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Open Letter from Don McLardy


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I'll definately be back when I feel the club is being run by professional and competent people. I felt sick to the stomach having to call the club to cancel my membership but I felt that I needed to make a stand as oppossed to ranting and raving on social media. No more excuses, no more talk. Time for action. Once I see the appropriate action they'll again have my support and funds.

That hurts the club.

So thanks for that...

Honestly, what emotion do you want from us?

wyl's 'I hope you are back when we are good' spiel?

We need all the people we can get helping the club.

And mistakes don't matter, having the courage to try sometimes leads to failure. That is not why we are at where we are at - our players don't try.

Our players are so afraid of failure they don't do anything other than try and beat 'their' bloke, and when 15 blokes go into a game with that mindset - you have already lost.

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That hurts the club.

So thanks for that...

Honestly, what emotion do you want from us?

wyl's 'I hope you are back when we are good' spiel?

We need all the people we can get helping the club.

And mistakes don't matter, having the courage to try sometimes leads to failure. That is not why we are at where we are at - our players don't try.

Our players are so afraid of failure they don't do anything other than try and beat 'their' bloke, and when 15 blokes go into a game with that mindset - you have already lost.

I think our players now believe they are not good enough to be playing AFL senior football.

I tend to agree with them.

How do you come back from here I have No idea rpfc.

Do you?

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I have been a member for over 30 years, GOLD Redlegs for 10 + years. Unfortunately, this morning I had to call the club and cancel my membership. I can no longer contribute to this mess which is the Melbourne Football Club. I like many supporters have been very, very, very patient and now my patience has finally fun dry. I have absolutely no confidence in the people running our club - mainly the CEO, President and the Coach. McLardy has absolutely no idea - all we here from him is excuse after excuse with abolsutely no answers as to what the hell is going on. Cam Schwab's success rate of 36% speaks for itself and our coach is a complete and utter SPUD. His speech was embarrassing - fancy telling a team that mistakes don't matter!

My support for this club is no longer unconditional. As long and McLardy and Schwab are steering the ship, I won't be in it. Enough is enough.

A lot of us are with you Simma.

There's no other way way at this point.

Smoke 'em out.

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That hurts the club.

So thanks for that...

Honestly, what emotion do you want from us?

wyl's 'I hope you are back when we are good' spiel?

We need all the people we can get helping the club.

And mistakes don't matter, having the courage to try sometimes leads to failure. That is not why we are at where we are at - our players don't try.

Our players are so afraid of failure they don't do anything other than try and beat 'their' bloke, and when 15 blokes go into a game with that mindset - you have already lost.

Sorry but I feel the club is taking the p*ss out of its supporters - especially the rubbish McLardy is comming out with. My membership is directly contributing to this rubbish. I have 3 mortgages RPFC - if the club isn't going to make good use of my money then I will. I have stayed loyal for over 30 years - I'm now protesting with my feet.

Edited by simma02
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That hurts the club.

So thanks for that...

Honestly, what emotion do you want from us?

wyl's 'I hope you are back when we are good' spiel?

We need all the people we can get helping the club.

And mistakes don't matter, having the courage to try sometimes leads to failure. That is not why we are at where we are at - our players don't try.

Our players are so afraid of failure they don't do anything other than try and beat 'their' bloke, and when 15 blokes go into a game with that mindset - you have already lost.

What's your grand plan RFCP? More ranting and raving on social media perhaps? Pft.....

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I would be prepared to continue to wait patiently and accept mere morsels and scraps in the interim but f or one damning KPI

That being we are going BACKWARDS (still) st an unruly rate of knotts !!

This being so effectively negates any rubbish eminating from the club.

What is... Is !!

and its not good . Just reality :(

Edited by belzebub59
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I'll definately be back when I feel the club is being run by professional and competent people. I felt sick to the stomach having to call the club to cancel my membership but I felt that I needed to make a stand as oppossed to ranting and raving on social media. No more excuses, no more talk. Time for action. Once I see the appropriate action they'll again have my support and funds.

So when we become good again....You will support????....We wont want you then.....I'll put the same question to you that I put to RR.....Come up with the alternatives.....Weak as I'm afraid...
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Sorry but I feel the club is taking the p*ss out of its supporters - especially the rubbish McLardy is comming out with. My membership is directly contributing to this rubbish. I have 3 mortgages RPFC - if the club isn't going to make good use of my money then I will. I have stayed loyal for over 30 years - I'm now protesting with my feet.

By protesting against people that have largely not been there for the first 28 or so, who are putting in the hard yards to turn it around.

And your solution is to make it harder for them.

I'm surprised you own a lawnmower outright, let alone 3 properties.

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Looks like a lot of us are pea hearts like simma.

I wish our supporters had some damn backbone.

Are you kidding? I've been supporting this "pea heart" club for 30 + years. Year after year I fork over $300 + just in membership alone and have copped all the crap along the way. We are in a worse position now than ever. Again we hear excuses comming from the club - they have NO answers! If they can't find the answers then its time for them to leave and some new people to come into the club that can find the answers as to why we are such a rabble! Drastic times call for drastic measures. McLardy and Schwab must GO so I have taken the drastic measure in walking away until they stand down.

Edited by simma02
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I honestly have no idea what some people here would have McLardy say.

Ranting and raving, declaring 'Player X is a spud', 'Neeld is the worst coach ever', and 'Cam Schwab must go!'?

That wouldn't start a [censored] in any way, obviously.

Yes, it's spin, and yes it's the same spin we've heard for years, but realistically right now McLardy is between a rock and a hard place. He responds to the (justifiable) backlash against the club since Saturday night, and gets kicked for responding with spin. He says nothing and is decried for hiding from the problem. He spins some home truths, the media have a field day and it's game over forever.

I have no doubt that things are being feverishly investigated behind closed doors, but there's no reason to air any of it in public given the state of the club as it is.

Deep breaths, people. Deep breaths.

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Spin, spin. Rubbish, rubbish.

The fans aren't listening anymore. And the wolves are at the door.

Horse [censored].

Twelve months ago decisions were made to create a new football department. Six months ago another round of moves were made.

They need to be given time.

Hawthorn stank but stayed staunch. Geelong wavered but opted not to panic. Richmond plugged away and are making progress.

Saturday showed our midfield is cruelling us. That won't be rebuilt by throwing out an administration. People will not come to an organisation that does not offer trust.

You're not listening RR but I sense that you're a blockhead with an agenda.

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Looks like a lot of us are pea hearts like simma.

I wish our supporters had some damn backbone.

You show some backbone yourself and extrapolate on what you referred to earlier in this thread instead of taking pot shots at genuine supporters who are bleeding because of this club at the moment. I don't agree with cancelling memberships but at this point I can't really fault them for doing so.

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By protesting against people that have largely not been there for the first 28 or so, who are putting in the hard yards to turn it around.

And your solution is to make it harder for them.

I'm surprised you own a lawnmower outright, let alone 3 properties.

Delta if you want to continue accepting the rubbish the club is dishing out then that's your perogative - just like its mine to finally walk away. The club is backing its members into a corner... I won't be the first or last person to take this course of action either. Again, I see this an absolute last resort. Something has to give - if that means a supporter backlash in order to get drips like McLardy and Scwhab out of the club then so be it.

Edited by simma02
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For a small supporter base, we appear to have copped our fair share of peanuts.

Targeting volunteers with vitriol, spamming the media, publicly posting private letters, holding yourself out to actually know the solutions... All posts of sheer stupidity that cost me 10 minutes I can never get back.

The biggest joke is, if McLardy listened to most of you peanuts, he would have 16 contradictory things to do.... And all would be wrong.

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Have you forgotten what happened under Bailey, and where we were at when he left?

How the [censored] can anyone be expected to have turned it around after such a short time?

Not Matthews, not Roos, not Clarkson, not Lyon, not Malthouse, not Scott, not Hardwick ...

None of them could have done any better in this time.

I don't know why so many have these ridiculous ideas we should be anywhere else, considering where we were at.

It's like walking starting at Melbourne, then cracking it when you haven't reached Sydney in a day.

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For a small supporter base, we appear to have copped our fair share of peanuts.

Targeting volunteers with vitriol, spamming the media, publicly posting private letters, holding yourself out to actually know the solutions... All posts of sheer stupidity that cost me 10 minutes I can never get back.

The biggest joke is, if McLardy listened to most of you peanuts, he would have 16 contradictory things to do.... And all would be wrong.

What do you suggest is the right course of action?

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What do you suggest is the right course of action?

Not the supporters killing the club themselves.

Campaign for change if you must, but understand the challenges we are facing and consider the best course of action, or at least the consequences of your actions.

We should be strong enough to get through this.

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The next few weeks will be trying times for all involved. At some stage "heads will roll", but as an organisation we need to make clear minded decisions not knee-jerk ones that will have long-term effects. As a club we should have one objective in mind and that is to win premierships. This should be our sole objective, for this is the reason that we exist.

We need to ensure that we have the best leadership:administrative, coaching and playing. We need to be housed under the same roof not in split locations- MCG and AAMI Park. We need to be unified.

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What do you suggest is the right course of action?

It is clearly not simple, and part of my point is that any person who purports to know the answers is over-stating their intelligence.

I see no point in bagging volunteers such as Board unless and until there is an alternative. I suggest that the prospect of alternatives is getting harder and harder with the vitriol and personalisation of the discussion targeting these volunteers. Have a look at the Board. They are mainly picked by Jimmy, and they are well-credentialed (which isn't the same as successful).

I can see fault everywhere. Board, admin, coaches, players. But fundamentally, when you strip it all away, we have a shocking playing list, devoid of leaders and we have the worst midfield in the comp at a time that the game requires 9 midfielders to rotate.

I would like to see more accountability, and I think the club is in many ways still amateur, so I would like to see some really professional people come in.

Everyone is to blame, and no-one is to blame... If you know what I mean. I personally think each supporter can think about their level of responsibility. Have they helped? Volunteered? Attended home games?

I have thought about what I can do to help. It's very hard to think if things that can make a massive difference on a meaningful scale, and I get that supporters have the right to be apathetic or angry. Hell, I am!

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It is clearly not simple, and part of my point is that any person who purports to know the answers is over-stating their intelligence.

I see no point in bagging volunteers such as Board unless and until there is an alternative. I suggest that the prospect of alternatives is getting harder and harder with the vitriol and personalisation of the discussion targeting these volunteers. Have a look at the Board. They are mainly picked by Jimmy, and they are well-credentialed (which isn't the same as successful).

I can see fault everywhere. Board, admin, coaches, players. But fundamentally, when you strip it all away, we have a shocking playing list, devoid of leaders and we have the worst midfield in the comp at a time that the game requires 9 midfielders to rotate.

I would like to see more accountability, and I think the club is in many ways still amateur, so I would like to see some really professional people come in.

Everyone is to blame, and no-one is to blame... If you know what I mean. I personally think each supporter can think about their level of responsibility. Have they helped? Volunteered? Attended home games?

I have thought about what I can do to help. It's very hard to think if things that can make a massive difference on a meaningful scale, and I get that supporters have the right to be apathetic or angry. Hell, I am!

What this all boils down to is:

sit back and watch while the club burns.

I understand that immediate action may seem a tad harsh, but the fact is this club has been going backwards a little more each year since 2006. We are now in a phase of rebuilding a rebuild.

I am of the belief that we can continue rebuilding as much as we want, but if the foundations are rotten, the structure will keep collapsing.

This change needs to come from the top down, and while I included the board as a whole in my letter, I think more than anything, we need to lose CS and DM. We need to appoint a fresh and competent leadership at the very top of this club, and once they are in place, we can work our way down the list and replace as needed.

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I like an angry mob as much as the next person but I'm a little confused. If we were to sack both Neeld and Schwab as suggested by many of the pitchfork waving villagers on this forum, how do we pay out their contracts. At a conservative guess both would be on at least 250,000 to 350,000 making the payout at least a million dollars for their remaining contracts. This when combined with the half a million we already owe the AFL for various misdemeanours could put us in a very precarious situation. Don't get me wrong I'm no fan of either.

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