlds economy is in a mess right now because there were too many of them allowed to get away with too much for too long .

They are extremely lucky not to be dragged onto the streets and publicly executed for the way they have conducted business and run countries,factories,communities and families to the wall whilst robbing the system at the same time .

They are indefensible ,and only an educated fool who has never worked a proper job for a modest and appropriate return would try to defend them .They do not add in any way to the factors of production ,they only detract from it and then when they failed ,even the largest economy in the world ,went cap in hand to the governemt who was foolish enough not to let them fail.

How can you have any sympathy for bankers or any love for Kennett.

Thieves and parasites in nice suits.

Get a job ,do something ,go produce widgets-we dont need to be told by shiny arses what to do with money once it's made.

Thankfully Australians have worked this out and are not investing in "Schemes" at the rate they were .

WE need Bankers ,We need Kennett!

Gimme a break.

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Yes P_man, it is interesting how with this particular poster ( ie Saty) there appears to be a direct relationship between the more stupid the comments, the more dogmatically they are held.

It is also interesting how this contrasts with a number of very well written, and often heart-felt pieces about how the Demon near demise has profoundly effected people's lives, mostly far more in sorrow than in anger. People have a very deep, inter-generational love for this club, and there is no doubt that its demise would be not only tragic for football, but also for the wider Victorian and Australian community.

But having got over the sadness and sorrow, it is time for some hard-heads to take charge. People who will be clear of vision, and completely ruthless in its application. That is what motivated me to post this topic in the first place, and frankly I have not been surprised with the reaction. I think the MFC has lacked that mean-streak which the really successfully clubs exhibit on a day in day out basis. That was why I am drawn to the Kennett candidacy (or someone with his standing and track record in getting very difficult jobs done, and there are very few of those sorts of people around).

I think we have made a good start in this, and Peter Jackson (and pleasingly the AFL) appears to be exhibiting the necessary steel to get us out of this mess.

It still saddens me (though does not surprise me) when a number of posters on here quibble around the edges, and can't really see the wood from the trees when it comes to applying the necessary ruthlessness if you want to be successful in an elite sporting competition like the AFL. There is no room for the faint hearted in this. That is also why the current board, and a lot of the executive have to go.

dees 2014, your last 2 sentences say it all. Where we are right now demands it. Other spurious arguments on

here about extraneous issues miss the critical problem. You have not.

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Wish you wouldn't go back and edit a few posts in, I nearly dropped my coffee, Keating and Kennett missed?.....are you actually living in a parallel universe.

Kennett got things done by stomping all over people, and not tidying up the mess behind him, if he is so brilliant, why isn't he the longest serving Premier still, because eventually people saw through him

Keating was, actually just see below

The reason that most people are disillusioned these days is because they are now well informed enough to realise that all politicians are only interested in one thing........themselves

All politicians are morally corrupt, Labor are the worst, it is full of ex unionists whose only job since leaving uni with an arts degree is working for a union or in a ministers office, they wouldn't know a real job if it came and bit them on the arse

Liberals just want to make money, the Greens are your local psychotic Neighbourhood Watch volunteer, and the Independents just offer their backsides up to whoever will keep them in Parliament

But back on topic, let's see what some of these so called influential supporters have got to say or offer, this forum is perfect for it, yet to see anything

I didn't know abbott was independent ???

anyway, back to footy...

Now geff,,, there's a different story... as our MFC president wanna-B, he just oozes Brown & Gold, or should we say, Poos & Wees... he's so full of it,,,, I don't want him within contagion distance...


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A wise person once said, when asked about the role of leaders and followers, that he would rather have people that can do without either.

In other words, it's not about leaders who are messiahs, characterful or charismatic, or about followers doing their instructed jobs, it's about motivated people knowing their roles, responsibilities, protocols and procedures so that they don't need to be instructed or ordered to do anything. Successful football teams are like this ... players do things and fill their roles 'automatically', with a sense of purpose and adherence to the team ethic, plan, strategy and the actions required. Like it's the 'Geelong way', or the 'Collingwood way'.

That's the sort of idealistic board I want ... one where everyone has appropriate skills, know what they're doing, what the protocols are, and take their responsibility seriously.

I don't want a set of 'yes people' operating hesitatingly under a foot-in-mouth dictator.

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I don't want Jeff Kennett as Premier, but let's just keep in mind the start of the process to have a casino in Victoria commenced when Joan Kirner was Premier. Feel free to knock Jeff for the things he was responsible for, though.

Actually I think the whole Southbank precinct was initiated & opened up by John Cain jnr.

& Fed Square was started by Kennett's government, who allowed the construction contracts,, and for it to be built & designed on the go,,, prior to any quoting & invoicing,,, .... rorts by contractors everywhere... overbudget paying for people standing around doing nothing.

& he blamed the unions, rubbish!

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Yes P_man, it is interesting how with this particular poster ( ie Satyriconhome) there appears to be a direct relationship between the more stupid the comments, the more dogmatically they are held.

It is also interesting how this contrasts with a number of very well written, and often heart-felt pieces about how the Demon near demise has profoundly effected people's lives, mostly far more in sorrow than in anger. People have a very deep, inter-generational love for this club, and there is no doubt that its demise would be not only tragic for football, but also for the wider Victorian and Australian community.

But having got over the sadness and sorrow, it is time for some hard-heads to take charge. People who will be clear of vision, and completely ruthless in its application. That is what motivated me to post this topic in the first place, and frankly I have not been surprised with the reaction. I think the MFC has lacked that mean-streak which the really successfully clubs exhibit on a day in day out basis. That was why I am drawn to the Kennett candidacy (or someone with his standing and track record in getting very difficult jobs done, and there are very few of those sorts of people around).

I think we have made a good start in this, and Peter Jackson (and pleasingly the AFL) appears to be exhibiting the necessary steel to get us out of this mess.

It still saddens me (though does not surprise me) when a number of posters on here quibble around the edges, and can't really see the wood from the trees when it comes to applying the necessary ruthlessness if you want to be successful in an elite sporting competition like the AFL. There is no room for the faint hearted in this. That is also why the current board, and a lot of the executive have to go.

Peter Jackson exhibiting "necessary steel"yet not sacking Neeld or McClardy.

"Time for hard heads to take charge" ,"clear of vision,completely ruthless".

I thought you may be able to present a concise idea but you waffle on like a financial planner or some other B Comm magician.

Your blog must be riveting.

I'm inspired to start my own so people can watch the progress of the paint drying on my walls .

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Jeff did move the museum (that had already been started) from Southbank near Spencer Street to the Exhibition building precinct, and replaced it with 'Jeff's shed'.

Although there were complaints at the time, in retrospect it was one of his best decisions.

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Jeff did move the museum (that had already been started) from Southbank near Spencer Street to the Exhibition building precinct, and replaced it with 'Jeff's shed'.

Although there were complaints at the time, in retrospect it was one of his best decisions.

we could've kept Joan Kirner LOL, gee wiz labor have produced some real winners over the years.
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we could've kept Joan Kirner LOL, gee wiz labor have produced some real winners over the years.

mjt hilarious.........It is nice to see the more 'mature' posters looking back with fondness.........it's frightening to think people actually voted for these persons.........I always like to stop outside the State Library and snigger at the young people handing out the 'socialist' newspapers.....

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When is he going to stand down or is there a need for a spill?

Probably after the AFL hand down some findings on the PepTides affair, & when PJ's & Trotters findings on the board are read, & things are sourced behind the scenes...

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A wise person once said, when asked about the role of leaders and followers, that he would rather have people that can do without either.

In other words, it's not about leaders who are messiahs, characterful or charismatic, or about followers doing their instructed jobs, it's about motivated people knowing their roles, responsibilities, protocols and procedures so that they don't need to be instructed or ordered to do anything. Successful football teams are like this ... players do things and fill their roles 'automatically', with a sense of purpose and adherence to the team ethic, plan, strategy and the actions required. Like it's the 'Geelong way', or the 'Collingwood way'.

That's the sort of idealistic board I want ... one where everyone has appropriate skills, know what they're doing, what the protocols are, and take their responsibility seriously.

I don't want a set of 'yes people' operating hesitatingly under a foot-in-mouth dictator.

hmmn, beautiful...

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mjt hilarious.........It is nice to see the more 'mature' posters looking back with fondness.........it's frightening to think people actually voted for these persons.........I always like to stop outside the State Library and snigger at the young people handing out the 'socialist' newspapers.....

yep, wow, that'd fix em up then. I can imagine how they feel...

"The mature Satyriconhome looks back with rightful superiority".

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"with scorn... derisive laughter, etc."

[demolishing more cretins in his mirth]

salaam, grovel in admiration/amazement - he is so MASTERFUL!!

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yep, wow, that'd fix em up then. I can imagine how they feel...

"The mature Satyriconhome looks back with rightful superiority".

Sadly, I'm certain some of the programs they advocate would get him the help he so sorely needs (namely, a one way ticket to the Gulag in Siberia).

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yep, wow, that'd fix em up then. I can imagine how they feel...

"The mature Satyriconhome looks back with rightful superiority".

If you must go off topic to..................It's not superiority.......I actually feel sorry for them........they spout all the usual university agit pop sound bites.....no idea of the real world.....doesn't really matter to them though.........finish their arts degree, get a job with a union or politician, offer backside at every opportunity, parachuted in to a seat to represent the people, serve in Labor government that again lurches from one disaster to another......walk away in mid 40's with healthy pension......appear on Q&A talking about things they have no real idea about, revert back to spouting the usual agitpop sound bites

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Sadly, I'm certain some of the programs they advocate would get him the help he so sorely needs (namely, a one way ticket to the Gulag in Siberia).

Gee Col, come in keyboard throbbing behind the cover of someone else again.........any chance you adding to the topic?....go on set a precedent you won't be able to keep....

do anything else in your day do you?

Waiting for inanities to appear.....doesn't take too long......

Edited by Satyriconhome
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Since I have Saty on ignore and basically write about him to try to get others to stop quoting him (3rd and last time I will request this), I can only imagine what intellectual pearlers he has come up with. I'm guessing it's something along the lines of:

1) Got anything constructive to add? (Go to my other posts. It's just the one's that were directed at you that were negative because logic and rational argument doesn't get through)

2) Haven't got the bottle to take me on on your own? (No, I don't. He and his army of MFC volunteers may track me down one day and teach me that love of the club entails mindlessly agreeing with every decision the current administration makes, no matter who that may be)

3) You only come on to be negative and attack others. (Correction: I only attack him for the parrot like statements he makes about me and others on the board).

As I said, this is the last time I will ask. If you must respond to him, please just put his name down and don't put him in quotes. I like coming to the 'Land as there is usually a diverse range of opinions on here and while we bicker sometimes, we all know it's good fun in the end. I would even like him to stay on here if he could learn some social skills. However, I'm just sick to death of reading this bloke's posts. They are mundane, simplistic and provocative for the sake of it. P-Man summed him up beautifully.

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If you must go off topic to..................It's not superiority.......I actually feel sorry for them........they spout all the usual university agit pop sound bites.....no idea of the real world.....doesn't really matter to them though.........finish their arts degree, get a job with a union or politician, offer backside at every opportunity, parachuted in to a seat to represent the people, serve in Labor government that again lurches from one disaster to another......walk away in mid 40's with healthy pension......appear on Q&A talking about things they have no real idea about, revert back to spouting the usual agitpop sound bites

agit pop ... or is it agitpop?

Is that the kind of stuff played by those overblown sententious Scandinavian bands you like?

Actually, the word is agitprop. Not that such niceties matter much to the superior, of course.

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agit pop ... or is it agitpop?

Is that the kind of stuff played by those overblown sententious Scandinavian bands you like?

Actually, the word is agitprop. Not that such niceties matter much to the superior, of course.

Doctor, doctor....not it's not, if you must correct.....agit pop....."the use of pop music to promote political propaganda"...Billy Bragg, Tom Robinson.....I actually knew what reference I was making.....I deliberately used it instead of agitprop...sigh....never mind

Since I have Saty on ignore and basically write about him to try to get others to stop quoting him (3rd and last time I will request this), I can only imagine what intellectual pearlers he has come up with. I'm guessing it's something along the lines of:

1) Got anything constructive to add? (Go to my other posts. It's just the one's that were directed at you that were negative because logic and rational argument doesn't get through)

2) Haven't got the bottle to take me on on your own? (No, I don't. He and his army of MFC volunteers may track me down one day and teach me that love of the club entails mindlessly agreeing with every decision the current administration makes, no matter who that may be)

3) You only come on to be negative and attack others. (Correction: I only attack him for the parrot like statements he makes about me and others on the board).

As I said, this is the last time I will ask. If you must respond to him, please just put his name down and don't put him in quotes. I like coming to the 'Land as there is usually a diverse range of opinions on here and while we bicker sometimes, we all know it's good fun in the end. I would even like him to stay on here if he could learn some social skills. However, I'm just sick to death of reading this bloke's posts. They are mundane, simplistic and provocative for the sake of it. P-Man summed him up beautifully.

Polly wants a cracker.....pieces of eight........It wouldn't take an army with you Col......P-Man couldn't sum up 1+1, sorry, he would get 3........it is always about attacking me isn't it with the Hole in the Head gang.....proves to me that you couldn't debate if your lives depended on it

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