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Time to go Mark Neeld

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I've read them. Less than 1% offer anything more than biased venting from our weekends defeat dressed up as "justified anger" toward our coach. Which I think has become tedious and demeaning to all.

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I've read them. Less than 1% offer anything more than biased venting from our weekends defeat dressed up as "justified anger" toward our coach. Which I think has become tedious and demeaning to all.

Just thought I'd re-post this for your benefit PaulRB. You want some unbiased evidence?

Scoring/Disposals Comparison


Ranked last in disposals

Ave losing margin 50

Percentage 67.49


Ranked last in disposals

Aver losing margin 87.25

Percentage 57.16%

Neeld's "hardest team to play against" 2013

Ranked last in contested possessions

Ranked second last in clearances

Ranked last in team vs opponent contested possessions

Ranked 14th in tackles per game

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I'm of the opinion that we may get closer this week than all would have us believe, our outs are helpful IMO and our ins may be better than we think.

I certainly don't think we will win but I'm not looking at 100 points as some are.

I'm looking for a big game from Spencer and also from Tommy Mc this week.

Edited by RobbieF
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I was doing nothing more than responding to a claim that we're bottom 2 for tackling in the league. Which isn't true.

Close enough though. Our work rate under Neeld has been astonishingly non existent. I just can't see why you'd want to keep a coach who is clearly not getting results and his players are not even delivering on the basic fundamentals of the game. I'm not saying with a new coach we'll shoot up the ladder, but right now we shouldn't be keeping a coach just to maintain stability. Nothing is particularly stable about the way we're going about our footy. We're a train wreck on the field.

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Just thought I'd re-post this for your benefit PaulRB. You want some unbiased evidence?

Scoring/Disposals Comparison


Ranked last in disposals

Ave losing margin 50

Percentage 67.49


Ranked last in disposals

Aver losing margin 87.25

Percentage 57.16%

Neeld's "hardest team to play against" 2013

Ranked last in contested possessions

Ranked second last in clearances

Ranked last in team vs opponent contested possessions

Ranked 14th in tackles per game

Stuie We've had this discussion before, 5 games of a 22 game season does not make a season. If this is the stats at the end of the year then you can claim 2013. Until then you are just trying to blow smoke up my ass.

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Stuie We've had this discussion before, 5 games of a 22 game season does not make a season. If this is the stats at the end of the year then you can claim 2013. Until then you are just trying to blow smoke up my ass.

Well we only play GWS one more time, so how much better do you think those stats are going to get?

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Unlike many I don't see the value in speculating on things I don't know such as the results for the remainder of this season, the relationship between our coach and his players, etc...

And I question those who do speculate, as they are generally doing it to placate their anger or big note themselves at the expense of others.

Hence, my growing repulsion for the bunch of armchair experts on this thread claiming to know more about coaching and developing of our footy team than those appointed, with years of experience and training, to do it.

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That is a real worry mate

Sheedy is a very accomplished coach - i wouldn' let him anywhere near the finances let most other positions in this club

Sheedy's CEO status would revolve around selling the club.Jim Stynes could wear many hats. Sheedy has that potential. Right now our club is hollow with a major void in that department.


While I have never been keen on MArk Neeld as Coach and have stated so PRE Melb V Brisbane round one last year AND was shattered when first LEARNT of his appointment , that all said from the top deck of Prince Palace 28 floors up on a delightful balmy Bangkok night, THE GUY HAS PASSION. Question is do we wait till he learns the trade. He is learning. Alternately do we opt for a Rodney Eade type figure. Has Neeld got it or not?

I am passionate Melbourne and wish to see us in our own right back in the top few teams before leaving this amazingly fantastic life. To quote our Mitch "I am Melbourne"...and that's heart ad soul.

Is David Schwartz a possibility. How many coaches have walked straight in and done it without apprenticeship...that said perhaps his playing days, played with passion, the knee OPS ad general Footy nous and obvious passion would be enough to inspire the list which will feature Hogan, Dawes and Clark in 2014 not to mention Jack Watts.


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Stuie We've had this discussion before, 5 games of a 22 game season does not make a season. If this is the stats at the end of the year then you can claim 2013. Until then you are just trying to blow smoke up my ass.

One of the things that stood out for me last year, particularly in the first half of the year was the lack of disposals our team accumulated, it got better later in the year but this year it's back down to worrying levels.

It's not like we are getting 20 possessions a game less it's more like 100; last year it was something like 160 in each of the first two games. You can't convince me that our side is that bad that we are a 100 possession side worse than most other clubs, I know our list isn't great but that's just ridiculous, remembering that this is Neeld's list his selections and his responsibility.

There is something wrong at the club and I'm not sure what it is but we have either the worst list ever (which is Neeld's responsibility, he said it was his list) or he just can't coach. Either way he has to wear the blame; he can't pick the players, initiate the game plan, get his arse kicked and put the blame elsewhere.

I have never seen a worse year and 5 games in all my years of watching the MFC and believe me I've seen some [censored] sides wear the red and blue. This sort of thing shouldn't happen in the modern game there should only be a bit between the bottom eight and a bit between the top eight but we are just so far away it's laughable. We gave Neeld everything he wanted, his own hand picked team of assistants, (alarm bells should have sounded when he picked some from almost suburban leagues) in his words the best facilities in the AFL and the right to do what he wanted to do with the list. Well here we are and there is only one person who has to accept responsibility for the performance, Mark Neeld.

There are probably issues at the club that need fixing like a new board and president but the on field issues are the FD's problem.

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Rd 18 Mel 78 def by Hawks 132

Rd 19 Mel 47 def by Cats 233

Rd 20 Mel 58 def by Blues 134

Rd 21 Mel 62 def by West Coast 110

Rd 22 Mel 110 def by Tigers 117

After the Cats game we sacked the coach and the great new era was to begin...

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Unlike many I don't see the value in speculating on things I don't know such as the results for the remainder of this season, the relationship between our coach and his players, etc...

And I question those who do speculate, as they are generally doing it to placate their anger or big note themselves at the expense of others.

Hence, my growing repulsion for the bunch of armchair experts on this thread claiming to know more about coaching and developing of our footy team than those appointed, with years of experience and training, to do it.

So far, we're worse than last year.

That's all there is to it.

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This is our job as Demonlanders. The forum would barely exist if not for the armchair brigade?. We're all "armchair" after all?

WhAt ever way we look at it it's been a sucking couple of years for Melbourne. This is clear. The most admired critics all agree its hard to find a positive.

I'm trying !!

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Unlike many I don't see the value in speculating on things I don't know such as the results for the remainder of this season, the relationship between our coach and his players, etc...

And I question those who do speculate, as they are generally doing it to placate their anger or big note themselves at the expense of others.

Hence, my growing repulsion for the bunch of armchair experts on this thread claiming to know more about coaching and developing of our footy team than those appointed, with years of experience and training, to do it.

I serously doubt anyone is taking joy in this Paul. I would gladly take back every single word of doubt I've said about Neeld if we could put in COMPETITIVE efforts on the field. Right now we have the opposite of that in a basically unwatchable team. An expectation for supporters to sit on their hands and wait til the end of the season is completely unrealistic.

Placate anger, in some cases possibly, but this has nothing to do with "big noting". What the hell is achieved from big noting online? No-one wants to see the team performing as poorly as it is, nor the individuals responsible (which they are) failing so dismally.

This is OUR club that is in the shitter, and frankly supporters have every right to question what the hell is going on when these insipid performances not only continue, but actually get worse since last year, all with a basically injury free list (until this week) that is Neeld's construct.

The basic point here is the lack of EFFORT on display. Not a lack of skill (even if that does point to development issues), but effort. I'm personally not going to wait until Round 22 to question the notable absence of EFFORT because that says there is something fundamentally wrong.

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Unlike many I don't see the value in speculating on things I don't know such as the results for the remainder of this season, the relationship between our coach and his players, etc...

And I question those who do speculate, as they are generally doing it to placate their anger or big note themselves at the expense of others.

Hence, my growing repulsion for the bunch of armchair experts on this thread claiming to know more about coaching and developing of our footy team than those appointed, with years of experience and training, to do it.

The three fundamentals of team football Neeld's side fails each of them. When in possession, in dispute or without the ball his side is poor & the stats & losses don't lie. He's moved the football department forward in terms of setup, but on game day his side is a joke. He can't even enforce his players to run goal side of their direct opponent. Some of the failings of his team have nothing to do with ability but mostly to do with discipline or motivation. His side is currently the easiest to coach against. His public stance has gone from being the hardest to coach against to rebuild & no experience. The same shite Bailey peddled. Most of the teams current issues are in regards to the midfield or lack there of. Neeld has failed to address this issue & unless his plan was to bottom out for draft picks, his bags are already packed.
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The three fundamentals of team football Neeld's side fails each of them. When in possession, in dispute or without the ball his side is poor & the stats & losses don't lie. He's moved the football department forward in terms of setup, but on game day his side is a joke. He can't even enforce his players to run goal side of their direct opponent. Some of the failings of his team have nothing to do with ability but mostly to do with discipline or motivation. His side is currently the easiest to coach against. His public stance has gone from being the hardest to coach against to rebuild & no experience. The same shite Bailey peddled. Most of the teams current issues are in regards to the midfield or lack there of. Neeld has failed to address this issue & unless his plan was to bottom out for draft picks, his bags are already packed.

Well said Bonkers! Players seem to running to plan but forgetting the objective, the pill

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The three fundamentals of team football Neeld's side fails each of them. When in possession, in dispute or without the ball his side is poor & the stats & losses don't lie. He's moved the football department forward in terms of setup, but on game day his side is a joke. He can't even enforce his players to run goal side of their direct opponent. Some of the failings of his team have nothing to do with ability but mostly to do with discipline or motivation. His side is currently the easiest to coach against. His public stance has gone from being the hardest to coach against to rebuild & no experience. The same shite Bailey peddled. Most of the teams current issues are in regards to the midfield or lack there of. Neeld has failed to address this issue & unless his plan was to bottom out for draft picks, his bags are already packed.

Admittedly, the slightly cynical side of me says, well, we're going to have at least one top 3 pick to trade come season's end. That'd have to go into somehow wrangling an A grade midfielder from another club. With money in the cap (Davey retiring at year's end for example), we could truly chase an A/cusp of A grade mid OOC or in FA. When you look at it this way, our list isn't too bad. Neeld and our recruiting team have shored up our forwardline for the next 5 to 10 years. It's the players' input on gameday that we're so abhorrently lacking. If a coach can harness that, well, who knows.

Edited by AdamFarr
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if I may comment upon Olds response.

Neither of us are reliquishing our support of the club per se. We both fervently want a proud and successful Melbourne as part of this game we love.

We,,,or rather speaking for myself am just tired of the rubbish. Theres better things to do in life than pul lyour teeth out and nail your hands to posts in some sort of puiblic show of unconditional love of the Demons.

Im now a totally conditionally driven supporter.

Ill go when I can be bothered,and for 2013 thats likely a write off. Maybe the last game watched ( Essendon ) was the final straw.

Time spent away from the game has been rewarding. I have no more sado masochistic in me.

what anyone does is up to them.

I choose happiness and pleasure . If the MFC is ever capable of delivering some modicum of this then I will get interested.

til then im sorry...the MFC currently represents a waste of time and energies.

a sad thing to say....so be it

BB, you have articulated my thoughts.

I've been a member of this club for 58 years and, although having publicly stated 'never again', I know that I'll continue to sign up until we - or I - die. I truly don't know which will be the sooner.

If things continue the way they are, I doubt even our name will save us.

I have suffered from depression since one of my twin daughters died - and following this football club was an escape for me, and a journey of hope. That ceased earlier this year.

I now expect the worst, and find my hope elsewhere.

The president has been shown to be a hollow man. The coach is inept. The players, with few exceptions, appear to not give a stuff.

The club's only hope seems to be a bloke who's signed on for the short haul.

Sad - bathos and pathos rolled into one.

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BB, you have articulated my thoughts.

I've been a member of this club for 58 years and, although having publicly stated 'never again', I know that I'll continue to sign up until we - or I - die. I truly don't know which will be the sooner.

If things continue the way they are, I doubt even our name will save us.

I have suffered from depression since one of my twin daughters died - and following this football club was an escape for me, and a journey of hope. That ceased earlier this year.

I now expect the worst, and find my hope elsewhere.

The president has been shown to be a hollow man. The coach is inept. The players, with few exceptions, appear to not give a stuff.

The club's only hope seems to be a bloke who's signed on for the short haul.

Sad - bathos and pathos rolled into one.

Don't despair ADEE

brilliant post. We are all rock solid behind yu and our beloved Demons.

Can certainly feel the emotion and roar passion in yur Post. Good on you for sharing.

Melbourne WILL turn all this around . Mark Neeld is no doubt under done but he does have the passion aND desire. He may not be the man to pull us out but someone will rise to the occasion. What a headline it would be. IMO the savior will start with an S.

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Admittedly, the slightly cynical side of me says, well, we're going to have at least one top 3 pick to trade come season's end. That'd have to go into somehow wrangling an A grade midfielder from another club. With money in the cap (Davey retiring at year's end for example), we could truly chase an A/cusp of A grade mid OOC or in FA. When you look at it this way, our list isn't too bad. Neeld and our recruiting team have shored up our forwardline for the next 5 to 10 years. It's the players' input on gameday that we're so abhorrently lacking. If a coach can harness that, well, who knows.

I agree. Neeld has so far been successful at targeting a couple of players such as Dawes & Clark. I'm not sure if he missed out on any midfield targets. It's speculative that he targeted Ray, Monfries, Boak & Wellingham. It would be interesting to see what the expectations of the side is in terms of performance this year & what has been relayed to & from the Board.

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Had an interesting conversation with a coterie member last night. According to him Neeld has the backing, support and friendship of the players. However he is quite dictatorial and is steadfast in implementing a gameplan he believes will succeed in the long term. The players are struggling with this at times and seem to get caught flat footed during games as they work out where they should be on the ground, in relation to the ball, their man, their teammates and the opposition as a whole. He says the crap about "lost the players" is simply that, crap. Neeld argued with several of the old brigade including a stoush with Davey. All normal stuff when a new coach arrives.He's content in sitting tight as like me believes our total lack of quality midfielders is the main impediment to our success.

Maybe like him we should back our coach for a little longer

By the way, this guy is a friend of a friend who I met for the first time last night. Seemed a have genuine love of the club and I've no reason to doubt what he said.

Edited by Roost It
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Had an interesting conversation with a coterie member last night. According to him Neeld has the backing, support and friendship of the players. However he is quite dictatorial and is steadfast in implementing a gameplan he believes will succeed in the long term. The players are struggling with this at times and seem to get caught flat footed during games as they work out where they should be on the ground, in relation to the ball, their man, their teammates and the opposition as a whole. He says the crap about "lost the players" is simply that, crap. Neeld argued with several of the old brigade including a stoush with Davey. All normal stuff when a new coach arrives.He's content in sitting tight as like me believes our total lack of quality midfielders is the main impediment to our success.

Maybe like him we should back our coach for a little longer

By the way, this guy is a friend of a friend who I met for the first time last night. Seemed a have genuine love of the club and I've no reason to doubt what he said.

Roost It, this confirms what I have been trying to say for last month or so, but the naysayers don't want to hear it, I have heard it from staff members, players and the assistant coaches

I'm with PaulRB "Less than 1% offer anything more than biased venting from our weekends defeat dressed up as "justified anger" toward our coach. Which I think has become tedious and demeaning to all"

It angers me that some supporter/posters on this board seem to be wishing for Melbourne to get belted and this will lead to Neeld being sacked, which is what they want

And then we have others, where the post is all about them, "i am sad", "I am depressed" etc etc ad nauseum...it's footy, they can't have much a life if it means that much to them....maybe they should look at that first

Edit must proof read something typed qukicyl

Edited by Satyriconhome
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What do people honestly think the line is this week?

Centerbet has it at 10 goals - IMO that's generous to us, in my head it's more like 80 points. But what sort of state is that when we're up against a mid-table club and I think that if we lose by 10 goals it's better than expected?

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